Special Chapter

Jimin was sitting at living room while watching  TV. But what happened next he wasn't ready. A baseball came flying from upper floor and hit just in front of the TV. That make Jimin super startled.

Jimin quickly place a hand on his chest to calm himself down. After some seconds of calming himself, he called the culprit. He knew already who is the person.

"JEON JUNGMIN!! Why are you playing at home like this??" Jimin shouted from downstairs.

Jungmin and Jungkook was together. They were playing together upstairs. But Jungkook was going to catch the ball but it missed by a centimetre and fly from upstairs. That make both of them freeze. They don't know what will now happened! Or perhaps what will be Jimin's react now.

"Appa! What should I say to eomma now??" Jungmin asked Jungkook with a whisper. Jungkook just shrugged. Jungmin look at his appa with his hand in his waist. " Really? You don't have any saying in this? Okay just see"

Then Jungmin yelled back " APPA DID THAT! I DIDN'T THROW IT. HE SAID TO PLAY WITH HIM!-- " Before he can continue more Jungkook quickly placed his hand on Jungmin's mouth to shut up.

"JEON JUNGKOOK COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" They both heard Jimin's yelling. Jungkook sighed before stand up ruffling Jungmin's hair with a smile, he head to downstairs.

"Yes honey?" Jungkook asked sweetly and innocently.

"Don't honey me. Look what you do in the living room! The glasses are shattered there on the floor!" Jimin pointed the place. Jungkook look at the place and see its full of glasses.

"I will help you cleaning it bab---" Jungkook started but cut off by jimin.

"Who said I will clean it? It will be you who will clean it and alone!! " Jimin said with a playful glare at him. After hearing it Jungkook's mouth hang open widely. He need to clean it all?

He sigh because he knows it was caused by him so he should atleast clean it too. He nodded at Jimin.

Jungkook start doing the cleaning work but suddenly  his hand got cut. He hissed lightly before continuing his work again. Jimin didn't saw it as he wasn't there. He was with his beloved son.

After all work done Jimin came downstairs and see all are cleaned and Jungkook was in the kitchen drinking water after working. But suddenly something caught Jimin's eye. He noticed the cut on Jungkook's hand. It made him worried.

He went close to Jungkook and asked  him " Jungkook? Show me your hand for a moment!"

Jungkook then remember the cut, he didn't wanted to worry Jimin. So he tried to hide his hand. " Yeah, Why?" He asked looking like nothing has happened.

"Do you think of me as a fool? Show me your hand. I saw your hand has some cuts! We need to fix them!" Jimim said worriedly.

"Its nothi--" Jungkook's words stop by jimin who glare at him. Jungkook then showed his hand to Jimin. Jimin pull him to the living room's sofa. Then Jimin went to take the first aid box and came back again.

Jimin started to treat jungkook's cuts worriedly. He was feeling guilty after he said him to clean the place alone. Now he is hurt because of him. Jimin pouted childishly while fixing the cuts. His eyes got tear at how there is so many cuts!

For this whole time Jungkook was looking at jimin. He can't see Jimin's face because of his head. As Jimin is really shorter than Jungkook. So he didn't notice that Jimin's eyes are now teary.

Jungkook was looking at Jimin admiringly. He really lOve Jimin so much. After Jimin finished his work, he start closing the first aid box while looking down.

That got notice by Jungkook. He noticed how quite Jimin suddenly got. He frowned at it. He pulled Jimin by his hand but Jimin is fighting to remove his hand out of Jungkook's hold. He doesn't want to show him that he was actually going to cry.

Jungkook called " Jimin? " He was hoping to see Jimin's face. But Jimin hang it low. Jungkook then place his hand below Jimin's face and point it at himself. The  he noticed that Jimin was going to cry! He is now worried more.

"Min. What happened? Why are you crying?" Jungkook asked pulling Jimin into his chest.

Jimin now started crying while hugging Jungkook childishly. Jungmin was out at Taehyung's house. Jimin replied between his crying " You could have got more cuts! I should have done that to you. I should have also helped you!"

Jungkook then smiled at Jimin. He was crying because Jungkook was hurt. This make Jungkook's hurt more  flutter. He is really thankful to have Jimin in his life.

"Yes! I could have got more hurt you know." Jungkook teased.

But what he didn't expect that Jimin will take it seriously. Jimin replied " Yes. Min is really *hiccup* bad. He should have help you. I am sorry!" Then started crying again.

