Chapter 25: Its all bad...

They hadn't seen us yet, but I knew why Christian was still waiting to shoot, there was 3 others and 2 of them were gone. But only 2 had come out so far. Then they looked right at us, and then they ran behind the gas pumps knowing that Christian was going to shoot them.

Normally the gas pumps would explode if anyone would have shot at them, but the gas in there was so old... If there was any gas left in them. My mother had told me, when it all went down that the gas prices had gone way up but people still bought them.

People were trying to buy flights in the Bahamas and Hawai'i... But the airports had shut down in just a couple of hours. No one knows who was the first person to start all of this, or how it even started in the first place.

There had been a science teacher in our community, but he didn't know much about actual science such as that, he told us he was just a middle school science teacher.

He was near the school district that Angela was in when she was going to school, Angela was a cheerleader and he was a football coach, they had played each other in a game but they had never met each other.

In the end though, the science teacher did his best reading through books and all of that other stuff, he did his best research but he never found anything about what had even started all of it. He said he had gotten a bit close to what it possibly could be but then he died in the same storm that killed my mother and my stepfather.

But I had to get back to the present situation that we were in. I looked at Christian, he was holding the rifle very closely just aiming down his sights. I could not see either of the guys, but if they had ran off we would have seen them.

"Look! We don't want any harm! Lets just go our seperate ways and then nothing bad will happen, I don't think you want this fight..." One of the guys said from far away. He didn't sound like the leader of the group, I think I might have killed the leader of them.

Christian looked at me for a second and then looked back over at the general direction that the guys were sitting in. I had my pistol out, if I had to shoot I would, but my accuracy wouldn't be great at this range without having a sight on.

Besides if I did happen to hit one of them the bullet would have slowed down a lot at that point it wouldn't do that much damage to them. But I still could be able to scare them from trying to run away.

"Give us Tony! We will go! But we will find you again... You guys are attacking our community!" Christian yelled back at them. I then realized what was going on, why they had taken so long, they were still watching us.

But from where? I could see how they could use binoculars but so did the people that worked on the walls... There must be some sort of inside job that was going on... But from where? Did they have people in our community? No one had joined in a few weeks and the last one was just a lady...

"Look man its no hard feelings! I just do what boss says!" The other dude yelled back at us. Christian looked even closer at them like he was about to shoot at them. There wasn't much of a way to do that though, they were behind those pumps at who knows where...

"Well tell your boss that we are coming for him!" Christian yelled back. I suddenly remembered what Christian was talking about when he said the name Tony, slowly in my head everything was coming back into picture.

Tony was Angela's boyfriend that had gone missing along with the attack on the other community... It all made since now... What were the odds that it was Tony though? And why was Tony helping these guys in the first place? Did he not know the way back to the community?

I thought of him as at least a semi good guy, if he was with this group of guys scouting out our community he had to know that Angela was still alive... Did he not care about her at all anymore? He was willing to attack her and our family? Had he just completely changed?

I heard a click from right behind the both of us... I didn't want to turn around for fear that the person that was behind me would take that as a threat and shoot at me.

It made since now though... The other guy was Tony, that's why I had recognized the voice I just couldn't catch from where exactly... Why had he changed? I didn't think of him as a bad person, I always thought that Tyler was a better guy... What had this group that had taken him in done to him?

"What the hell?! Tony you said you were going to help me get out! You said you didn't know that it was them." Christian said to the guy behind us who was now obviously Tony. Tony grunted and then made a bit of shushing noise. I had know idea what was going on or if I was about to die or not.

"I am just be quiet both of you... I didn't know what was going on... They made me this way until I obeyed what they told me to do... Terrible things... I'll get into it after I save your asses..." He said to Christian quietly. I turned around finally knowing that he was not going to attack me.

I saw the same scar that I had seen before on the other guys... What kind of terrible things had this group done to him? I shivered just thinking about it, I heard terrible stories from people that had been brought in to our community. I could only imagine what the scar was from... Maybe it was something to show that they were from their group...

"Come out now boys! I caught them!" He yelled back over to the 2 guys that were behind the gas pumps still. They came out and smiled at us happily. Tony took Christians gun, and I was starting to wonder if Tony was for us after he took Christians gun.

They smiled at the both of us... And one of them pulled out his pistol to shoot but Tony held them back. Shaking his head at the both of them.

