
In the deepest darkest corner of Japan stands a building, where people's dreams go to die. Tokushuna Orphanage is the place every kid dreams of going, promised to only be adopted by wealthy people. was all a lie. As soon as your feet touched the floor, you were trapped. Stuck in a hell hole until eventually, you were sufficient enough to be owned. It still makes my skin crawl whenever I get a hint of chloroform in the city air.

My parents were selfish people prioritizing drugs and gambling over their own son. One day in a blind rage due to heroin withdrawal my old man cracked a glass ashtray over my head while fighting with my mom. Next thing I saw was a hospital ceiling and a nurse looking over my bruised body with pity. And my parents...were never seen again. Apparently, after thinking I'd died, they had dropped me off outside the hospital and drove away.

It was that day, my life changed. I remember crying in the hospital bed out of pure relief knowing they'd never come back for a kid they never wanted in the first place. I got a meal every four hours since my body was malnourished and I could sleep without being disturbed by fighting. It was bliss, the bliss I thought would get better when that man walked into my room.

Sir Hirota Nori, the director of Tokushuna Orphanage walked in with his eyes fixed on my bandaged head as if assessing me. He was so neat, it made me feel inferior even at 8 years old. With two armed men behind him, Nori sat down and put his hands on mine sternly. I flinched at his forwardness, his bright amber eyes not hesitating to capture me even for a second. Then told me...what I wanted to hear as a broken eight-year-old boy.

Hirota Nori, " You poor boy, it must have been hard huh?" Even then I sensed something was off, his voice sounded cold and robotic almost...bored like he'd done this hundred of times. I slowly nodded at him.

Hirota Nori, " Ren how would you feel about getting a family that will never let you go hungry or unloved? It sounds good, doesn't it? We can keep you comfortable until your perfect family comes along." Now his tone was bright and colourful, making it sound like heaven. But...I wasn't a normal eight-year-old kid.

Kagami Ren, "Since when did you earn the right to call me by my first name?" I remember his patience falter for a second as he roughly bushed back his slick brown hair. Then with an entertained smirk he removed his fake affectionate hands and leaned back casually crossing his legs.

Hirota Nori, "I understand your weariness, who wouldn't be living in such a toxic home. My apologies we'll start over. My name is Hirota Nori, I own the Tohushuna orphanage, have you heard of it?" When my parents could afford to send me to school, I recalled one conversation some kids had about it saying things like 'I wish I was an orphan.' It made me sick.

Kagami Ren, "So what if I have? Rumours don't tempt me, results do. I'm sure there are a few other children in this ward yet you chose me? Why?" Nori smiled seemingly caught out. Usually, kids would jump into his arms saying yes, but this kid wasn't only cautious he was really smart.

Hirota Nori, "I think you ready know the answer to that don't you, Kagami." I was careless to wrapped up in relief, I'd forgotten hospitals took blood tests. All I could do was avoid those piercing amber eyes.

Hirota Nori, "According to your record, your quite the heavy hitter. You hospitalized three fully grown men when they came debt collecting. Your a sharp kid Kagami, and we both know full well a child of seven years couldn't possibly perform such a task if they were 'normal'." It made me shudder to see him pull out a file with my picture plastered in the corner. The amount of dirt he had on me could have put me in a grave.

Hirota Nori, "Not long after that while you still attended school, mysteriously the gym locker door was torn down. I'm assuming you were locked in and saw no other way to get out because you had to be back home at a certain time or you'd have to sleep on the streets." I recall clenching my fists consumed in anxiety, he knew everything yet didn't say what I was.

Kagami Ren, "Oh? Sounds like you've been keeping track. So, now what? I go with you or you'll report me?" Without hesitation he nodded at me, it sounds silly being blackmailed with a good alternative but it pissed me off. I knew however how much I was grinding on him, I guess he wasn't used to being questioned.

Hirota Nori, " Kagami, did you know G.A.H's that are discovered outside of my company are locked away until they rot?" I scoffed looking crudely at the two security details hanging from his waist. While hoarding me through the feeling of fear and isolation, I remember a small slither of hope.

