The start to the beginning entering

Little while later in the distances, I spot a glittering large building the massive dome the ocean loomed above learning district.

The learning district was under a high ocean set down in a large under water sea shelf.

This held a marine study's and fore sister race.

The noble's from the other tribes that lived underwater water or traveled from other zones.

This was a small City relative to larger ones but it was simpler to a college doom, because they had dormatoriey's that were co-ed.

But it was thier best school their was compared to other it had a wide coriculum from combat class, magic arts study, biological study's, alchemy theory's and study's, combat area where students could ranked and prove this family worth.

It was really hard to get in if you weren't knowbilty you better have backer a supporter and plan if you weren't.

It's area was a good way to practice application of spell or cariculum, or make money through betting on rank match between student's.

The are are a few greater classes like familiar study's, familiar summoming and collecting study's, The machinemecno alchemy study's and many more with smaller classes here and their.

Clubs were great too, so much so they were sought after by very many people an even trade for cash so we're hireable for set of if time or by event .

Many were created and help player ranking. The clubs had their partner from thier dorms mates or player with unique skills or promising renoun that were ranked.