
"See ya tomorrow Barry!" Barry packed his things as his shift at the local bar was over. Barry worked the night shift and was happy to get going. "See ya then Sammy!"

Barry wore his backpack as if he were a hiker, he liked to carry lots of things with him. As he walked out the door and onto the street he heard Sammy scream behind him "WATCH OUT!! Barry jumped a little and looked inquisitively at Sammy.

Sammy seemed almost shocked, as Barry turned around to see an 18-wheeler had crashed into a street lamp. "Thank you so much Sammy!!" Barry decided that from here on, he owed Sammy his life and that he would do his best to repay this debt.

Sammy ran over "Are you ok!?" Barry responded "I'm ok, no need to worry" Sammy was placated and took out his phone to dial 911. As he did so, he didn't realize that the street lamp that was crashed into began falling down!

Barry saw this happen and screamed "SAMMY!" Sammy was slow to react and had barely responded by the time Barry had jumped over to push him out of the way. CRUNCH. And just like that, Barry's life debt was payed back