G.A.H stood for 'Genetically Advanced Human.' An extremely rare opposition in which a baby is born with a larger hypothalamus in their brain, being the primary connector to other central nervous systems, we could achieve goals much higher than an ordinary person. We were faster, stronger and smarter everything higher authority feared. People like me were considered a threat by the Japanese protection government.

Kagami Ren, " And if I go with you?" Nori smirked.

Hirota Nori, "You'll be free to be what you are, the families we allocate children too are fully aware of their genetic composition, they have a better understanding. We teach you inside the school so your educational needs are met, all food and clothing won't be charged. But we do ask you to comply with a few things." With that, he pulled out a document titled 'Standards to be met.' I snatched it from his fingers, then began scanning each word.

Rule 1: Physical Training is mandatory, refusal to participate will result in punishment.

Rule 2: Curfew is 6:00 pm, if you are not back by this time you will be hunted down and severely punished.

Rule 3: You must be cordial to possible foster families.

Rule 4: Children are not permitted in the south quarter.

Rule 5: Your privileges are much greater than others, therefore we would appreciate your confidentiality.

Ren chuckled, the last one was code for 'Keep your mouth shut' everything about this sounded sketchy. Especially the physical education aspect, it sounded like they wanted to keep the children in top condition.

Kagami Ren, "In short we're merchandise. You don't help us find families, you sell us off when we reach our peak condition. Am I wrong?" That was the moment all kindness left Nori's face, his eyes went a sour red and his teeth ground.

Hirota Nori, "Alright, let's cut the bullshit. Your a very special case of G.A.H, your strength is higher than the spectrum admits at this age, truthfully you'll only become stronger with time. However, the government is a bigger asshole than you think. You're now a threat, once your genetic strand is recorded you'll spend your whole life running away but they'll catch you eventually." That sounded a lot less sugar-coated yet he appreciated his honesty. My mind starting swirling, spending my whole life living in fear, sounded worse than death. I just wanted to be free in a place where I couldn't hurt anyone.

Kagami Ren, "Oh? Sounds like this organization is rebellious against the government. If that's so, then won't we be taken in by bad people? It's only logical to use what the government fear against them." Nori felt like his whole world had been flipped upside down. This kid was so much like 'him' it wasn't even amusing anymore. Intellectual advances were expected in these types of children but Ren was also special in that area...and hit the nail right on the head.

Hirota Nori, "What can I say? Our kind is rare, why should we hide from our own city only to be cut 'free' after trying so hard to be normal. It's not a life I'd wish on anyone." That seemed personal to him. Perhaps he'd been in that position before but either way, I didn't like being controlled.

Kagami Ren, "My parents knew I was different. I can't hug someone without breaking their ribs, I can't even bump into someone without hurting them. Aren't I a lot more trouble than it's worth?" Nori smiled as if he'd already considered this.

Hirota Nori, "We teach you how to control your abilities, and you won't have to keep close contact with others either. However, if you want to be social we can set rules, so you can't hurt anyone else."

Kagami Ren, " Okay."

Hirota Nori, "You accept?" I had no idea what I'd done at that point, it was like making a deal with the devil. After that Nori didn't say a word, he gave me some clothes while talking on the phone. And was escorted to a car with black windows, that took me through the city dotted with bright lights and chatter. Inside felt so suffocating and cold. Outside was the one thing I wanted be free. Sadly, like most things is in this world. There was a price for that.

Tokushuna Orphanage-------------------------------------

I stepped out of that car hesitantly, feeling something bitter in the breeze. It felt almost threatening. On the outside it looked like a mansion crossed with an army camp, on the left of the orphanage stood huge athletic field and...viewing boxes. Green ivy hung to its smooth beige walls and the windows looked open and wide. On the right was a plain field covered in footmarks, like there had been a scuffle.

Nori watched me scan every corner of what I could see and smirked wickedly, it was too late to turn back but I was too wary of moving forward. I was frozen in time, assessing my life choice at that moment. If I ran I'd never stop. If I became merchandise how would that make me free?

