
Jimin's Pov:

Next morning we wake up as it is our first day at college.We get ready and drove to our college.Hobi hyung is one year senior from me so he will be in another class.We reach to our college.Wow it is so nice and extremly clear.

We wake to our class in different way.I found my class.and went into the class.Teacher hasn't yet arrived.I took my seat in the middle.After some minutes teacher came into class.

"Hello class.Today our new principal has arrived.We will be in meeting after this class.So you all will be free after this period for today.And our principal will talk to all of you after our meeting.So don't go anywhere."Teacher said.

We all said in unison okay teacher .Class has just started.Uh i am feeling bored already.After half an hour bell rung indicating that class just finished.Teacher went to his meeting.

All the student are speaking about new principal.They are whispering between them that This principal will be hella handsome.And he also own this College.Girls here really like gossiping I see.I want to go rest room.I get up from my seat and went outside of the room.

As i was walking to the way to restroom i bumped into something hard or i say someone's chest.I lift my face to see who i bumped to my surprise its that rude stranger.He is standing there.I am not going to say sorry this time.

I was going to walk away confidently because i am feeling intimated by his aroura.As i was walking away he hold my hand and i quickly turned around and said rudely"What?"

He stared at me for some seconds then said"Aren't you gonna say sorry?"

"Why i will say sorry to you?Before today i bumped into you two times i did say sorry but do u care?No.You don't.So thats why i won't say."I said quickely

"What i say or not that isn't your business.And you won't say sorry? Okay so do you know who i am? Do you have any idea who you are speaking to?I guess no.So wait for some minutes you will see who i am and what i am going to do to you!"He said and walk away.

This jerk really said this to me?Why is so rude i just bumped into him and also said sorry but he just walk away so what did he expects from me?Huh.I will see who you are.

I again go to my class room and wait for our principals arrive as he will talk with us.Suddenly our home room teacher came and announced that our principal will be arrived now and talk with us.

Suddenly that rude guy from earlier came into class.Don't tell me he is the principal and also owner of this college.My face became pale at his playful stare.He started---

"Hello class.I am your new principal or teacher of this college.As i will also take your class as a dance teacher.But not everyday of course.Only a day in week.So prepare yourself.My name is Jeon Jungkook.I am the owner of this college also and After this college who are thinking of go to the J Entertainment.Remember that you will meet me again.As for your class i will just take your class specially.So consider yourself as lucky.And study hard because i don't want any useless student here or in our company also.So take care.I will leave now.See you really soon with your first class.Bye."He said intimately and sometime stare at me with his venom eyes.Uh Thats it i am gonna die or kick out from here.Why he is like this.What will happen?..

We were dismissed after that.I went outside but saw that Mr. jeon standing outside.As soon as he saw me,he told me to go to his office and wait for him.Why is it me!ufff...

I went to his room and waiting for him to come.After 10 minutes he came and sit on his table and here i am standing like a fool.What is it he want to me say?

"Sit down boy.So what is your name?"Mr. jeon asked.

"Thank you sir.My name is park jimin."I said without looking at him.

"Humm..Mr. Park so you know that i can kick you out from here..right? but i decided that i won't.Do you think you have passion for dance?"Mr. Jeon asked

"Uh yes sir.I like to dance and i choose it as a passion.So in final i love dancing."I said confidently.

But what he said that make my head boiled.He said"Mr. park funny is it! you don't know what can happen.I will see you really can dance or you are just trying to confident infront of me.So for now go.I will see you soon"

I can't show angry at him thats why i get up bowed at him and went out of the room.I am totally mad with him.I want to eat something and then remember jin hyung.I went to his caffe for something.When i go into the caffe the bell rung.I can see jin hyung standing by counter,I walk to him and he saw me.Then hug me.I hug him back.

"Hello mochi.I miss you are really a cute fluff ball.So what is it you want?"Jin hyung asked.

"Ah hyung, I just wanted to refresh my mind thats why i am here.But i do want to ask you something.But for now i want us to eat someting and talk about sitting here.Come with me."I pulled jin hyung to a seat and also order something for us.

I start talking."hyung do you need any member for this caffe? I will like to work here.I like here so much and i have too much extra time.Can you give me a job here?"

Jin hyung smiled and said"Okay as you want.I can.So you can work here.I see you like this caffe shop.Its one of my favourite caffe shop.I will talk with the manager here and ask him to give your routine tomorrow.You can come from tomorrow.Happy?"

"Yesss hyung.I am..I love you are so nice."I said.Then we talk with each other for 1 hour and now i am going to my home.Today was hectic day for me.

I went home and saw that hobi hyung were standing there looking as scary as ever.Then i remember i left him at college.I quickly said to me"Hyung i can explain.I was angry so i went to jin hyung caffe and also i will work there from tomorrow.I will do part time job there."

Feel like hyung cool down now.Hobi hyung said"Ok minnie.But you have to tell me where are you going.i was worried you know.Next time told me before you go anywhere.

Now i feel guilty for it.I said sorry and i will tell him next time.Then we had dinner together and we go to sleep.And i was reading my books.But soon after i fell asleep

with my book on my face.