Jungkook quickly tried to stop his crying saying " Hey baby! Look at me. You did nothing! It was my fault. I wasn't careful enough. Its not your fault baby. Don't cry! It doesn't hurt at all you know.!"

Jungkook starting comfort Jimin. After half of an hour, Jimin finally got relax. Then Jungkook said " Are you alright now?" Jimin only nodded at him. Jungkook kissed on top of his head.

Jungkook pick up Jimin from the sofa by bridal style. Take him to their room. And place him to their bed. He lied down Jimin on the bed. He got top of Jimin.

"You know you are really an angel! I am really happy to have you in my life baby!" Jungkook said to Jimin from over him.

"Me too" Jimin said shortly but cutely.

Warning:has smutts 🔞🔞

"I really can't resist you. Look how cute you are looking right now. Do we make a siblings of Jungmin now?" Jungkook asked kissing Jimin's neck slowly. Jimin let out a moan. He is sensitive there.

"Ah Jungkook-ah." Jimin moaned while Jungkook keep sucking his neck.

"You know you really is beatiful? Even when you moan like this. Your voice is like honey to me Jimin!" Jungkook said roaming his hand all Over Jimin's naked body inside of his shirt.

Jungkook took off Jimin's shirt while kissing Jimin on the lips slowly. Slowly they both are now naked and panting for oxygen after a long kiss.

Jungkook then trails his hand from Jimin's chest to his waist slowly. Then placed his hand on Jimin's already hard member. He started plumping it. He again goes for kissing Jimin. Jimin's hand went to hold some  Jungkook's hair.

After kissing while painting for a minutes. Jimin is now moaning loudly. As Jungkook is plumping him a little faster then before. He can already feel his precum.

"Ahh Ahh " Jimin was moaning continously. But Jungkook then stopped plumping more. Jimin look at Jungkook cluelessly. Jungkook noticed it and chuckled " Ah wait for dady to cum together! Currently I need some lube!" Jungkook said went to have some lube for sex....

Jungkook came to Jimin again with the lube. He take some portion of it and put some at Jimin's hole. He then insert a finger into Jimin's hole. And start thrusting his finger for some seconds. Then he time by time add more two fingers. He was thrusting his fingers and Jimin was totally a mess because of moanings.

Jungkook then removed his hand and put some lube onto his own members before fixing it at before Jimin's hole.

Jimin was closing his eyes and waiting for Jungkook to enter him slowly. But Jungkook has other plan. He just enter Jimin fully by one thrust. That make Jimin startle and also to let out a scream "AHHHH" . He totally didn't expect it.

Jimin open his eyes and look at Jungkook who was waiting for his response so that he can move. Jimin nodded at him. Jungkook then started thrusting slowly. By times it got faster.

"Ahhh.." Jimin kept moaning continiously while Jungkook thrust into him.

"I am going to cum" Jimin informed.

"Me too sweetie.." Jungkook said too. After last one deep thrust that reach Jimin's prostate, Jungkook came inside of Jimin. Jimin also cummed at same time.

They panted together then. Jungkook placed himself beside Jimin. Jimin just hugged Jungkook by his side. Jungkook smiled at Jimin's cuteness. He has done wrong thing to Jimin one time. That certainly had almost takeover his life with guilt. But he won't do any other wrong decision anymore. He promised to himself. He will take care of Jimin and his son and maybe their future child with his full heart.

"I love you Min!" Jungkook said while hugging back Jimin. Who was already sleeping let out a whine when Jungkook hugged him back. Jimin didn't replied anything, he was sleeping peacfully again.

Jungkook shook his head at his cute husband.

After some days, When Jimin had a vomiting session in the morning, he take a pregnancy test. And it was positive again. He was happy to be pregnant again. Maybe this time he will stay and see his second child to born in front of him.

Jungkook came home after his work got finished. He was irritated when he was in his office. All he has in his mind is his beautiful husband and his son Jungmin. He just couldn't do his work properly. So when he went home he wad happy to see them.

"Jungkook-ah! I have something to say!" Jimin said excitedly.

"Must be a happy news then looking at how excited you look right now. What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"It is-- uh look at this!" Jimin handed him the pregnancy kit with the prescription of doctors. When Jungkook saw it, it make him shocked and then his face got a bright happy look.

Jungkook look at Jimin's already happy face and asked " We are going to be parents again?"  Jimin nodded at him.

"Oh God! I am really so happy right now Min!" Jungkook said to Jimin while hugging him. Jimin also replied "Me too" hugging Jungkook back..


So this is special chapter of this story!! Hope you like it. And thank you for supporting the book too! ☺💜 I am also happy...