
Identity Revealed

A guy with midnight black curly hair hummed his favourite song with his black headphone covered his ears.

He set up his rifle, aiming it at the small red circle in the middle. Pressing the trigger, a loud boom resonated the room. Despite he was wearing his headphone and the song volume was loud, he could still hear the deafening boom.

The bullet penetrated between the small circle and another bigger orbit. He slammed the rifle on the floor and yelled, "I'm blinded by the lights!"

"The lights are not so bright here," another guy with the almost identical appearance like him, probably his brother, patted his shoulder.

The guy flinched and released a yelp at the same time. His brother raised an eyebrow at him as he pulled his headphone down, encircling his neck.

"What?" he asked. His brother could hear a faint tune from his headphone as he shook his head. "If nothing, stop disturbing me while I'm listening to music," he grumbled in annoyance and pulled his headphone up.

"My God, put that shit away, Claude," his brother snatched his headphone away as Claude clicked his tongue in astonishment, demanding his brother to give him back his thing. "I told you not to set the highest volume, are you nuts? Do you want to lose your hearing ability? Listen Claude, God has given you a perfect appearance without any flaw, and you have the audacity to damage His creation!" he lectured.

"Huh, alright, I'm sorry," he said sarcastically, his expression as flat as a board. "Give me back, Claudius. The Weeknd's new song is lit."

"Nah, the weekend whatever is that's song is not important now. Look." Claudius threw his brother a paper.

Snatching the paper, Claude set his dark orbs on it, scanning every letter seriously. His dark eyebrows narrowed they almost merged.

There was a picture of a girl on the top of the paper. Her upturned cat eyes with amber irises observed him intently as if she was staring at him. Her pinkish thick lower lips were beautiful that propelled everyone to touch her lips. Her arched dark eyebrows were well-shaped. The auburn hair of hers draped on her shoulder, strands of it covered her cheeks. She was the definition of the epitome, even Claude did not believe she was real.

"She's a pureblood, and what a coincidence, she attends the same school as you," Claudius added, snapping his brother from his daze. He looked at Claude with a teasing look. "Don't say you're attracted by her beauty? Well, I admit that she's gorgeous, but, she's dangerous. More dangerous than half-bloods." Claudius's stare intensified as if he could read everything that was in Claude's mind.

Claude sighed, bringing the paper on his side. "Alright, I'll watch her." He declared, earning a pat and 'Goodluck' from his brother as he left the shooting range. Before Claudius left the place, he threw Claude his black headphone and reminded him to lower the volume.

Claude caught his headphone and put it around his neck, a faint tune The Weeknd's song resonated through the speaker. He landed his bum on the floor, bringing back the paper and staring on it. No wonder she was quite familiar, he saw her at school in this morning and also accidentally hit her. Claude clenched his jaw, he had a hunch that she was a vampire, and he was right.

Blair Thompson, her identity had been revealed. Thus far, she was the most dangerous vampire and must be slaughtered as soon as possible.


"Mrs. Thompson, come on, let's head off. This house is going to collapse soon," Azrael flashed an undecipherable grimace.

Blair pressed her fingers into the creases of her palms. He seemed suspicious, she thought to herself as she stepped out the doorway.

"Let's go to a place and have a small talk," Azrael turned his body and walked into his black Bugatti car.

Blair raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm not going with you, thank you," her voice was rigorous, making Azrael turn back at her with another smirk on his flawless face.

He sighed, walking back to Blair with his hands shoved inside his suit's pockets. "Okay, let's talk here," he cleared his throat. "Do you know White Herd?"

"Herd of albinos," replied Blair nonchalantly, eyeing around making sure no mundanes around here.

Azrael chuckled. "No, no," he said between his laughter. "White Herd is an association of vampires. Since you're pureblood, your position will be raised in the highest one, like me," he said. "There are five purebloods in this association including me, and we also are the leader."

