Adding all the information that he had just gained into his writings, a knock was heard at the door and a broad shouldered caucasian man entered the room.
"All the prospective DASF members have been assembled," began Schwarz who entered the room, "they are all just waiting for the famed Special Adviser Vasa to come and see what they are worth."
Closing the work he was just about finished with and handing it off to Neto to review and apply the finishing touches, Bazel followed Schwarz who had been hard at work assembling a crew of men who would be willing to join him on his path of blood and fire.
"All of the people who were selected volunteered on their own, even after being told that they would be fighting things far stronger and deadly than they on a day to day basis. These men are all resolved to die, although they may all have different reasons for choosing this path.
"Some have loved ones that cannot flee the city, some are doing it out a sense of duty, while others are doing it out of gratitude for you. Still, these are all good men at the end of the day," said Schwarz who stopped leading Bazel for a moment and looked deep within his eyes, "so I hope you can treat them like so and not just tools of vengeance."
Bazel was taken slightly off guard, but he had long seen the writing on the wall so he knew what to say,
"Of course, I will give them the best fighting chance that I can. For their sakes and for my own, as the stronger they are the better it is for me. So long as they are willing, I will give them the most rigorous and thorough training possible."
Schwarz nodded approvingly and turned back around while saying, "Good, though I can guess as to how you are feeling right now. If I just imagine that it was my own little girl kidnapped, well, let me just say that I have and will continue to do anything in my power to help you.
"It is why I became an officer in the first place, to make the world a safer place with my own hand and bring scum like those Sanguis fellows down.
"All the men I have assembled feel the same way, that the world would be better off without them," said Schwarz, his tone turning slightly darker, "even if we have to throw out the rules, we will be rid of them. Its us, or them."
There was no further words shared between the two, but Bazel was definitely surprised by how affected the Captain was by his own situation.
'He must really love his daughters...but it is heartening to see that my reaction is not over the top. Even a normal man like Captain Schwarz is so affected by my situation even when he does not know Lily personally.'
Exiting the main building and entering a side one, the two walked into a large gymnasium that was usually set aside for recreational purposes.
Today, however, it would not be used for fun but instead to test the mettle of the men who had signed away their lives and placed them in Bazel's hands.
Looking over the sixteen men who had volunteered, Bazel was pleased to see that at least outwardly they fit the part. Not a single one failed to meet his gaze and they were all fit and able.
Bazel even recognized some of them, as either Neto's crew or officers who took part in the first assault on Sanguis.
The most surprising of people who joined was Sergeant Loera who Bazel barely remembered to be one of Neto's close companions. The scene of him going toe to toe in melee combat with the McGrath branch member was still fresh in his mind, a combat potential that Bazel was more than pleased to have under him.
'The numbers between outsiders and insiders are about half and half, I wonder if this was intentional?' pondered Bazel as he paced back and forth in front of the men.
"You have been chosen to be the first members of DASF, a new branch created in order to fight supernatural forces that have decided to pay our city a visit.
"You have been selected for your strength of mind and body, but you are not up against the usual criminals or even the more deadly organized crime.
"Instead our foes this time are several houses of unfathomable power that seem to have their influence spread throughout the entire country. Houses that view men like you as commoners, who they regard as cattle to be done with whatever they so choose.
"There are four great powers we will be contending with, all of which have powerful abilities like this."
Bazel ended his words and from behind him a single thin shadow appeared and shot behind him to where Lucky was shadowing him from, as he had been ever since Bazel accepted him as a bodyguard.
Without even needing to look he knew that he had missed him, if he was so easy to catch then his name would not be what it was.
The men watched in awe, besides Loera who had no visible change, as a shadow suddenly gained a third dimension and was used as a weapon against someone randomly.
Of course, Neto's men knew who Lucky was and and had no doubt in his ability to escape the attack, but the normal officers were impressed by the feat.
"You will be broken up into four groups of four each, and I will see how well you can do against attacks like that.
"For reference, I can make multiple shadows that's speed and power is dependent on the number of them I have out. The less the stronger, the more the weaker. I will give you...ten minutes to discuss strategy with your new teammates."
Breaking the men up into groups as he said, Bazel waited while they came up with as many on the cuff strategies as possible.
There was some initial difficulty in two of the groups, as he had purposely made to sure to assign two of Neto's men with two of the normal officers, but in the the other two groups no such problem occured due to the presence of well respected leaders.
The first was obviously Loera, who had the dual identity of an ex gang member and respectable member of the police department.
The other was one that Bazel did not recognize, a man with a smooth and gentle bearing and dirty blonde hair. Bazel figured that he had never seen the man before, for he would surely remember someone with such unique looking hair. Especially when it would remind him of another blond haired person who was rather close to him, putting it lightly.
After the time had passed he chose one of the groups at random, one of the leaderless ones.
With all the other groups watching from the sidelines, Bazel stood with one hand in his pocket in front of the four men armed with their weapons of choice. Neto's men, of course, had sharp looking machetes while the officers were armed with combat knives and pistols full of rubber bullets.
Not that Bazel was too worried about the weapons, but he did not want to accidentally hurt someone else during the fight due to a bullet ricocheting off something.
"Come" said Bazel, putting his out hand facing towards the heavens and curling his fingers upwards and towards him in a provocative move.
The men did as they were told, immediately showing off the strategy they had come up with.
The two gun wielding officers broke from the group, each sprinting in an arc in opposite directions to wrap around Bazel, while the machete wielding gangsters charged forward without a care in the world.
The officers shot covering fire so that their allies could advance, forcing Bazel to split his attention to deal with the oncoming projectiles. Their goal was clear, to buy as much time as they could so that the machete wielding men could get into close range and show off their deadly effectiveness.
'Naive' thought Bazel, creating a portal to his right and allowing the bullets to shoot right into it and come out the other side which was just a foot away from it.
Using his enhanced reflexes he dodged the bullets from the left, but the ones that entered his portal ended up having their courses adjust just enough so that they hit the officer on his left.
"Out." Called out Bazel, as though the two bullets that hit the officer were not enough to take him out of commission, if they were real bullets those two would have at least incapacitated him for sure.
As he called out the 'death' of the one officer, he split his shadows into four.
One went straight to the defenseless officer in the distance and tied up him nice and neat, causing him to fall to the ground completely immobile.
Then Bazel simply toyed with the remaining two people until they showed an opening for hm to do the exact same.
"Good attempt, but by splitting up like that all you did was make it easier for me. Next."
Thus the next group replaced the first, this one being led by the leader like officer whom Bazel had never seen before.