The Storm (6)

Walking forward and revealing himself fully to all, the so called 'noble brother' appeared. His hair was the same brown color as Zaire but was thick as a lions mane and as flowing forth as one as well. He had a wild look contained in his eyes with slightly dilated pupils, but his entire exterior was that of utter calmness and elegant poise.

He slowly reached a gloved hand into his luxurious fur coat and pulled out a pistol with an overly large sized barrel. It was silver with gold engravings on it and from the end of the barrel hung a silver cross that was held by small beads which were welded onto the barrel of the gun itself.

The man looked at the gun with a sigh and said, "A gift from the corpse of an annoying group of people, but they do have some interesting toys."

He aimed in the distance, choosing where he was shooting seemingly at random, and fired the pistol thrice. With each activation there was a flash of bright white light that drew a straight line from the barrel to wherever the target was, followed by a loud crash that caused the eardrums of everyone present to ring slightly.

Placing the pistol back into his coat, the man stepped back while saying, "There, the snipers have been dealt with. You are free to act."

The two mafia bosses respectfully bowed towards the man and pulled out their own weapons, a long curved knife and a pistol.

These two men were surely forces to reckon with as every single person still alive and fully conscious saw the pure strength they had when they wrecked two cars just by venting their anger on it.

In the back Neto put down his communicator and spat with anger, "The snipers are not responding, their spotters are also not saying looks like we have to resort to that after all. But without approval from the department..." began Neto but was cut off by the ringing sound of his phone. He quickly put it up to his ear, his grim face easing up slightly the longer the call went on. Hanging up the corner of his mouth was almost smirking and with newfound confidence he drew a machete from the side of his leg and pulled out his pistol.

Looking at the two approaching enemies carefully he chose a specific part of his bandolier and pulled out two magazines in specific, loading his gun with one and keeping the other as a replacement.

"Cover me" ordered Neto to the few remaining officers and the team of SWAT as he walked forward with his weapons in hand. At his side was Loera who also held his own machete in hand, except in his other was not a gun but instead just an even larger machete.

Watching the approaching men the two mob bosses raised their eyebrows in a confused manner, wondering why two peasants decided to come out from behind their pathetic and flimsy defenses.

Their question was soon answered when Neto took aim and shot as he closed the distance. They did not even bother to try to dodge, but were mildly surprised when they felt the force of the bullet that hit them. Like getting smacked in the chest by a steel bar, the two who were getting a full clip unloaded into them coughed up blood as their insides were knocked around.

Reloading his weapon Neto clicked his tongue, "Cht, what are they feeding mafioso these days? My gun would leave an ordinary man with a hole in his chest the size of a baby's fist but these guys just act like they have been slugged."

Loera, who was next to him, simply mirrored his superior's action and shrugged his shoulders.

"Capo, I do not think they are you know...exactly normal folk."

Neto slapped Loera on the back of the head in response while saying, "Idiota, I have eyes. Why do you think I used the explosive round on him, but look at what good that did."

The two mafia bosses looked at the two man comedy skit playing out in annoyance, veins popping out on their face as they struggled to control themselves.

"Peasants should be qui-" began one of the bosses, who was promptly cut off by Neto who looked at him dead in the eye and shouted,

"Oi, mafioso what are they feedin' ya? Bullets tend to go through or at least into their targets, no?"

The boss who was interrupted was so angry that he began laughing while gripping his knife so hard that cracking sounds began to sound.

The 'noble brother' in the back scoffed aloud and spoke with a tone full of derision, "Morons, can you not tell that the two inferior beings are stalling for time?"

The two bosses heard this and understood that they were foolishly wasting time and so they broke into a sprint and dashed towards the two, fully intended to rip them to shreds with their close combat weapons to alleviate their humiliation.

"Ah, they found out. What a shame," said Neto as his phone rang, "but, you are too late."

From behind the mostly destroyed line of police cars came the sound of things breaking and being run over, ended by an extremely loud BOOM followed by a small explosion of dust and debris.

In the corner of the construction site an illegally modified van was present, having used its thick metal hull as a battering ram to break through the back of the site to reach

Climbing through the windows of the van were several rough looking men with tanned skin and hair cuts that were similar to Neto's, long flowing black hair that was tied up in a bun or a pony tail of varying lengths.

As they climbed out they unsheathed machetes, pulled out grenades, or like one of them did have a full blown flame thrower on hand.

Quickly identifying the enemy they ran forward brandishing their weapons whilst yelling a war cry, "PARA EL CAPO!"

Using their guns as suppressive fire to get in close they brandished their machetes and quickly surrounded the two mafia bosses.

Where bullets failed their sharpened knives worked, not by slicing of limbs or taking away large chunks of flesh but instead they silently all agreed upon killing the two beasts via death by a thousand cuts.

"Ah mi nino's have come at last! Come, let us slay the beasts!" yelled Neto as he joined in on the fight alongside Loera.

The strength and speed of the two bosses were extremely impressive as they were still able to fight to a standstill despite the apparent odds. Where Neto's men were able to strike once the two bosses were able to strike four times over, just enough to hold off against the 10 men that were fighting them.

The group danced around for awhile, covering one another wherever a flaw appeared or suddenly all retreating at once as a grenade was dropped or the flamethrower was activated.

Slowly the damage to the two bosses added up, their clothes turning to ash and their skin scalding red. A deep red blood spilled all over the ground, making the bosses look not like humans but instead seem more like two blood fountains with a seemingly inexhaustible source of viscous red liquid.

During the exchange of blows one of the bosses suddenly accelerated his speed beyond the limits he had shown up until that point, causing one of Neto's boys to find his throat in danger of being pierced clean through.

Pushing the poor sod out of the way was Neto, who received the enemy's blade with his own and exchanged several back and forth blows with him as their chosen weapons clashed against one another in an attempt to gain the upper hand.

Impressive the feat was, that Neto was able to handle the lightning fast combat for so long but he was eventually disarmed and along with his knife came a large amount of flesh from his arm. Seeing the chance to kill the annoying fly that had been buzzing around him for so long, the boss ignored the several machetes that were slowly slicing into him as well as the point blank gun shots. Instead he chose to shoot his knife wielding hand forward, straight for the throat of Neto.

"Retreat," ordered the 'noble brother' from the back, causing the two mob bosses to halt in their tracks.

Confusion was written all over their faces but it was clear that they were not the ones who called the shots. Tensing their leg muscles so hard that their veins popped out in a grotesque manner, some even starting to bleed, they launched themselves backwards and out of the encirclement even knocking down a few of Neto's boys down in the process.

The leader, Zaira's mysterious brother, looked towards the back of the construction site at a particular lonely looking mass of cinder block. His sister was there but he was not looking there, instead he was closely inspecting Bazel who currently had a completely and utterly neutral expression despite everything that was going on.

The brother of Zaira had a confused look on his face as well as obvious interest, but looked away after a single breath and turned around towards the limousine that he had arrived in.

Opening the door and stepping inside, he raised his voice slightly to leave some parting words, "It seems that the lowest class has improved slightly since I have last been out and about down here, a pleasant surprise but that is all it is. Surprises lose their effect once they are figured out."

With such words still floating in the air he closed the door to the limousine and waited for a moment for the rest of his remaining men to get in. Then the limousine slowly backed out, and then sped off into the distance.