"Our scout leader is dead... So I will be in charge... We have to get back... Its going to take a while but I think we should bring them back with us... They might be useful." Tony said to both of them. They looked at him a little bit confused but then just grunted. I would have thought that they might have fought him for leadership but neither of them seemed to complain.

"Well if you don't want to I suppose so... Why would we go back already? We haven't even talked to them yet..." The smaller guy said to Tony. I was waiting for Tony to do something, but he was just sitting there perfectly fine with the situation that we were in.

For a second I thought that he was just going to take us back and we would become like what he was now... My body shook a little bit just thinking about it and one of the guys looked at me and then smiled.

"So this is the little pussy that killed Taylor... Look at him, he's shivering and it isn't even cold." One of them said, all 3 of them laughed including Tony. I then was starting to think that he was really about to take us in. I didn't want that scar on my eye, I didn't want to become like Tony was.

"Alright, we will take them back... I don't think London will be too happy when he finds out about this though..." The other guy said to Tony. Tony smiled, and my mind began almost convulsing... I could only imagine what was about to happen to me.

Christian looked right at me and then nodded, Tony had not taken my pistol, and Tony was looking right at me, the guys looked at each other a bit confused but then they just shrugged it off.

"Alright little kitty here is going to have to take Taylors bag and mine..." Said to the bigger guy. We then picked up the bags and continued walking a bit further to the left of the mountains.

"Shit... There's a herd over there." Tony said. He then looked right at me and nodded, I instantly knew what we both had to do. They were both spread a bit further apart so I couldn't shoot both of them.

They looked in the other direction a bit confused, I pulled out my pistol and clicked on it ready to shoot. They were a few meters away so I knew they could not hear it.

"Where the hell-" said the smaller guy before Tony shot him. The big guys spun around and pulled out his own pistol but he was too late as I shot him. I had completely forgetten I had that on me... Maybe Tony wasn't as bad as I thought he was.

Christian looked at the both of us and then smiled at us.

"Look at that, stepbrothers fighting together... Let's get this shit and get out of here. We don't know if that heard is still around here anywhere or not... Anything would have heard that shit from miles out." Christian said to the both of us. We both nodded and I began searching through the bags with them. We would only take what was really important and a little bit of food.

We didn't want to be slowed down by anything like carry 2 bags the both of us.

"Shit... That herd is coming we need to get the hell out of here." Tony said to the both of us. I looked in the direction that I had come from the other night. It was probably the same heard that had followed me I thought I had pulled it away.

We both got up after I got a shotgun and a bunch of ammo and food. We then began running, at some point we would have to pull them away. I was so tired too, I could tell they both were as well. We couldn't sleep tonight with that heard right behind us. They weren't that slow for us to sleep a couple of hours.

"Alright lets head left, if your community is over there we should pull them over, wont do much but it will still waste at least a bit of ammo." He said to the both of us. Tony shook his head and Christian looked at him a bit confused.

"It won't matter, I agree we should pull it in that direction... But they have all the ammo in the world... Your community doesn't the would destroy you guys worse than the other group." Tony said to him. Christian said a curse word under his breath that I did not quiet catch.

Normally he wasn't a big fan of cursing, he said it a few times here and there when we were in a shitty situation. It came as a sort of surprise because it sounded like he said the f bomb.

That's what the school ladies in the community had told me not to say. I said it anyways with Jordan's group and we all laughed at it. It was funny how immature that we were.

I shook my head back to the present, we were beginning to jog that way we could move faster than them. In the end Tony wasn't wrong about the heard but they were further behind us when he had told those guys.

Once we were a good distance apart we headed towards a road way that moved further to the left. We would have to wait for them because the dead really were not big fans of the woods.

I remember there was this one lady that Angela had found in the woods living there and she had made it besides a few rough times because she had an endless supply of water, and she had learned how to hunt from her father when she was younger.

Now that I thought about it i realized that woman had been Shannon, maybe that's why she had asked me a few times about what it was like the first couple of days out there. Maybe she wasn't actually used to it because she lived in a cabin in the woods.

It still saddened me a bit that she was ignoring me, I asked Christian about it and he told me that some women were one and dones... But she had seemed so real I didn't understand why she had ignored me the one time that I had been there since then, I tried talking to her but she just said a few short blunt words to me. It almost seemed like nothing had happened and it was all fake.

