The the referee pulling up his lodestone tablet attempts to see what's going on to see that hey magic is still running as if it's doing something confused and thinking to call the match, all of a sudden on the screen Hades begins to move but he disappears as if he's no longer underground which is apparently where he was based on where he is.
All of the sudden thousands of tears all over the field open up surrounding the swordsman, Hades came jumping out of the from one of the holes immediately with what appears to be some kind of giant dirt sword with a quartz crystal gem in it slashes it through the air shout in Latin phalnipa insidero which mean: to set fire to; auto corrected made it impossible to fix the wording I sorry message from auther.
As Hades made a the slash a thin line of fire left the blade an slamed into the swords man cause him to be thrown backwards, the sword seeing he was head of edge twist his body attempting to lob his sword in the ground to catch him self.
The blades sank in grind through the stone until he came back two the edge the edge of his blades red hot, sword through back to flame attack from his swords attempting to work his way back to the center.
Hades swung his sword to his side becoming a staff hades proceed to says thing drawing arcane symbols the air, with his left he stomped lift in two his hand what appears as a stone dagger.
With his right arm finish the incantation the turned the stone in to another dagger, the swordsman expect a close range fight Barred his blade and proceed two get in a low stance again.
Hades proceed to wind mill his arms blades of stone appear in the air he pause while in an x shape and said phlnepia insidero as the blade hovering in the air caught fire, Hades the said act-keto which sent them flying at the swordsman who mange two slash quite a few.
The swordman attempted to blow as man as he could saw them changing direction proceeded to attempted to dodge, swordsman while flip was slam by mutliable stone at once and went flip out the ring.