
Jimin's Pov:

It's been Already 3 months I think, when I told him that We are going to be parents. Since then nobody has hurt us. I hope it won't be again. We are happy now.

I walk into the company. I am just having the Music class. I left dance class as it isn't good for our baby. I always stay with Taehyung, Hoseok or Jungkook hyung.

I went to kookies office. He is busy now. He didn't notice me. I get behind him and " Boo-"

"Jimin you can't scare me with that. " He said without lifting his head from work.

"Huh! But you should have startled. And if you noticed me then you should have talk to me. " I said to him.

"It doesn't matter Min. Go to Taehyung. I have some works to do. " He said to me.

"Why are you avoiding me! Okay I won't talk to you again. " I said to him and went out of the room before he can say anything. I went to Tae  while my eyes are teary. I hugged him from behind. He startled but quickly realized it just me. So he calm down.

"Why are you crying Minnie? Is there something happened? " He said to me


"Kookie ignoring me Tae. He didn't notice me." I said to him poutly.

"Ah you big baby!  Come here. He may be has some works to do. Let's go I will buy you a muffin. " Tae said to me.

"Oh yes Let's go. I don't need kookie. " I said to him smilingly.

He laughed at me and said "Let's go Minnie then. "

Then we went to his car and we drove to this shop to get our muffins.

Jungkook's  Pov:

I didn't notice him will be a lie. I did notice him. I just didn't look at him. I don't any work. I am just going to propose him today. That's why I am ignoring him.  I already know where he is now. He will be with Taehyung  now.

I suddenly get a message from Taehyung. I open it..

From Taehyung:

Jungkook Jimin is with me now. We are heading to a shop to buy muffins for him. And you do your work quickly. After eating muffins we will go the restaurant that you decorated.

To Taehyung :

Okay Taehyung. It's finished already by now I think. Though I will check it. You can bring him there after that.

Taehyung already know that I am going to propose him. He also helped me. I am nervous a little. Though I know he will say yes.

After some minutes I drove to the restaurant that I hire to propose him. I walk there to see what is the decorations look like. It's look perfect with Jimin's Favorite flowers. He likes flower so much.

I get  a message from Taehyung that They had reached here already. I quickly go to my position.

Jimin's Pov:

After getting muffins we arrived at a restaurant. I don't what we are doing here. I am confused so I look at Taehyung.

"Tae. Why are we here at a restaurant? " IA asked him.

"You will see that Minnie. Now go inside and follow the leads too. And also be careful on your way. You have to take care of your baby too " He replied to me.

"Um Okay. " I replied simply. As I am really confused now

I start walking into the restaurant. Entering first I saw a Big design paper with some words written there. It says-

"You are so beautiful you know that? 

           Now turn to your right"

I turned on my right and start walking slowly. Then I get to see another design paper. It's say-

"Seems like you have to wait a little, But you are adorable you know?

            Now turn to right again and start walking. "

I turned by my right side again and start walking. After some seconds I find another paper that says-

"You find the third one to congrats. This time you know that you are Cute too?

           Now start walking straight darling. "

I start walking Straight this time. And reach to a door. I can another paper is fixed on the door. It says.-

"Before you open the door to know who I am darling,  Can you please pick up the rose that lay in front of your foot darling.

               Now open the door. "

I pick up the flower and then I open the door. Just opening the door all the rose petals are lying over the floor everywhere. Then I saw someone is standing in front of me at a quite distance. It's Kookie. I smiled at him..

"Min, you found me already. So now let's stand there for a moment. " He said to me softly smiling.

I nodded at him without saying anything. He start talking then.

"You know It's already going to be 2 years in some month till we meet together. It was the best journey in my life. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened in my life. Now we have our baby too. We are going to be married but- I want to say. I love you so much. You didn't leave me. I am happy for that. Hopefully we can live our life together with our babies. So Now I am going to the actual point and that is Will you marry me?  And give me the chance of a pride father of our babies min?"He says while sitting in the ground  holding the rings to me.

"Yes kookie. I love you too. And Yes I will marry you too the CEO." I replied to him smilingly.

He hold my hands and put the ring into my finger and then stand up pulling me into the hug. Then He kissed my forehead and Kissed my lips. We are now kissing each other.

But our moments cut off by Tae. He cleared his throat and said " Gosh you will definitely made me cry now. Minnie, I am so happy for you. I am also going to be the great uncle of yours baby too. Don't forget me marrying this stubborn CEO. Okay? "

I laughed and kookie pout. I then said " Of course I won't forget you. You will be the greatest Uncle to my babies. "


To be continued...