
The jade dragon pool was a special recuperative item of the Empire, Yun Jhin was sure that both Empires had this type of jade dragon pool and their quality must vary on their location, but from what he theorized and saw, The jade dragon pool of the Luo Empire was a little bit better!

Yun Jhin's naked body was fully absorbing the surrounding energy from the jade dragon pool which was clear to the point that if one looked from above they would be able to see Yun Jhin's figure neatly seated cross-legged at the bottom of the pool.

It was so clear that it was fully transparent, Yun Jhin's breathing pattern changed from time to time as his chest expanded and returned to its initial size a few times.

The 5th gem inside of him was quickly taking high-quality energy from the pool and was getting refined by Yun Jhin's deployed cultivation methods.