"So, what?" Blair had gotten lazy talking to him. Could he just talk faster so that she could flee from this place?

"I want you to join us," he announced. "I've seen your action just now and I'm impressed," another undecipherable mien wiped his face again. "You're lucky you're recruited by me."

Blair turned her face away so that Azrael couldn't see her rolling her eyes indolently. Her frosty long hair was tarnished by their blood, her hands were bloody. She swiped her hoodie's sleeve up and took a glimpse at her wristwatch. Nine twenty, she thought to herself and swore mentally. Azrael was really wasting her time talking about something unimportant, she couldn't watch or do her daily night activities this night.

"What's your answer?" Azrael said abruptly.

Blair turned her head to the tall man in front of her. Shoving her hands in her hoodie's pocket, she replied, "What if I say no?"

Azrael remained silent for a while, crossing his slim yet sturdy forearms over his chest. A grimace plastered his face and Blair had an urge to slap his face, he sometimes looked obnoxious when he smiled.

"Alright, maybe you'll change your mind later," he asserted with a low voice.

Blair raised an eyebrow as her left arm swung, hitting a female vampire that secretly running into her. The vampire was tossed back inside the old house, an agony grumble parted her lips. Blair turned back as a dozen vampires burst into the doorway, their red eyes glowing.

Azrael stood in his position, tilting his head and watching his student fighting with his subordinates. An amused smile played on his lips. His student indeed was impressive, no matter how many foes she had to confront, she remained calm.

Clenching her fists, Blair pummeled the front vampires' faces with inhuman speed as they were flung away, blood sprinkled from their noses and mouths. She swung her right leg up and stretched it, hitting a male vampire's head unequivocally. His head was hackled, followed by blood gushing and his body dropping on the blood coated grass.

She flicked on the other vampires' chin as they were flung, hitting their backs on the house's barrier. The house rattled followed by a loud boom from inside. Blair could see the pillars fall, making the house collapse.

"Great," Blair spat under her breath sarcastically. The roofs fell and some of them knock the vampires' skull.

A sudden blinding light showered them as they turned to the direction. Blair immediately tugged her hoodie veil, covering her face and white hair.

She looked down on her bloody hoodie, this would be very obvious if mundanes noticed her. She would be presumed as another vampire murderer who targeted innocent mundanes. Yet in fact, she assassinated half-blood vampires who attacked her suddenly.

Blair moved in a crouching pose towards the collapsed house as she tugged out her mask from her pocket and tied the hoodie cords tightly. She jumped into a roof with a soft thud and began her adventure to her house.

Azrael looked at the place Blair had moved to a few seconds ago with a blank expression, then turned to a red Rolls Royce car who was still bathing him the light.

"Won't you guys turn off the freaking lights? My eyes hurt." Azrael demanded, annoyance coated his tone, as the creatures inside the car turned off the car light.

Four figures with silvery-white hair got off from the car and ambled towards Azrael.

"How, Az? Did she accept your offer?" a lady in her mid-twenties cooed. Her frosty curls flew in the air as another breeze whiffled. Her deep ocean with silver stripes suit floated a bit.

Azrael released a sigh. "No," he said, eyeing at the lady's chest. The white T-shirt she wore under her suit was low cut, exposing the area between her huge bosom being pressed together.

"What the hell? She's just a mere lame vampire and she refuses your offer?" a bulky man beside the lady hissed. His hair was different from his fellows. When the others preferred their hair messy and incoherent, he'd comb and gel his hair.

"For your information, she's not a half-blood," Azrael tilted his chin up. "She's just like us. Pureblood."

Four of them widened their eyes and a faint gasp escaped the lady's lips. She then smiled in amusement.

"She's strong, and the thing I like about her is, she stays calm even though there are many foes she has to confront," Azrael grimaced. He looked up at the full moon that was covered by dark clouds, there were no stars dancing in the night sky today. "I will do everything just to make you join us, no matter I have to kill or what." He whispered under his breath.