Chapter Seven

Okay Miss Winters you ready to go home now its been a week and your concussion is gone and everything is fine."said a beaming Carlisle with his mind bouncing a bunch of different thoughts of how to keep me from my house.

'"Okay Carl out with it why you so bouncy brained its so funny.!"I exclaimed giggling in a fit.

"Okay I would like it if you'd like to join us for lunch at our mansion in Harmonic standing, then rest till noon tomorrow then you may leave by escort of my wife and I.'he asked politely

Okay shouldn't I be worried I wanna have Rodney there with me. I mean he is sookies father, and he told me he had a surprise for me that's all. Wait he set this whole thing of staying with you guys didn't he?"I asked suddenly angry

Carlisle just chuckled."My wife Esme and Rose and Alice will desire you're pregnancy most assured."he said chuckling even more

"And me and ness."said Bella from behind him.

Her red hair dyed of course her golden brown eyes looking happy as she waited for me to grab my things.

As I turned around I saw something that made me hiss then I growled and changed as beautiful Bella backed out of the way then growled even more backing away from the doctor Carlisle coming closer.

" Grandpa Carlisle is that's safe?"asked someone else

"I knocked into Carlisle stepping on his hand and looking at a girl who looked like Edward Cullen and brown eyes looking at me. My gaze snapped to someone in a doorway just behind the girl who I new I growled loudly grabbing the girls arm with my teeth and backing away from him,then I nudged the girl to my side then with eyes back on my target I lowered myself a little as she got on as I turned and bolted straight at my attack and brought him down,then bit a big chunk of his shoulder then I stepped on his skull as I purposely ran for the door and pounding open stairway doors then once we got in I set Nessie as the woman called her down. then I changed to my vampire self then grabbed her and put her on my back then took off at super speed. Suddenly we bumped into a small pixie vampire chick with a lad behind her and plowed both down and I ended up on cute lad.

"Hey what's that plowing me down for I only came to help give a chic a ride because Carlisle called."asked pixie vampire

I knocked pixie vampire onto her butt panicked.

"Let off pixie sticks I'm concentrating making sure Theory isn't around!"I snarled looking for hot lad finding him stiff. I shake my head.

"You hot stop, you're name?"I ask

"Jw short for Jasper Whitlock." he said calmly "And I am Alison Cullen Whitlock, but you may call me Alice."she chimed in

I only nod. "Can I ask who this Theory guy is, and whom was that you just annihilated back there."said Nessie

"Theo's thug sent to fetch me."I said curtly

"Ah Alice my daughter are you okay we saw Miss Winters bowling you over like a pin it was quite the site, and you Jasper."said Carlisle standing there.

"Yes were fine I'll take her to the mansion now."replied Alice as Jasper pulled me to a four door limo truck Dodge Ram. "Is it alright if I ride with them mom?"asked Nessie

"Yes Ness its alright I have a few things to do I will be home later."said Bella

We got in and drove away to the mansion they've described.