You Can Run But Are You Fast Enough

As the rest of the students took their placement exams, time seem to move, more slowly by. At this time the whisper had died down by now and everything seen to be moveing along as expected.

So as hades was heading back to the main entrance to take the path to his dorm, that's when he noticed he was being followed by a large group people hide around campus or at least trying to hide.

Hades desided to take a detour to see if he could give them the slip they were all started chasing him, after a while it was takeing it's toll on him and was not accomplishing anything.

Hades was running around a building and he had an idea to use his light weight ability to float up on the roof out of sight, then he be able to use the height to see a better way out.

Hades sigh to himself and says," Theirs gotta be something I can see or use up here to getting were I need".

Just as Hades was turning around to begin looking he noticed a large glass pane window dom, " appearedly I above the library hey it's that guy from the entrance exams where he going".

Just he was looking in try the window one that had said about his ability was holding the book about to enter a bronze door with a 9 dight locking panel, hades saw this and reside to faze through the roof near the man saw Hade float down he" asking what he needed why was he floating from the roof and looking exhausted.

As Hades landed on the floor the man had time to examine him more thoughly and realized who he was and then the entrance exam came back, thinking in his head "he probably had fans chaseing him was attempting to hide on the roof when he saw me through the pain up their and figured he could get help or he wanted something mabye".