Alessi or Alessandra? Or Both?

Never in a million years, did I ever think I would be boarding a private jet in Jackson, Mississippi for a flight to New York City, New York. Just a month ago, I was living with my mother and stepfather, Emily and Jason Watkins. My mother's maiden name is Smith, which is why my name is Alessi Smith.

We lived in a run down apartment in a small town called Natchez, MS. It was a one bedroom shack, small and dirty. The bedroom was mine however, and I was proud of it. It was just big enough to fit a small twin size bed in it with just inches of space on each side. I also had a small black and white tv, but that was it as far as possessions go. My mother and stepfather sold anything of value in the house to support their drug habit. Mom and Jason slept on a full size mattress with no sheets in the living room, that is, whenever they were actually at home.

About a month ago, in July, it was one of the rare occasions, that they were both home, and we had actually watched a movie together before I went off to bed. A few hours later, I was jolted awake by a loud noise. I poked my head out of the sheet that hung in place of a door in my bedroom and saw 2 really large men in the living room with my parents. There was a lot of screaming and begging coming from my mom for more time. Although, I didn't truly understand what she was asking for more time for, I could only assume it had to do with drugs or money.

The next thing I knew, I was wandering around the streets in my small town all alone with no parents. I couldn't remember exactly what happened to them, but I know I saw everything that happened. I had somehow blocked it from my memory. I do remember escaping through the tiny window in my room before they could come for me.

It was later, after the police took me in to the station, they found out that I was in shock, and unable to speak for days after the event. The police found my parents bodies, and discovered that my mom had a warrant for her arrest for kidnapping. And after they took my finger prints and found that I was missing out of New York, they put two and two together, and eventually discovered my real name, Alessandra Mizzanti.

It was then, that they discovered that I had a father, Alessandro Mizzanti, and 6 older brothers. Unfortunately for me, my biological father died in a car accident 3 years ago, which left me as an orphan. However, apparently, my eldest brother, Emiliano Mizzanti, has reached out, and offered to be my legal guardian.

So now, here I am on this hot August day, on the most luxurious private jet, you can imagine, flying to New York City to meet my family, that I never knew existed.

"Excuse Miss Mizzanti, we are about to land. Please sit your seat upright, and buckle your seat belt," the bubbly, blonde flight attendant, Casey informed me.

Mizzanti? Was she for real? My last name is Smith. It says so on my birth certificate, and these people are not about to change it.

"Thank you ma'am," I replied trying not to be rude to the undeserving flight attendant.

As soon as we were safely landed, Casey led me off the plane to the awaiting long black sleek limousine. There was an older gentleman, in a nice black suit waiting for me by the car. He was handed my small suitcase, and put it in the trunk of the limo.

"Miss Mizzanti, it's such a pleasure to see you again. My, how you've grown into such a beautiful young woman. Will that be all of your luggage ma'am?"

See me again? What does he even mean? I've never seen this George Clooney look alike in my life! And why do I feel like he's judging my luggage? I'm sorry I come from poverty, and don't have more than 3 outfits, but some people weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth!

Just as I was about to say something to him, he seemed to have come to some sort of realization because his mocha brown eyes widened, as he said, "Where are my manners? You probably don't remember me, now do you? Well I am, Vittorio, the family driver."

"Oh," was all I could say? These people have a driver? What are they? The Trumps? A private jet, and a personal driver?

"Yes ma'am! So, are you ready to see your new home?" He said with a warm, gentle smile.

"Uh sure? Aren't my brothers suppose to be here?" I was confused why they didn't make the effort to come meet with me, but then again, I really have no idea what to expect from them.

"Well they are all quite busy at the moment, with the uh...Family Business, but I'm sure they will meet with you sometime today ma'am." Vittori told me, as he opened the back door to the limo for me to get in.

"It's just Alessi, not ma'am. And thank you very much, Mr. Vittorio." I said as I climbed in the seat, and put my seat belt on.

"And it's just Vittorio to you, Alessi," he smiled a beautiful smile as he shut the door, and ran around the car to the drivers side.

And we began our journey to my new home, my new life. To say I was anxious would be an understatement. My nerves were on edge, and my hands were sweaty, and I couldn't keep them still. I knew nothing of the 6 Mazzanti brothers, and I can't even remember all their names, I was stuck on the only name I could remember which was Emiliano, the eldest, at 27 years old, and now my legal guardian.

