Thirty Eight

In the morning when Jimin wake up he found himself in Jungkook's arm. He was shocked to be like that. He quickly sat up.

"Good morning . What happened? " Jungkook asked in his sleepy voice.

"Nothing happened. But why I am here in your bed? " Jimin asked.

"WHAT!  You don't remember?" Jungkook asked confused.

Then Jimin remember the last night, when He and Jungkook together was in balcony feeling night breeze. And then getting some of Jungkook's scent he fall asleep on him.

"Oh!  I remember. " Jimin said while looking at other way. He was feeling embarrassed.

"So you want to help me or you want to help to get Jungmin ready? Jungkook asked.

"I will rather help Jungmin than you" Jimin said.

Jungkook chuckled and said" As your wish my prince. " then kissed Jimin on the top of his head. And went out of the room.

"Why he is always kissing me and making me freeze! " Jimin asked himself and then get ready for waking Jungmin up.

After getting ready Jimin went to Jungmin's room and see that he was still in sleep. He smiled at Jungmin as he was looking like a cute  bunny like Jungkook.

"Minmin wake up." Jimin called.

"I want to sleep more." Jungmin replied.

"Then I should go from here? I won't play with you then too." Jimin said.

"Nooooo Minmin is awake now. Don't go jiiii." Jungmin replied.

"Okay i won't go. Now get up and also get you ready for your school." Jimin said and help Jungmin to get ready.

After getting ready. " Now my Jungmin look ready. Lets go now we have to eat breakfast. Lets go." Jimin said.

"Okay" Jungmin said and nodded.

They went into the dinning room. And Jungkook notice them.

"Jisug and Jungmin come quickly and eat." Jungkook called.

"Yes daddy." Jungmin said.

After finishing breakfast, Jungkook, Jimin and Jungmin all went to the car. The car first drove to Jungmin's school and then Jungkook's office.

"Lets go inside my room first. I need to introduce you to someone" Jungkook said and lead Jimin the way to his room.

"Here it is my room. You can sit on the sofa for now. I need to call that person." Jungkook said.

Jungkook called and after some minutes they heard a knock. " Come in" Jungkook yelled.

"You called me?" Mr. Ale said.

"Yes. Mr. Ale this is Jisung. Jisung this is Mr. Ale. So Mr. Ale, Jisung here will be new under you. He is a great dancer. And also quick learner too. You don't need to tension about him. And I also take him as our next solo artist in this company. He is perfect you can say. And don't tell this to other for now. I will officially told them in next meeting." Jungkook finished.

"Ah okay Mr. Jeon. Should I leave now?" Mr. Ale asked

"Yes you can leave now." Jungkook replied.

On the other hand, Jimin was frozed on his sit. He was so confuse about how they know him so perfectly. So he decided he will asked Jungkook tonight about it.

"Jimin lets introduce the place to you and then I will take you to your dance section." Jungkook said. Unable to say anything, so Jimin just nodded.

Jungkook then show the building's surroundings. And finally they reach to Jimin's training room. They went inside.

"Hello guys. This is Jisung. He is your new companion. Treat him well. " Jungkook said.

"Okay Mr. Jeon." The student say in unison.

After that Jungkook went to his room, and start working on his own work.

In the evening when they finished, they went to home together too. After that Jimin made dinner this time with Seokjin. They all eat and praised Jimin.

After finishing dinner.

"Jungkook please wait for me. I need to talk about something with you." Jimin called.

"Okay Ji" Jungkook replied.

"Where do you want to talk about it? My room or your room?or outside?" Jungkook aksed.

"Your room." Jimin replied.

"Oh okay." Jungkook said and they both went to jungkook's room.

"Now tell what is bothering in your small head?" Jungkook asked smilingly.

"I need some answer. First promise me you will say truely. And second my head is not small you creep." Jimin said while glaring at him.

"Okay okay. Now shoot your question" Jungkook Said seriously.

"Do you know me before? Like 6 years ago? Answer truely. You promised me." Jimin asked.

"Lets not talk about it." Jungkook said.

"No no answer my question right now or I won't stay here a moment, even If I don't have any place to stay." Jimin replied seriously.

Jungkook sighed and said " Yes We know you."

"Ok. Then what happen that I don't remember any of you? " Jimin asked.

"Now I am not telling about that. You will hate all of us then." Jungkook said.

"If you don't tell I will hate you more." Jimin said.

"Jimin.. " Jungkook said softly.

"So I guess that was my name before 6 year?" Jimin replied


"Now tell the reason." Jimin asked again.

"Please Jimin don't make me say this. Wait for right time." Jungkook said.

"you are telling now or I am going out of this place." Jimin said.

"Jimin I know you will hate us for not believing you. Please forgive us. You were and still my husband and Jungmin is your son. For some reason we didn't trust you in a matter. The whole family hates you then. I am sorry. But then You choose to suicide. We also thought you died. We felt so guilty. Usually when we get your letter in my room. We wanted to apologize but we already commited suicide. And The police didn't find your body. So we have been told that you died. But We try to find you. But we just couldn't. Please Jimin don't hate us. We are really guilty. " Jungkook said while crying.

Jimin was crying too hearing this. He was also shocked too.

Then Jimin start seeing some white pictures in his mind. He heard a voice more like his voice calling someone kookie. For a while it was fully blur. And then he saw the person clearly. It wad Jungkook.

Jimin felt dizzy so sudden. Jimin fainted and his last word was " Kookie"

Jungkook quickly ran to him and take him to his bed. And he call others too. Taehyung went to call Their family doctor as soon as he was told that Jimin fainted.

Jungkook was with Jimin the whole time.

" Don't hate us Min when you wake up" Jungkook said while holding jimin's hand.


To be continued