
Jimin's Pov:

Oh well that was so awkward and now also..Some are wishpering about me...Uh i don't want to stay here.So i quickly pack my stuff and went to cafeteria to found hobi hyung,Eunwoo and his friends.

As i enter into the cafeteria. now i am going to find them.I look here and there and finally found them at sitting there.I quickly went to them and smilingly waved at them.Then we began to introduce ourselves.

"Hello jimin.Why you are late! Anyways these are my friends."Eunwoo said.

"Oh sorry.I was in my dance class.So hello guys.Nice to meet you.I am Park jimin.Hoseok hyung's best friend."I quickly said. and waiting for there reply.

"Hello my name is Min Yoongi.My hobby is producing Song and sleeping."Yoongi hyung said.

"Hello!My name is Kim Namjoon.I am the class president.I love producing music too."Namjoon hyung said.He look nice.

"Hello I am Joy.I love dancing.I was with you in the dance class too.Seems like you didn't notice me.And one thing i want to say about your dance.You are really amazing.I was in totally awstruck with your dance.."Joy said cutely.She is beautifull.

"Hello i am jung hoseok.I also love dancing.And I am this idot's best friend."Hobi hyung said.And i pouted when he called me a idiot.And all of them laughed at my cuteness.

As we are all talking with each other Suddenly a man with suit,black brown hair,kinda handsome came to cafeteria.And was looking for something.And then he made eye contract with us.And he start walking towards us.Oh! why are he coming towards us? I don't know him..Then he came to our table and look at me before saying anything.I am now confused.All of hyungs are also looking at him and me.Then he said..

"Hello.You must be Park jimin.Mr. Jeon,The principal want to say something to you.So he called you at his chembar.Please follow me."This person says without any expression.

l awkwardly stared at him and thinking why would that jerk looking for me.Uh.Why he have to call now.I sayed bye to my fiends and said them not to wait for me.I will go to my class after this.Then I followed this person.He isn't saying anything.Uff I am feeling nervous...

Jungkook's Pov:

I am totally in shock with his dance.He looks like a totally model and dancer.He is very nice and cute too.I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY.Uh...What I want now is.He look perfect for his age.And again what is his age.Didn't matter.I will ask him later.I will hire him in my company for a solo trainer.I agreed with myself on it.I like his dancing so much that i am speechless now.I didn't he will be this nice.

I call Kim Taehyung to come in the principal room.He came in just 5 minutes.

"Tae I want you to do something.I want this certain male in my office right now.I think he said his name before but i forget it.I have a picture though.(I show him his picture)And also decided to hire him in my company next year.He is perfect for it.And please call him now to my room."I asked tae.

Taehyung just stare at me for some minutes for i don't know may be thinking i am in my right mind now!Then he sigh and said okay before leaving the room to call this boy.

After 10 minutes minutes someone knocked my room's door.I call them to came in.And here came in this boy and teahyung.I nooded at them.And ask tae to get my car ready in 15 minutes.And order something to eat in car.So went away with that.I asked the boy to sit comfprtably in chair.He sit down nervously and didn't look at me.

"So What is your name?and How old are you?"I asked him

He tilted his head and answer me while staring at me confusedly"My name is Park jimin.And I am 17 years old.But why are asking this to me?"

I said that"Its for something I really like to offer you after seeing your dance.I really like your dancing."

"What! Who are you? Why are you talking at me like thsi sweetly.And no offence its because you are this rude at me at first thats why ask you.Sorry"He said fastly.

I chukled at him.He stare at me dumbfoundely.I then said"Its ok.I really like your dancing.And i am sorry for rudeness at first meeting.I am not comfortable with anyone to talk or introduce myself.And i like to offer you a place in my company for your dancing skilled.I will hire you in our company as a solo trainer next year.Is it okay to you?"

He is totally in shocked now and stare at me with his wide eye.I couldn't control my laugh now.I am laughing loudly then again asked"Is it okay? You have to answer with something to me.So i can know your opinion Jimin-shi."

He then said with his wide eye "Whattttt! Reaally? I am dreaming right?Woah..Thankk youuuuu~"

I smile at his cuteness.He is smiling at me with his eye smiling and his cresent eyes.He is really cute.I said"Yes jimin-shi~.But you have to keep it a secret between us.I don't want my rumors around here.okay?"

He furiously nodded his head and said "Okay..Yes...!Thank you."

I again laughed at his cuteness.And write a slip for passing him into his next class without any problem.I said bye.He went to his next class.I get ready for going to my company.As its my meeting time there.

Jimin's Pov:

Wow is it really happend just now?I am so happy.I walk into my next class smilingly.I walk in my class after showing my slip to my class teacher at sit at my seat.And listening to my teacher!s advises.

*Skip to class end*

Its totally a great day in my life for now.Now I have my shift at jin hyung's caffe.I went to his caffe happily.I waved at my friends and text hobi hyung that I am at jin hyung's.Then walk in Caffe.And get ready for this shift.


Its so nice to write something like this story.Hope you like it.