What would they be like? Would they like me? Would they hate me? Would I be the annoying little sister? I mean, growing up, I always wished I had siblings. I always felt like a piece of me was missing. And I guess now I know, that it was indeed 6 pieces missing. How could my mother hide all of this from me? And how dare she kidnap me from my father and siblings?

All my life, I thought I really knew my mother, well until, she met and married Jason, and became a drug addict right along with him, 6 years ago. My how things changed then. I became the mother, and they became my children. I always had to find ways to pay the bills. I would steal money out of mom's purse or Jason's wallet to try and keep the lights and water on. Unfortunately, we spent more time without lights and water than we did with them. But I would have never guessed that long before my mom met Jason, she would have been a kidnapper.

"We're here Alessi," I was brought out of my thoughts as Vittorio announced our arrival.

I looked out the window to see that we were indeed in front of a "home" I guess. Most might call this a mansion of all mansions. To say that it was massive would be an accurate statement. My eyes bugged out of my head looking at this amazing building in front of me. There had to be at least 3 floors, and it stretched out across the huge green lawn for at least half a block! It appeared to be in the middle of nowhere, as there were no visible neighbors through the trees on either side. However, I wasn't paying attention as we were driving here, so I didn't have a clue as to where we were.

My door opened, and Vittorio held out his hand to help me out of the car, "Welcome home, Alessandra," he smiles widely at me.

"Thank you, and it's Alessi," I smile politely at him.

I followed him to the huge double wooden doors, and as soon as we are within a foot of the doors, both of them open, and there stands a plump, older lady about Vittorio's age smiling at me with such kindness and familiarity, as if she has known me her whole life.

"Alessandra! Oh my! You are such a beautiful young woman! You still look like the toddler I love so much. I can't believe it's been 11 years!"

She practically tackled me in a bear hug, while I just stood there stiffly patting her on the back.

"Um, ok," was all I had for this woman.

"Lauretta! Let the poor girl breathe! And she's not going to remember you. The last time she saw you, she was no more than 2 years old, woman," Vittorio scolded.

She suddenly dropped her arms and backed up a few steps, and looked me up and down as if trying to memorize my every feature.

"I'm so sorry ragazza dolce, It's just that I have been waiting so long for your return! You were my special principessa. I am Lauretta, Vittorio's wife, and the house keeper for the family," she explained.

She shuffled me in the house as Vittorio bid us farewell, saying that he had other work to do for the "boys" as he called my brothers.

I stepped inside the fairy tale mansion, and looked around wide eyed, as I took in all the beauty in front of me. There appeared to be a great room just outside of the foyer in front of us, with a huge flat screen tv, and large couches all around. On either side of the great room were stair cases that led upstairs, to where they met at a landing in the middle of the house. Under each set of stairs, there was a door that led to who knows where. But I could already tell, it would be a while before I get was able to navigate this house without a gps of some sort!

"Alessandra, let me show you to your room, and then we will go to the kitchen, and see what chef has cooked up for lunch, ok Tesoro,"

Lauretta smiled sweetly, guiding me to the stair case on the right.

"Yes ma'am. Would you please call me Alessi?" I asked as politely as I knew how.

"Ok Alessi, I can definitely handle that," she commented as we headed up the stairs to the second floor of the house.

Apparently the rooms on the second floor went from Oldest to youngest for siblings. So my room was at the very end of the hallway. When I entered the room, I guess I expected a boring guest room, with no color to it. It was anything but that! It was a large room with baby pink walls, and a large picture window with a cushioned seat underneath it, covered in stuffed animals. The king size bed, had a large pink and white flowered comforter covering it, with at least 10 decorative pillows lining the headboard, and even more stuffed animals in front of the pillows. Across from the bed was a pink and white wicker vanity set with a stool sitting in front of it. On the other side was a pretty pink desk with a desk chair. And on the floor in the middle of the room was what appeared to be a Barbie castle of some sort, about the size of my whole room at my old house. There was also an en-suite bathroom with a humongous bear claw tub, and a large walk in shower with 2 heads in it. A nice vanity, and a floor to ceiling mirror on the inside of the door. Also, a door that connected to a extremely large walk-in closet with walls and shelves full to capacity of clothes. Only the clothes were sized to fit a 24 month old baby, as were the shoes. Lots of shoes!

