Hades scream falling "oh god oh god thank our ancestors made everything huge...ahhh why is feather fall taking so long how fast is my decent down the wall"
after awhile hades attempting two roll two the wall started prepping his hand, to claw his way down slowing his fall.
Hades manage to well grab the wall it was going fine untill he got down to the to the bottom he saw something come toward him fast, hades have aw-justing his forging glasses then realized it was a metal lamp post.
Hades immediately fearing the loss of his nadds attempted two pivot his body so grab on two the lamp pole, as Hades land on and grab it he swung so hard that he 360 degree threw himself off several feet in two a dumpster.
Hades was awoke some time later as here started to pull himself out of the dumpster he saw Rennook and her friends walking in, Hades realizeing if his going two be late soon headed over two Rennook.
Hades came strideing over dust him self off slide right over and wedge him self right between so hover guys that look like they were bother her, " Hades Rennook said I thought you be in side already show off, I miss you after class so I just.....".
"Rennook my beautiful girlfriend the guys aren't bother you are they I bet you guys can't wait to be rank for an ass kicking either", The guys follow Rennook stutter and fell back in the line of the fold realizing they lost.
Rennook look at Hades casually said under her breath, "nothing's ever wrong when your around my love as long your mine.
Hades turn his head his long black hair swishs to the side as his white eyes glows and look at her as his eye widened as he casually says watch over me as your been my everything beyond time guide me as you always done my love.