
Gerald thanks his luck, since he won't have to request another sword from his drill sergeant.

He sheathes me, this sheathe is a much higher quality. It feels like a warm and cozy home.

It's decided, I'm going to get a very good sheath as my "house". My [Mental Fortitude] is shared with Gerald, his eyes now grow more determined.

I wonder why my other skills like [Spirit Manipulation] or [Telekinesis] don't work.

[Responding to host. Cultivation is required for a human to make use of all your skills. [Spirit] is called "Mental Energy" to cultivators.]

I guess I don't need cultivation to use them since I'm a weapon. Then the first priority remains the same, get Gerald some cultivation!

I want Gerald to become stronger, and he also requires cultivation to use me to my fullest potential. I need to find out the method of cultivation in this world.

While I was having my internal monologue, Gerald arrived at the courtyard. Most of the people where practicing in one of four weapons.

The Saber, Sword, Spear, and the Halberd.

[Host has entered area rich in foreign "Daos". [World Invader] trait activated. System has absorbed "Daos" of Sword, Saber,Spear and Halberd]

Oh ho! It seems like those weapon "Daos" in the novels do exist! It seems like I must get Gerald to become a cultivator with the Sword "Dao"

[System detects that the Sword "Dao" is highly compatible with host. Fusing Sword "Dao" to Sword Life System]

Ohhh! A system upgrade, already!?? I'm assuming that since my system was running on whatever sword laws my patron world owns, it's fusing the foreign sword laws with its own?

The system fuses its own sword laws with this worlds sword laws pretty quickly. It doesn't seem to make a very big change, but I feel more... Swordy?

It doesn't really make sense, but I've feel like I've gotten closer to the true image of a sword. Like, when someone says "fire" I think of fire. I think of the heat, the warmth, all of the properties of fire.

I feel as though I've gotten closer to what I think of when I hear "Sword". My Sword "Dao".

I don't seem to have become any stronger, and the system didn't notify me of any skill. But around me, the swordy feeling unfolds. It recognizes Gerald as my wielder, and envelops him.

Gerald practiced and practiced, my aura giving him an atmosphere filled to the brim with Sword Dao. The function of my Sword Dao is to be a killing weapon for my wielder.

To allow to my wielder to grow, to fight, to kill. This means that my aura helps Gerald comprehend everything to do with sword skills. Eventually, practice ends and Gerald goes to eat lunch. He gets food that's provided to him, and begrudgingly eats it.

One day, Gerald.

For the next week, Gerald trained. I didn't absorb any swords, but I watched Garland practice. I also tried to comprehend the Sword Dao that I give off. I feel as though I've learned the way of the sword.

Which is redundant, given that I'm sword.

[Host has learned skill [Basic Sword Techniques Lv.1/10]

Oh I get it. I can use myself and move myself better. And I can share this skill with my future wielders, to instantly give them the skill to wield me. Pretty convenient.

Another two weeks pass, this war is taking longer than I've expected. In the meantime, I've been practicing wielding myself when Gerald is asleep and watching him practice when he's awake. As a result.

[Host has leveled up skill [Basic Sword Technique] to Lv.4/10]

[Host has leveled up skill [Telekinesis] to Lv.6/10]

Now I can wield myself with some skill, and I can give my wielder that capability as well.

Before I can rejoice, there is a shout in the distance. It's the drill sergeant rounding up the soldiers. "You will be sent to the frontlines in two days! Say goodbye to your families and write your will if you haven't"

That seems very ominous, others seem to agree. Some people have hesitation in their eyes, mostly the people here for free food, shelter, and training. Most others have a grave look on their face, while the ambitious have a steely resolve.

Gerald is one with such resolve. He nods and goes back to train harder than ever.

That night, he goes home and polish's my blade. It actually feels quite nice, sometimes you have to treat yourself.

The next day, he wakes up and quickly gets to the courtyard. Today, we prepare for war.