I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy for 2 year old me. I, myself, only had 1 pair of raggedy warn out tennis shoes that were 2 sizes too big, as I found them in the dumpster behind Walmart after my last pair completely fell apart.

"Do you like it?" I almost jumped out of my skin, as I had completely forgotten Lauretta was still here, and I was lost in thought.

"Yes ma'am. It's amazing," I said still looking around in awe of this amazing bedroom.

"Good! This afternoon I will pack up all of the clothes and shoes in the closet to make room for your own clothes and shoes, and you will be all set. Also, I don't know how you feel about the Barbie dream house, but you're welcome to keep it if you would like. If not, then we will move it in to storage," she stated, as she was leading me out of the bedroom and down the hall, back down the stair case we came up.

Although, I truly did like the Barbie dream house, I was too old to be playing with such things, and I didn't want to appear to be immature with my brothers.

"You can move the Barbie dream house to storage, and probably all the stuffed animals as well, Miss Lauretta. I'm too old for that stuff," I smiled kindly at her.

"As you wish Tesoro. You can always ask for them back if you change your mind," she said winking at me.

We went down the stair case and through the door underneath it, and came to a very large, very luxurious kitchen. There stood a man at the stove, probably around mid twenties cooking something that smelled delicious and talking in Italian to another man sitting at the breakfast bar with his back to me.

"Gentlemen," Lauretta said, clearing her throat.

They both instantly snapped their heads towards us, and the one sitting at the breakfast bar stood up and turned to me, looking me straight in the eye. And that's when I saw it, I almost gasped when I realized what I was looking at, his eyes, they were mine. His eyes were like a mirror image of myself. Bright blue, like the sky, and his looked, I don't know, emotionless? This guy could definitely play and win any poker tournament. His poker face was on point.

"Alessandra, I'm so glad you finally made it home," breakfast bar guy said, while the chef guy stood there looking like he was in shock.

"Alessi, please. And thank you for taking me into your home. I'm assuming you are one of my brothers?" I said, wringing my hands together, attempting and failing at keeping eye contact. Suddenly my old nasty shoes were so much more interesting than this conversation.

"Alessandra, your name is Alessandra Mazzanti. You will be called Alessandra. And I am your oldest brother, Emiliano," he stated coldly as he walked closer to me.

I suddenly took at step back as I realized how gigantic he was, he had to be 6'5", with dark brown hair, and his gorgeous blue eyes. And even through his expensive suit, I could tell he was very well built. And compared to my relatively small build, standing at only 5' even, I was nothing compared to him.

I looked up to him briefly and noticed his emotionless eyes narrowing at me, and quickly looked back down at my feet.

"Y-Yes S-sir," I stuttered as I twisted my fingers together, trying hard to get my breathing even again.

He was a scary giant of a man, and I was terrified to say the least.

"Look at me, Alessandra," he commanded. I slowly lifted my head and peaked at him through the my lashes, "you don't have to say 'yes sir' to me."

"Yes s-s-sir," I trembled, "s-sorry s-sir."

He let out an exhaustive sigh, and looked me in the eye, seeming to study my eyes, "There's no need to be frightened little girl. No one here is going to hurt you," he said matter of factly.

Was he kidding? Who wouldn't be terrified of the giant in front of me.

I looked to my left to see Lauretta smiling at me encouragingly, and then back to the large man in front of me, and then to the chef guy, and suddenly, I was extremely overwhelmed. They were all staring at me expectantly, and I wasn't sure what they expected from me. My breaths starting coming out very uneven and shakily. I suddenly could hear my own heart beating in my ear, and my whole body was trembling in fear.

I could hear shouts of people asking me what was wrong, and to slow my breathing down. They were certainly trying to calm me down, but everything was blurry and all the voices were drowned out by my heart beating.

Sweating profusely, and not being able to see or hear anything, I was slowly losing it. Then it happened, I started seeing black spots, and I felt my legs start to give out on me. My head started to feel very heavy, and I knew I was going down. I braced myself for the hard impact, but it never came, as two arms came to my rescue and lifted me up bridal style, as everything went black.