Chapter 16: Wish Me Luck

Sasha had already left, she had done something I had never felt before in my life. My mom had always told me to never do something like that until I was at least 18, but it felt absolutely amazing.

Now I was just left standing there, thinking about the time I just had. I would never tell Angela or Liam about anything that had happened today. Maybe I might tell Christian to get some advice. He was cool, and he had through a lot of right and wrong.

It seemed wrong, but it felt right. It was getting near noon, which meant that I would have to be heading towards the community house. I was actually someone important, not even the people on the gates went to these, besides a few of the important ones... I frankly could not wait. I wondered how Sasha would react seeing me there, she didn't want Angela there at the meeting half of the time.

I looked around, it was nearly noon and I was sort of hungry, I went into the kitchen, realizing that I was supposed to go and get food from the market today. I groaned and then went back into the living room. I thought about holding it off another day, but I would probably be going out tomorrow and we needed something to eat tonight.

I would have to leave right now, even though the meeting was going to start within the next hour... We were semi close to 1 of the 2 markets. I had to do it a lot because Angela was always out for long periods of time so it was not anything new to me. They had security there to make sure that no one tried to take to much but that seemed like the most boring job to have out of all of them. I seriously doubted if anyone tried taking to much that often.

Honestly I would rather be a farmer than have that sort of job.

I closed the fridge and then put on my shoes, I still couldn't forget about what Sasha had done to me a few hours ago. My parents used to be mormons, until they realized that the undead had happened, then they began to question that. But they had always told me to never even try sex or do anything until I was married, I felt a little bad doing it afterwards, but it felt so real and so good.

I then opened the door and began jogging to the market, id have to bring a cart back and not be able to it back to them until next time either me or Angela went to the market, me and  had spent a little bit too much time out there.

I might even be a little bit late to the meeting I hope theyd hold it back a little but I doubt it because I seriously doubt that Shannon gave 2 shits about me. I wish that Angela would have been here for this right now but I knew she was out there doing whatever she was that needed to be done.

Shannon would most likely be happy that Angela was not there.

It had been about 10 minutes of jogging and I finally got there. Id just grab some essentials and something to eat for tonight then get some other things tomorrow morning, Id have to tell Christian after the meeting that I would be a bit late.

I opened the door the market and a man I did not recognize greeted me, I nodded and then nodded to the security guard and then began looking around. I grabbed some eggs and a bit of bread and some peanut butter jelly. And then I grabbed a bit of chicken and then headed to the front.

But someone that I noticed stopped me. He smiled and then looked down at me, even if I was tall which I wasn't, I wasn't short either but the dude was nearly 6'6 and he was strong. It was Jordans dad, I knew that Jordan had apologized the other day, but his dad was actually I really good guy even if he was super strong.

"Heard that Jordan apologized to you yesterday, was it a decent apology or did it seem he was just apologizing because I told him to." Jordans dad said to me. I hadn't realized that Jordans dad had told him to but it seemed like it was a real apology now I was starting to question whether is was or not.

"Yeah it seemed real until you said that you told him to." I said back to him. He shook his head and then smiled a little bit, which I was sort of confused with.

"No he asked if he should do it or just let it be, and I told him too." He responded to me. I nodded and then we shook hands before he then headed out of the market. I began looking around for some chicken and spices and a bit of bread.

I got what I needed and then headed to the front. The lady that was at the front said hi to me but then looked a bit confused. I almost thought she was about to bring the security guy over here. Did she think I was stealing something?

"Is that all that you are going to take?" She said to me. I looked down and thought to myself thankfully, I had heard stories of people taking stuff that they shouldn't have and getting in trouble. One dude got in so much trouble one of the security guys shot at him but luckily did not kill him.

I always thought that it might happen to me some day even though there was a good reason why the guy got shot in the first place.

I didn't know the exact reasoning why he got shot at but it wasn't the security guards fault more than likely, I doubt that they were just waiting the shoot someone while working that job.

"I have to head to the meeting in less than an hour ill head back over tomorrow, Im just low on time." I said to the lady. She nodded and then took the paper that I was supposed to sign and put it away.

"Oh what's the meeting about?" She asked me. I closed my eyes not really knowing what to say, I didn't want to tell her and then have the whole community get scared and stop doing their normal daily jobs.

"Im not too sure but Im sure that Shannon will go send out her messengers about it if it is really something important that she would want to tell everyone." The 1st part was a lie but I didn't feel bad about it because I didn't want to scare the community. If Shannon really wanted people to know she had to do it herself it was not my job to tell everyone.

She nodded to me and then I looked at her a bit confused, normally the people that worked there would ask me to sign it so that I wouldn't be able to come get more for at least another week, they were also there to make sure I didn't take too much food, or too much of a certain food.

"If you're coming back tomorrow than you don't have to sign that, Im not going to be here tomorrow and if they see your name signed then you wont be able to get more." She told me. It made sense I felt a bit stupid for not realized it in the first place.

I nodded to her and then realized i didn't need a cart for all I had, besides it would only slow me down, I had been there for less than 10 minutes I could just jog back home and then jog to the meeting and still get there on time.

I nodded to the Security and then began to head back home. I looked around because of the other night when that one lady got on me and nearly killed me. I couldn't clear that from my head just thinking about how I almost got torn apart.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then continued heading back to my place. Once I was there I opened the door and then headed to the kitchen and dropped off my groceries on the counter. Then I put the chicken into the fridge for later tonight. I was thinking that I would be hungry when I got back which was why I brought the bread but I really was not.

"Hey Ben you ready to head to the meeting?" I heard Christian say from behind me. I jumped back and dropped my chicken on the ground. I wasn't expecting him much less anyone to head in my doorway. I was expecting him to already be at the meeting to be honest.

"Geesh you scared me! You should have knocked on the door at least." I said back to him. He began laughing and then helped me put the rest of the stuff where it should be.

"Well I was waiting on your front porch and obviously somehow you didn't see me. And you left your door open I cant really knock on it." He said to me, I shook my head to myself wondering how I didn't see him but there wasn't much on my mind and I wasn't really thinking when I went back.

"I guess, you here to take me there? I know the way there... I used to live there." I said to him. He snorted and then nodded to me to follow him out.

"Nah kid just needed help wondering what to say to Shannon, she can be a bit difficult. Wish me luck..."