I stood the next to that mahogany smooth table as the student's gazed felt like it was piercing my eye body everywhere, it was different then normal it was like they were waiting on me to explode or something.
Just as I thought it would never end the two attendees and an elderly gentleman in robes comes rushing in, the elder man try to unruffle his robes says out loud.
"What is it with you people it's like this happens every year what is this time".
The elderly man stop looks at the boy as says "what's this about", clearly recognising who he was.
The four tell him to place his hand on the orb again he did as he was told, as he did place his on the orb.
The elder man who was watching this thought this ludicrous, as he knew what ability my parents had so he was unsure why they had him come at all.
That was until he saw what had appear off the orb, he took look through the book and didn't find anything.
However the was an eching on the inner book binding he never really care for but the symbol was their where it bared a library number say where to look for a book.
Under the number it stated "beware for those that received it as well."