
I seem to have hit a roadblock. The cultivation technique I stole from the cultivators memory is made for humans, not swords. It's pretty basic though. Draw Qi, Manipulate Qi, use to Qi to refine body.

I can accomplish the first two steps, and I even got a skill for it.

[Host has acquired the skill [Qi Manipulation]

But I'm not sure how to go about refining my body. A human would begin by refining their skin, I don't have skin. There is only one thing I can rely on to figure this out

Deus ex Machina!

A.K.A. Asking the system what to do.

[Responding to host. Follow the steps of the cultivation technique, instead of refining your body to accept cultivation. Refine your materials to become spirit materials.]

I get it now. Last time I upgraded my materials was when I fused with the swords in the armory. Still, I don't have any Qi and my materials aren't so called spirit materials.

I guess there aren't any realm levels for me at this stage since it's just a jump to spirit material.

That settles that then. It's time to really start refining myself.

Of course, I find my way back into Geralds scabbard before doing anything.

Cultivation is a lot harder than I thought, and I didn't break through several realms in a single night. Another lie from novels...

All I have to show for my efforts of an entire nights worth of cultivation is a stat increase and skill level ups

[Host has gained one [Attack]

[Host has gained one [Durability]

[Host has leveled up [Qi Manipulation] to Lv.3/10]

Another thing to note, is that as I got better at manipulating Qi the faster I could draw it in to cultivate.

Also, Qi is another force that I can manipulate to perform [Telekinesis] and [Shapeshifting]. I don't have enough skill to use [Spirit Manipulation] and [Qi Manipulation] together, but I look forward to it.

I inscribe the Technique on my blade as Gerald awakes. The soldiers move out, heading back home.

I just need Gerald to pull me out of the scabbard so he can read the inscription on my blade, then he would be able to cultivate.

I don't want to risk manipulating Qi in the presence of cultivators, so I don't try to refine myself for now.

I'm not sure what to do, so I idly check my stats









[Perfect Sword] [World Invader] [System Bearer] [Wielder Power Share] [Blood-Stained Slaughter Weapon]


[Mental Fortitude Lv.4/10] [Spirit Manipulation Lv.7/10] [Shapeshifting Lv.4/10] [Telekinesis Lv.6/10] [Basic Sword Techniques Lv.5/10] [Qi Manipulation Lv.3/10] [Soul Search Lv.1/10]

Hmm, I've gotten much stronger since my days with Ren.

Other than my stats, I also take a look at the condition of my body. For the most part I'm fine, but there are some chips and I'm a bit more dull.

I use [Shapeshifting] to re-sharpen myself and repair the chips. It's pretty convenient, and it probably has a bunch of other uses.

It seems to have gotten stronger with the increase of my [Spirit] stat, and I'm now sharper than ever.

Now all I can do is wait for Gerald to draw me, and get the cultivation technique. Sadly, there isn't much to draw me on.

The rest of the day passes uneventfully, but surprisingly Gerald takes me out of the Scabbard. He doesn't have anything to polish me with, but he has a rag that he can use to clean me off.

As he begins cleaning me, he is surprised to see that I'm in pristine condition. Oddly, there are also some markings on my blade.

Yes! Now Gerald can cultivate! But rather than excitement, Gerald seems confused. Wait. It can't be. Gerald is illiterate!

How backwards is this empire!?! How is Gerald meant to cultivate if he can't even read a book!?

There must be a way. No matter how confused he is, Gerald doesn't bring me to his superior. Hehe, at least my wielder is smart enough to keep his own secrets.

That night, I racked my brain to figure out a solution. An epiphany hits me. I invented soul search by using my [Spirit Manipulation] to read a mind, so I could probably send messages too.

I practice [Spirit Manipulation] a lot that night, in hopes of having a higher chance of success. I even neglected cultivation, since communication is more important.

The next morning, I try to send a small mental message to wake up Gerald. The equivalent of a light whisper in his ear.

[Host has obtained skill [Telepathy]

I try again, this time a little louder. Again, even louder. The third time is enough to wake him up, as Gerald sits up.

He looks around for the person who woke him, but finds that no one seems to have done it. Everyone else is up now, getting ready to march again.

I try my best to send another message, "Look.Sword." I cant send anything complicated since the skill is level one.

[Host has leveled up skill [Telepathy] to Lv.2/10]

[Host has leveled up skill [Spirit Manipulation] to Lv.8/10]

How timely. I even got a level in [Spirit Manipulation] which gets harder as it's level gets higher.

Gerald looks around, but can't find who spoke to him. He looks at me, since I told him to look at his sword.

He pulls me out, and as he does I send another message. "I. Am. Sword." Now I can send out a choppy sentence with questionable grammar.

Gerald looks extremely surprised, and tries to speak back. "You're my sword!?!" The other soldiers turn to look at him, and give him a funny look.

Gerald quickly becomes embarrassed by his outburst. I send another message "Yes. Stay. Quiet."

Gerald seems to acknowledge this, and continues marching while holding me. I explain myself. "I. Smart. Sword." I don't tell him about my origins, since I don't know what he would do with the information.

[Host has leveled up skill [Telepathy] to Lv.3/10]

Gerald remains silent, but gives me a subtle look of astonishment. I need to talk more to get better at it. "I have. A cultivation. Technique." Still a choppy sentence, but better.

Gerald can't contain his expression, which is one of surprise. Luckily, not other soldiers see him.

"On my. Blade. See inscription"

[Host has leveled up skill [Telepathy to Lv.4/10]

He looks at my blade, and rubs the inscription. He can't read, but I can understand it since I absorbed it.

He can't read, but I need him to learn how to. I can't have an illiterate wielder, after all. "Learn to read. It is good to know"

Now I can communicate. No complex sentences, but I can relay general information. I spend the rest of the day talking to Gerald, and even if he can't talk back it's fun.

[Host has leveled up skill [Telepathy] to Lv.5/10]

We arrive back at the city, and Gerald turns in his armor before walking back home. Now it's time to cultivate.