Let the mending of worlds begin!

Yun Jhin took in a deep breath as the paper bird in his hand started to look life-like and prince Markus's voice could be heard coming from it asking:

"Is it done?"

Yun Jhin had mirth in his voice that he quickly hid:

"Yes your majesty, your plan is ready to begin, should I do the honors?"

"Lin Duritz you have done a great job and I will reward you accordingly, you have left contacts in the tribes after you conquered them right?"

"Of course your majesty, the portals are one word away from being open for everyone."

"Then let's invite them here, send the word now!"

Yun Jhin smiled as he sent the order through his neural network link, regardless of the distance as long as they were in the same realm they would be able to take orders from him.