WebNovelIn the end100.00%


I was standing by the wall, sunlight shining through the window, as I looked over the photos on the wall. Lyon and Ultear were visiting quite often now, a tear rolled down my cheek as I continued to look over the pictures, their smiles warming my heart. I noticed Lucy was in quite a few of them by now, which made me happy. I was so glad for her presence. Watching her work around the house was a joy, she was sweet and her heart was pure. The pictures from dates with Lucy were posted all around between the pictures from the past. One picture in particular took my interest. It was taken just recently. It was autumn, leaves were colored in bright red and yellow with a mix of green and brown, there was a blanket at the ground with a picnic basket in the middle and Lucy was sitting on it laughing, as Ultear dropped a pile of leaves on Gray, that was sitting next to Lucy, a few leaves sticking out of his hair and Gray sanding up to chase after Ultear while Lyon took a selfie picture with that in the background. The picture of the same scene years ago was on the photo that was right next to her with me in Lucy's place. I heard footsteps and turned around to see a sleepy Gray walking down the stairs into the living room and rubbing his eyes as he looked my way and stopped in his tracks. His eyes filled with tears, as if he saw me and I wished he did. I watched over them all this time, sharing their pain of loss and another tear rolled down my cheek. It always seemed like Gray could see me, but I was never sure. Even if he can't see me...

"Gray," I said, my voice shaky. I saw Lucy come down the stairs and hugging him from behind wishing him good morning as he just stared at me dumb folded. I smiled their way knowing it was my time to leave them. As my presence slowly faded, I let my voice ring through the air.

"I'll always love you." And with that, I vanished leaving them in that warm living room in a tight embrace.