Christian told me that some women were like that, I asked him why? He just said some woman were really good at being fake and they enjoyed it because they were only there for one thing.

I didn't really understand why she would do something like that... Was she really looking for just one person that badly? Maybe it was because I was someone important, Jordan told me a lot of girls all the sudden were coming after him because he was important.

He wasn't the best looking either so I guess it made a bit of since. I asked Jordan what happened with him and the girl that I considered my best friend.

He told me she got a job on the walls and they weren't around each other anymore so they kind of just both agreed that maybe the shouldn't be around each other anymore. Last Jordan had heard of her she was already with another guy.

It made sense, she told him that they shouldn't be together because they couldn't spend much time together, but the real reason was just to make it to where she didn't look bad about being attracted to another guy. I would rather have just had the lady just tell me that in the first place.

I shook my head as we were waiting for the heard to get closer to us, Christian and Tony had been talking for a little bit but I wasn't trying to hear their conversation because they had moved a bit further back clearly not wanting for me the hear what exactly they were saying to each other.

The herd turned through the corner and I took a shot at one of them just to pull them towards us. Crazily it had somehow hit one of them in the head even though I had not aimed at all.

"Good shot kid!" Christian said to me clearly sarcastically as we then began heading down the road again. We kept going at about the same speed as them just to make sure they were all following us and each other.

Christian then fired a shot of his rifle which was a lot louder. My ears rang for a couple of moments being so close to it.

We then began jogging now that we knew they were all following us. I turned around after a bit to see that they were still following us but they were a bit further behind all the twist and turns that were on that specific road.

"Ahead of us to the right there's a road turn off that we can head through the woods..." Tony said to us. We and Christian both nodded as we continued jogging. My body was feeling super tired and the sun was beginning to rise in the horizon.

I had hardly gotten any sleep last night and I just wanted to fall over and take a quick nap. But then I saw the little pathway off the road that we could head onto.

Tony knew that I was being trained, I was surprised that he wasn't surprised to see me in this sort of role.

I turned around and barely saw them through the woods in the distance as we then began heading through the pathway. I doubt that they would see us turning if we were doing that.

"Alright after about halfway up there are some roads that lead directly to those mountains." Tony said. We continued heading through the thick woods, i could see a bit of a gravel pathway as I noticed when we went past a house.

This was a roadway or what used to be one that had 2 houses in it. I hadn't seen a sign for it when we turned into it but maybe a storm or someone else had taken that over. Normally no matter what there was a sign for another road that was about to pass by us.

Once Christian said there was one that we he didn't know was there but that didn't count as a scavenger or wonderer he said when we were in the house and we found nothing.

"Lets stop here, I don't know about you guys but Im tired as hell..." Christian said to us. Tony nodded and and I just looked down feeling so exhausted as we began heading towards the bigger house that was on the right side.

Once we were there Christian knocked on the door and then Tony pulled him back a little bit confused at what he was doing. I wanted to laugh but I was too tired for that to even come out.

"What are you doing? They'll here that if there is any in there..." Tony said to him. Christian grunted and then looked at me and nodded at me, Tony looked at me a bit confused as if he didn't understand what Christian was trying to tell him.

"This little man Ben... Found out it's a good idea to knock before you go in... That way you will know if there are any in there... That's the whole point, that way to don't get snuck up on." Christian told him. He looked a bit confused for a second but then he just nodded.

"Sounds like a good plan, good job on that Ben..." Tony said to me. It took a few seconds for me to comprehend the compliment that they had just both given me.

"Oh... Thanks..." I said to him. I thanked Christian in my head for not telling him the actual reason that I did that... I didn't want to make it anymore stupid than it actually already was.

Once we waited a few moments realizing that there was nothing in there we then headed in. I was so tired I had no idea what was going on in the first place. I just followed Christian and he grunted as I walked into him.

"Geesh kid, you really need some z's huh?" He said to me. I could tell he was also tired even though he pretended he was not. He probably got less sleep than I did, even though he was used to not getting all that much sleep.

Once we were in one of the rooms there was 2 beds on either side. I sat down on one instantly as Tony sat down on the other. Christian grunted and then began heading out of the room we were currently in.

Tony said something to me that I barely heard before I fell asleep. "I'll tell you what Ben... This world... Its all bad."