The First Purge

Leaning against the DASF APC that had arrived, watching his men file out and Captain Schwarz check Isolda all over for any injuries, Bazel waited for everyone to finish getting their gear ready so that he could lead his men on a bloody path.

Coming up next to him was Lucky, who was fully outfitted in the dark tactical gear of DASF, who took the spot next to him.

"Quite the interest you showed in the lass, do ya fancy the damsel in distress types?" asked Lucky half serious and half joking.

Giving the man next to him a strange look, Bazel replied,

"No I am not attracted to her, it's just that I felt annoyed by the outlook of life she had. That and my sister did tell me to find some friends not too long ago, one that was a bit more...normal.

"Not only that but by helping her I am also helping Captain Schwarz, it will only do me good to have another ally in the department should something go awry."

Even though he said such words, Bazel knew that it was a fairly weak argument. When in truth even he was surprised by his actions, thinking that maybe he was just looking to fill the gaping hole that Lily's absence left.

Seeing that all of the men had finished getting ready, Bazel and Lucky walked over to them and said,

"All right men, this will be our first operation. Just a few streets down is a confirmed Sanguis hideout, which to the public is a large blood storage facility for transfusions and other medical uses.

"Tomorrow we will be hitting several targets back to back to back, but since I was in the area I decided that we can shed our green status here. Not to mention that I will be personally here to cover any mistakes that you might make this time around. Now, let us be off and eliminate some undesirables."

All sixteen men saluted, even Loera, and they broke into their four man squads while following after Bazel who had gone on ahead.

Deciding to travel by foot, in order to see if they could draw in some more enemies, the group slowly advanced with all their heavy gear equipped all the way until they reached their destination...


The doors were wide open, a clear sign that enemy had either fled or knew what was coming and decided to open a clear challenge to the men of DASF.

While somewhat apprehensive and worried that they had lost the element of surprise, with Bazel's urging and very presence the more squeamish of the men steeled themselves and soldiered on.

Walking through the two large double doors, the men slowly approached with each of them separated into their four men cells.

Checking every corner and almost flinching at every shadow, the pure white halls they were traversing looked ominous and uninviting to say the least.


The sound of something metallic being slammed onto the floor echoed through the hall, causing most of the men to flinch and reflexively turn towards the sound with drawn deagles.

Yet what they saw was Bazel standing behind a metal box he had dropped, looking not amused in the slightest.

"Too shaky, too nervous, you are all a taut string that could snap at any moment. Relax and just go through the motions. I will be nearby in the shadows, do your best and remember what you have learned."

The shadows surrounding Bazel appeared to swallow him whole, his entire figure disappearing before their very eyes.

Having long been used to their leaders unfathomable abilities, the group shook the nerves out of them and advanced onward.

The front was led by Loera's squad and the rear was taken by passionate Louis', with the other two taking the left and right flank.

Slowly they advanced, clearing every single room as they passed, wondering whether or not the enemy had decided to flee after all.

The four squads moved along, exiting the large entryway and entering the main portion of the three story building.

They found themselves in the center of a giant room, one where if you looked up you could see the roof of the building in the distance, as well as each of the floors slightly like in the main floor of some malls.

There was a tasteful looking fountain in the center, and a stairway that led to each of the floors that had a glass railing on it as eventually the height started to get rather high.

Walking towards the center of the room, keeping their eyes peeled for any enemies, they heard the door slam shut behind them and the sounds of footsteps ringing out from all around and above them.

"Box!" yelled Loera, causing each of the squads to close ranks and face outwards whilst Loera stood in the center to guard their backs and the air above them.

From above, several howling crazed blood servants jumped from the third and second floors landing all around the officers with some even attempting to land directly on top of them.

In response DASF took their rifles that were being carried on straps that hung from their shoulders and those in front crouched down and took aim whilst those in the back remained standing and did the same. Quickly each of took out the hearing protection they had in their front pockets, putting them in and then opening firing once the task had been complete.

A cacophony of rifle fire rang out and the room was further lit up by the muzzle flashes that came from each of the weapons. Some of the servants were torn to shred in midair as they fell, never reaching their target, whilst those who had chosen to fall directly on top of the gunmen were slashed out of the air by a powerful oversized machete.

The amount of servants was so many that the members of DASF could not kill them all even with their powerful weapons and so each of the squad leaders ordered,


One member of each squad, the dedicated ordinance member, stopped firing and reached into their satchels to produce a high explosive grenade.

Pulling the pin and cooking it perfectly, four grenades were thrown in four directions and a single second later four powerful and scorching explosions sounded out that blew everything in its radius to pieces. Even the blood servants that were not in its direct radius were still injured by bits of bone being hurtled towards them and embedding itself in their bodies, as well as disorientated by the sudden flash of light and deafening sound.

The grenades bought the men precious few seconds, where all but two of them began opening fire once more to mow down the leftovers.

From the shadows in the far corners of the room, glints of red appeared as several high class blood servants emerged from their ambush spot.

Right as they prepared to throw their awarded projectiles, made from the blood of their leadership with a nasty toxin applied to it, they could already taste victory as their deadly weapons were thrown from their hands and towards the weak flesh of their commoner foe.

Yet four shots rang out, two bursts from two powerful pistols, leveraged from the dual hand cannons of Corporal Saul who was watching and waiting for any surprise events.

Displaying his mastery of pistols, even with the extremely harsh recoil of the two deagles he used, the four shots perfectly hit their targets and pierced the brain of each of the blood servants as they dropped to the floor with the same confident and cruel expression on their face as when they had lived.

Moments later the gunfire stopped and their barrels finally had a chance to cool, with all the men quickly reloading the weapons they had used in the engagement and resuming their vigilance.

Seeing that no attacks came, they resumed their clearing of the building floor by floor and level by level.

All the way until they reached the top floor, all the way in the back where there was but a single office full of people.

Sitting in what was presumably the main meeting hall for the blood bank, were three figures leisurely chatting and drinking from porcelain cups.

The picture before the men was strange to say the least, for any normal person would have long fled after hearing the massive battle that had just occurred on the lower level.

Saul stepped forth and shot two warning shots into the room to gain the attention of and ascertain whether they were friend or foe.

The three men in the room, wearing luxurious suits and dress shoes, turned towards the men with a look of curiosity on their faces.

One of them stood up and was about to speak, when a hail of bullets peppered his body from head to toe.

Saul, who had stepped forward to try and negotiate with the three, was shocked by the outcome and reflexively jumped back whilst brandishing his own weapons.

Out of the corner of his eye Saul saw who had opened fire, Louis' who had a fairly neutral look on for someone who may have just potentially opened fire on a civilian.

The man who had been shot fell to the ground with a thud, his blood spilling forth like a gushing spring from all the many holes in his body.

"You fool, that was a civilian" hissed Saul in anger, leaving his squad and walking towards Louis in anger, "I always felt that something was off about yo-"

Saul was suddenly thrown to the floor by the only man with enough strength to do so with one hand, Loera, as a red dagger flew through the air and embedded itself in Loera's stomach all the way up to the hilt. The one who threw the dagger? The very same man who had 'died' to Saul's bullets, and the very same man whose blood was being reabsorbed back into his body as he stood back up as if he were levitating off the ground.

Not even fazed by the injury, Loera ordered with a yell,