
It had just been a normal day for Benjamin, he was just about to get ready to go to the fair with his father, mother, and older sister. This would big thing that he would do with his family. For many reasons, mainly because his father had just gotten a promotion at his work. Which meant that his family would have to be moving to a new region with new things and new friends. For Ben that seemed fine to him he had just turned 4 and he went to a daycare but he didn't really have any people that he would call his friends.

But his older sister Angela, she had just started 6th grade and had so many friends. At least that's what she had told everyone. She was not too happy about the promotion that her dad had just received and usually made a big fuss about it every day, they had about 2 months, or till January of next year to the move and his dad had been out of the house and in the other state a lot looking for where the family would move to in the city they would soon be living in. The city "Raleigh" would be way bigger than the smaller city, not exactly rural but not exactly a big city. Which was called Asheville. Ben would be sad, not as sad as his sister but still sad because he had lived in this area for a while. He didn't know the changes that would be happening in such a big city. It wasn't a New York or a Los Angeles by any means but it was still the capital of their state and nearly a million people lived in that area.

But lets just go ahead and move to the next part of our story, what was i saying? Ah yes, this would be a big day for his family, and not in a good way. As it turns out, his father would not be receiving that promotion that he had deserved. This was not his fault, you see, after the event that is about to happen today. No one would ever be promoted ever again. But lets just go ahead and get to the part of the story where, his family would be going to the fair, for the last time.

"Ben did you take my phone again? I need to text my boyfriend, hes going to wonder where im at, i didnt realize wed be going to the fair today" My sister Angela yelled to me from across the hall. Again? I thought to myself. I never had even taken her phone in the first place, like... Ever.

"No i did not take your phone. Stop blaming me for everything that happens to you." I responded to her. Her phone was probably laying under her pillow or something as per usual. But she still felt the reason to blame me for her losing her phone. And sure enough right after that thought had processed into my head. Yep what a surprise.

"Never mind, my bad bro it was under my pillow" She told me from the other room. I was tempted to laugh but i know that would just piss her off more than she already was. It seemed like every week she had a knew boyfriend, i was almost tempted to say "is that your 48th boyfriend?"

But before i could say something stupid like that, that would probably get a punch to my arm, and believe me her punches hurt, I heard the door open from downstairs. I instantly knew he it was. It would not be dad because he usually comes in happy and yelling our names through the doorway, and also this would be too early for him. But it was my mother who usually came in quiet and went to her room to sleep. She was a teacher at a middle school but not the same middle school my sister went to. I thought it was strange because couldn't my mom just take her to her school that she worked at instead of her riding the bus because my dad went to work early. But he always came late. I loved him so much though because no matter how much he would work he would always find time to spend with the family, whether that be on weekends or a night down at a restaurant, maybe a mexican place or a golden corrall. Usually once per week, and usually we would to something together on the weekends. It seems like my mother would come home tired every day and not talk to us even though my father was the one that worked way more. But this time my mother surprised me in both ways, by yelling us to get in the car and also another reason.

"Come on you guys, your father got off early on his last day there and is already at the fair, we wouldn't want to be too late." I instantly got up and ran down the stares to hug my mother. My sister slowly went down the stares. Yelling loudly on her way down.

"First off im not a guy, i am a female. And 2nd off why, cant i go to my boyfriends or something i dont want to go to the fair with this stupid nerd. I know you guys are just gonna make me watch him on those stupid baby rides like last year." My sister yelled back even though she was right beside us. Baby rides? For your information they tend to be fun. But i left that inside my head, not wanting to get punch again. I also wanted to punch her back with all of her feminist stuff she had been getting into lately.

"Okay calm down, and you only have to watch him for a little while, me and your father want to have some time together too. We don't get that as often as you guys think we do." My mother said back to her without yelling. My sister rolled her eyes and then came down the final steps. We all stayed silent as we went into the car. Not even nearly expecting what was about to happen next. That would change my life and everyone elses at the same time. But for now, that's for a later date. Let us go ahead and get into the actual story.