
A Cryptic Letter

Blair covered her mouth as she scurried towards the toilet. Fortunately, the toilet had no visitors, so she felt a bit relieved. Locking herself in a chamber, her knees dropped on the ceramic floor instantly as she positioned her face on the toilet and spill everything inside her stomach out.

She panted after done spewing as she pulled out a tissue from her jean's pocket and wiped her mouth. Pressing the flush button, the water flushed vigorously, bringing the waste away from her sight. Blair sighed as she set the toilet lid cover down and sat on it.

Dazed, she stared at the door blankly. 'That was so close', she thought to herself as she tugged out a drinking sachet from her jumper's pocket. It was gore. Plopping a hole on the sachet with a straw, she sucked the blood through that slender absorbing tool.

Pulling her lips away, she shut her eyes. 'This is the best', she thought as she resumed drinking the blood.

An abrupt turmoil burst in the toilet, making Blair almost choke on her drinking. She spat under her breath as the girls giggled and whispered something. No matter how soft they whispered, Blair could eavesdrop them. Yes, it was her ridiculous habit of eavesdropping female mundanes' conversations in the toilet. Sometimes it was about boys, their families, and their friends.

"Wait, did you smell something?" a girl asked with a soft voice, horrify dripping in her voice. Her statement made Blair's eyes widened in shock.

"Hm? What?" another girl sniffed the air. "No. . . ?" she replied with a frightened tone. "Don't scare me, Serena!"

"Oh my God, really?" another girl called, her tone was the same with her friends; anxious and frightened. "What is it?"

Blair could hear Serena gulp anxiously. "I don't know, it smells like. . .blood?" she cooed.

Her friends gasped, while Blair remained silent and felt something peculiar. She heard the girls scurried out the toilet, followed with frightened gasps. Blair released a sigh as she stood up and tossed the sachet in the dustbin beside the toilet. She quickly shook her paranoid thoughts away, maybe Serena had a quite sensitive smelling sense since she ever heard that some mundanes had sensitive smelling or hearing sense.

Unlocking the chamber, she stepped out and washed her hands on the water tap then exited the toilet. Without Blair knowing, someone was glaring at her with the end of their eyes.

"A vampire. . ." the person croaked inaudibly.


It was supposed to be History class, but the teacher hadn't shown them his presence in this class. The students were getting bored, so they started up a conversation.

"Man, can't they just gather all vampires in a place and then burn them to die?" a male student started, the others cheered in agreement at his statement.

"Yeah, it's so creepy, hunting humans and drinking blood," a female student shuddered, hugging her arms. "Moreover, drinking blood is disgusting as fuck."

Hearing that, Blair's heart skipped a beat. It was painful hearing people talking about that since she was a vampire. Blair wasn't like other vampires; she didn't hunt or hurt mundanes, she only drank blood bags that were stocked in her house. Whereas other vampires went out at night time because vampires didn't really active in day time. Vampires usually used their abilities at night, that was why the government compelled the society not to wander around the streets at night time. There would have an alarm ringing at nine o'clock, that meant all people should already stay in their homes.

Blair pressed her lips into a thin line as she tightened her grip on her History textbook. Deceiving her lengthy hair, she covered her strained face.

"I remember vampires will get aflame if they see the cross!" another pupil spoke.

Blair lowered her head and her eyesight met at the cross necklace that was hanging at her slender neck. They needed to witness that vampires didn't get aflame if they saw the cross.

"They also don't eat foods," another pupil replied as he scanned the whole students with squinted eyes. "Maybe we can shove everyone in this class with foods."

"Great idea!" almost the whole class roared.

They chatted for a long time and finally, the teacher entered their class. It was not Mr. Castro; their History teacher. It was a man in his mid-twenties, maybe he was a substitute teacher.

He was tall, with a white shirt hugged his muscular yet lean torso. His gelled jet black hair was pushed back so that his forehead looked a bit longer. His dark blue orbs gleamed beneath the lights. The jaw of his was embellished with a thin beard, emphasising his sharp jawline. His appearance was indeed mouthwatering, even the boys stunned seeing the substitute teacher.

He cleared his throat and his corner lip pulled up into a grimace. "Hello, I'm Azrael McCabe. Call me Mr. McCabe. Due to some problems, Mr. Castro cannot attend school and I replace him, just for today." He finished as his deep ocean orbs swept the whole class intently.

The student nodded their head occasionally. Some of them began to whisper to each other, complimenting how gorgeous he was.

Mr. McCabe finally started up a light conversation, he sometimes made some jokes and the class chuckled.

Blair was not interested in Mr. McCabe's conversation, so she spent her time reading Ransom Riggs's book. Her concentration scattered when someone nudged her on her forearm. Snorting in annoyance, she turned to the doer.

Gemma had moved beside her. That girl leaned close to Blair as she swallowed down her saliva when Gemma's blood scent hit her smelling sense. "Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children?" she said. "Girl, this book is lit. What page are you in?" she asked, pulling herself away.

"Twenty four, I'm a slow reader," Blair replied.

"Oh," said Gemma. "Also, why don't you listen to Mr. McCabe's story? He's nice, especially his appearance. Dang, how can someone is so hot?"

Blair rolled her eyes hearing Gemma's ridiculous statement. Now, she just wanted the bell to ring so that she could escape from this hellish class. Gemma kept on babbling beside her, while Blair just replied with murmurs.

The bell released its shrill sound which was deafening, making Blair's head pound in dizziness. She tossed her stuffs inside her rucksack. In the meantime, Gemma was leaning on the desk, she was too indolent to go back to her seat and keep her things.

Blair strolled off after she told her friend that she wanted to go home faster and Gemma replied her with a lazy nod.

Blair headed to the locker hallway with a quite fast pace.

She opened her locker and tossed some books inside, so her bag wouldn't too heavy. When she was about to close her locker, she noticed a small folded paper was pressed between her books. Tugging the paper out and opening it, she read the small memo with a huge frown. Her grip on the small memo tightened as a crumpling sound licked her hearing sense.

'Hey, Blair. I know you're not a human. Therefore, please come to the house that's located beside our school at eight o'clock this night. If you don't come, your identity will get spread immediately.

PS: Just enter the house if you've arrived.'

Blair crumbled the paper and tossed it in a rubbish bin beside her locker. She swore under her breath, how could someone know her identity when she had hidden it perfectly? This person must not a mere mundane.