
Jimin's Pov:

I decided today that I will ask my friends to meet after my class finished.Its been so long I saw eunwoo hyung,Jin hyung,Namjoon hyung,Yoongi hyung,Joy noona.I will ask them to meet at jin hyung's cafe today.

"Hobi hyung! Do you want to meet our friends today? Its been so long we saw them "I asked him.

"Hum yes no problem.Where we can meet?"He asked.

"I think we can go to jin hyung's cafe.It will be best place to visit."I said to him.

"It will be best right.I will tell them.You go tell about this to Mr. Jeon.I will wait for you outside of the buildings."He said to me.

"Okay hyung."I said to him and went to kookies  office.Of course without knocking i went into the room.

"Kookiee~ Today i won't able to go with you home.We decided we will visit our friends today."I said to him.

"What if I want to go there too? I mean I know Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung also.It won't be that bad.would it?"He asked me.

"No it won't be.So you will come with us? If you come then ask tae to come with us also."I tell him.

He sigh.Then said"Okay."

I then pecked kookie's lips.Before going outside.

At 4 pm we all are now in jin hyung's cafe to meet with each other.They all came and seat at  VIP area.Me,Jungkook,Tae,hobi hyung,Jin hyung,Namjoon hyung,Eunwoo hyung,Yoongi hyung,Joy noona and her friend.That I don't know who is she.But didn't question it.

"So jiminiee how are you now?"Jin hyung asked me.

"I am fine hyung.How are you all?"I asked them.

"We are fine minnie.Oh hello guys,This is my friend lisa."Joy noona said to us.

"Hello noona.Nice to meet you."I said to lisa noona.

"Nice to meet you all.I am Lisa you are?"Lisa noona asked to all of us.

"I am Jimin.Park Jimin."I said to her.

"I am hoseok.Jung Hoseok."Hobi hyung said.

"I am yoongi."Yoongi hyung said.He didn't speak anything to her again.

"I am Eunwoo.Cha Eunwoo."Eunwoo hyung said.

"I am Jin. Kim seokjin.Minnie's hyung."Jin hyung said.

"I am Namjoon. Kim namjoon.Jin hyung's boyfriend."Namjoon hyung said.

"I am taehyung. Kim Taehyung.PA of His company(pointing at Kookie)." He said with his stern face.

"I am Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.Minnie's fiance."Kookie hyung said to her.

After hearing kookie's introduction,she look at me and then look at him.About the fiance thing,Jin hyung,Namjoon hyung,Eunwoo hyung,Yoongi hyung,And Joy noona didn't know before today.They look froze.Because they didn't expect our principal of college to be my fiance.

I awkwardly smiled at them."i was going to tell you guys today.Hehe."

"Wah! Didn't expect it..So Congratulations i think."Eunwooa hyng said.

"How could you do this  minnie.You didn't tell your hyung about it."he said to me and faked cried.We all laughed at his drama except yoongi,Tae,Lisa.I don't know what happend.About Tae.I know why he isn't looking good.I sigh.

"Hyung We hungry.Lets order something to eat."I whine at them.Then we order something to eat.

Meanwhile we were speaking.Suddenly yoongi hyung ask me"Minnie, Can you help me with a song that i produce?"

"Oh really? I love your song hyung.Just tell me where to go."I said to him cutely.

"Okay I will tell you that later."He said while smiling.

I smiled back.Then kookie's phone rang and he excused himself and went outside.After some minutes lisa noona said"Excuse me,I am going to washroom for a second."and excused herself also.I shrugged at this.

Jungkook's Pov:

Mrs.Park called me.So i excused myself from them and come outside to talk.

"Yes hello Mrs. Park.How you doing?"I asked her.

"I am actually worried son.Do you know where is Jimin?"She asked me worriedly.

"He is with me Mrs. Park.Why?"I asked her

"Oh! Thats make me relief.But where is his phone.He didn't response thats why i was worried."She said to me.

"Mrs. Park we are meeting with our old friends today at this cafe.There is music also.May be he turned silent mode in his phone because of that."I explained her.

"Oh .Okay then.Tell him to call me back when he can."Mrs. Park said.

"Okay Mrs. Park.I will tell him that.Goodnight."

I said to him.and also hang up the call.Before turning around only to face with Lisa.Who is standing infront of.I raised my eye at her and ask"Do you need anything?"

"Um not yet."She said to me shyly I think.Why is she acting like that.Gross.

"What do mean by not yet?"I asked her.

"Its my to know and yours to find.Amd you look handsome."She said flirting with me.

"What the heck! Are you out of your mind?I have fiance.Don't flirt with me."I said to her.

"He is just your fiance nothing else.Doesn't mean he will be your husband too.I will make you mine."She said to while grabbing my shirt a little.

I remove her hand harshly from my shirt and said her"It will never happened.Mark my work."And went inside to join min.She is really insane.I won't let her even anyone to hurt min anymore.I promised to myself.

Lisa's Pov:

"Oh jungkookie.It won't happen.I will surely make you mine.Even If I have to murder someone.Just know that."I said it to none of a particular person.

He is so handsome.Joy did a good job to make me came with her I guess.

Jimin's Pov:

Kookie came inside looking all angry and furious.I don't know what happen.But then-

"Sorry guys,We have to go now.It was nice to meet you all.Call me jungkook.Don't need formality."He said and smiled at them.Then look at me while smiling.and said"Lets go min"

"Okay.Bye hyungs.We will meet again soon I think."I said to them smilingly before clinging into kookie's neck.As I don't want to walk now.

He hold me in firm as he didn't want to make me fall.I kissed his neck.

"Min don't test me.I don't want to have a boner in public."He said to me seriously.

I keep still then while clinging into his neck.


To be continued....