Bad memories always come back

Finishing eating, Yang Feng heads to the classroom, walking calmly and assessing the school, until he finally arrives in the classroom and sits on the chair.

Footsteps start to sound and students return to their seats to attend classes, after the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, an elderly man arrives in the room and starts writing on the board.

"According to the brat's memories, this is the history teacher" Thinks Yang Feng.

- "Today's class is about Ancient China" Says the elderly man, when he begins to explain "

Three dynasties ruled China between the beginning of the second millennium BC and the year 221 BC. They all lived around the Yellow River Basin. The Xia, Shang and Zhou were responsible for the process of occupation of Chinese territory and for the ethnic formation of the country ... "The old man spoke non-stop.

Yang Feng looks at the window thinking when classes are going to end "Why am I forced to stay here?" thinks indignantly.

As the teacher spoke, some bad memories started to come to Yang Feng's mind:


- "DO NOT KILL HER !!!" Yang Feng shouts with an expression of despair and tears on his face.

The smell of fire in the air, the wind increasing the fire and the smell of burning flesh being emitted, Yang Feng is before a body completely shattered and charred.

- "S-if I weren't so weak ..." His weak voice and tears constantly flowing, a lifeless expression on his face.

In front of Yang Feng there were 3 figures, 2 elderly men and 1 apparently his age.

- "Don't blame us for this, blame yourself for your sins!" Says the young man with a smirk on his face.

Yang Feng starts to shake when his voice becomes crazed



Yang Feng is apparently shaken "Why are these memories ..." Looking around he realizes that history class is over "If I had been stronger at that time it wouldn't have happened" Yang Feng starts to reflect and a feeling of anguish takes over his.

The day goes by quickly, teachers come and go and the students' conversations sound non-stop, finally the school signal rings, warning that the classes are over.

-"Finally!" Yang Feng says as he starts to pack up his materials and prepare to leave "School is more tiring than I thought" he thinks as he picks up the materials and leaves the room.

Walking down the corridors he begins to murmur "To think that the man known as the Demon King would have to deal with a bunch of brats ... Damn decay!" Yang Feng mumbles all the way, until he finally reaches the school gate.

Watching these brats entering limousines and several luxury cars, Yang Feng is disgusted "These damned spoiled brats" think, seeing these scenes Yang Feng remembers the Yang family of his past life "Those damned hypocrites!" he grumbles in an anguished voice.

Yang Feng is shaken by constantly reminding himself of his damn past life "Those damned memories have been haunting me for years!" thinks dissatisfied, his walking speed slow and easy.

After the time it takes for an incense to burn, Yang Feng finally comes home.

- "I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't even realize it was already dark" Murmures Yang Feng.

Yang Feng lets out a breath and compose himself before entering his house "I can't let my actions be suspected" Think when you open the door.

- "I arrived" says Yang Feng when he enters, but to his surprise, both his father and mother were at home.

- "Hi son! How was it at school?" Asks a tall, strong man, dressed in a black suit, a tired smile plastered on his face, his name is Yang Dewei, father of Yang Feng.

- "Dad, you came back early today" says Yang Feng with a slight smile on his face "Shit! Now there is twice as much chance that they will notice my personality change! What a lucky dog ​​I have ..." Think Yang Feng, when he starts to be twice as careful when talking to the brat's parents.

- "Your father managed to finish the company paperwork earlier today" Says Jiao Mei-Xiu in a gentle and happy tone, his tired appearance after the workday.

- "I'm already preparing dinner, go wash your hands before eating Feng'er" Says Jiao Mei-Xiu gently to Yang Feng.

- "Ok, I'm going" Says Yang Feng, very uncomfortable with this situation "Wash your hands? I'm old enough to be your ancestral drug!" thinks Yang Feng, frustrated at having to pretend to be the damned brat.

After washing his hands and having dinner with his family, Yang Feng feels relieved "Finally this farce is over" he thinks, very pleased with his own performance.

Meanwhile, his parents were arguing about their son's strange behavior during dinner.

- "Honey, Feng'er was acting strange today, he was giving me a feeling of discomfort, especially when I looked him in the eye, it was like he was empty ..." Says Jiao Mei-Xiu with an apparent worried tone in his voice.

- "He must be maturing, it's just a phase" Says Yang Dewei confidently.

- "I hope ..." Says Jiao Mei-Xiu

Night comes and Yang Feng is lying in bed as he reflects "This is no longer my old life, the mistakes I made will not be repeated ..." He thinks while an expression of regret was on his face.

Finally calming down, Yang Feng starts to sleep.


-Dear are you all right? "Says a beautiful woman, her sweet voice enchanting those who hear her, her beauty as dazzling as an immortal fairy.

Yang Feng is beside her, both embracing and enjoying that moment of affection.

- "It's nothing, no need to worry" says Yang Feng with a smile on his face.

The woman looks him in the eye and knows he is lying, but thinks it is better not to be too insistent.

A few days later...

- "FIRE! RUN!" A burning man screams as he runs.

Yang Feng had gone out on a hunt and had just returned, looking at the scene in front of his eyes he doesn't believe it, his house was completely on fire.

- "I-this can't be happening ..." Says Yang Feng shaken, when he starts walking towards the burning house, Yang Feng can see the figure of a woman in the middle of the flames being held by the neck.

- "DARLIIING!!!" Yang Feng lets out a desperate roar and starts running towards the fire.

Abruptly standing up, tears streaming down his eyes, Yang Feng says "Bad memories always come back ..." His face shows an expression of regret with empty eyes.