Hirota Nori, " Are you having second thoughts Kagami?" That guy was taunting me. He knew I couldn't run, I had a better chance at survival here. Keeping my composure I sighed and began walking towards the building, two big heavy mahogany engraved doors opened independently allowing me to see what I was really dealing with. Nothing prepared me for what I'd gain and lose.

Inside looked a lot like his middle school, just higher class. Crystal chandeliers, silver decorations, golden crests all of this must-have cost a fortune. All of this just for appearances? The oval doorway on the right lead to classrooms that looked normal enough straight ahead leads to the shower rooms and access to the training field. On the right were a kitchen and dining room. This floor looked built for us alone, even the second floor was made into a living area for the children. It even had a whole library on the east corridor. Sleeping arrangements caught me off guard also, being a kid that didn't like contact with people when I saw all of the bunk beds moved together it made me shiver.

Hitora Nori, " You can relax we have single rooms too, your not the only dangerous one." Those words also caught me in a trap, 'dangerous one' like I'd been branded as bad before they'd even tried to help me.

And from that point on my suspicions were confirmed, this wasn't just a normal orphanage to rehabilitate G.A.H children. This whole scene was a lie, from the security to the cheerful bright walls. Just like the bodyguards, and his cheap smile. Even the air seemed like a lie to me.

Kagami Ren, " Let me see the kids." Nori paused our tour and looked at me in confusion like he'd never expected me to say such a thing.

Hitora Nori, " Excuse me? Why would you ask such a thing?" I remember smirking at him, he looked for excuses without a doubt. I could see those cold eyes looking through a programme of responses to make me change my mind. So I made his decision easier.

Kagami Ren, " If not then I take you out, your bodyguards and the rest of this place." I was threatening for sure and he looked a little apprehensive. But something in my gut reminded my body he was the director for a reason. That title usually came with significant power.

Hiroti Nori, "Very well they're in training right now that's the only reason I was hesitant, I was hoping to show you the way we do things later on but if you insist." I flinched at that dark wavering feeling he held to those words, talking as if whatever I see is my own fault. But I held it, that gut instinct, rationally in my position I would struggle to survive to leave at that point. They could turn on me, or just kill me on the spot considering I would be hunted by the Japanese government.

So...I walked through the crystal clean mansion without an ounce of good expectation. I could feel the looming presence of the two bodyguards behind me, there backs and shoulders were huge. I was strong, but I wondered if I'd struggle to take them on. Nori walked ahead casually glancing back at me with a blank face. This guy was so sketchy it made my skin crawl but I was an eight-year-old with abilities I couldn't utilize yet. I wish I'd stopped there and then and broke my way through.

We walked into a large field-stretching around half a mile, the grass was soft along with the dirt. It was uncomfortably plain. In the distance, I could see a lot of dots darting around like mice. As we approached closer, I could hear distinct heavy breaths that I recognized. Two adults were standing with a notepad writing robotically while still keeping an eye on...the kids. At that time my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach, it only took a few minutes but I'd finally clicked on to what this place was.

Kids my age and slightly younger fought not playfully...but with the intent to kill. Plastic knives which would still do enough damage with a pointed blade, if not more if it snapped off in the skin tissue. Some of them were already bleeding leaving drips of red splatter on the light green grass. In today's society even getting a cut as a child you'd be caudled but there was no sympathy for these kids like it was their jobs.

Hirota Nori, "Your there something wrong?" I looked at him wide-eyed with my mouth agape. This guy had to be joking I thought. I'd also noticed that a few kids hadn't even looked in our direction completely focused on fighting each other. Exchanging kicks, punches and slashes without a smither of remorse...apart from one kid.

Kagami Ren, "You tell me, do you see this as normal. In what playground or school are kids allowed to kill each other?"

Hirota Nori, "I understand this is different to all those places, we have our own education for specialized children just like you Ren. Look at their faces." I did just that hoping to find some evidence this place was evil but the kids...were all stone-faced like him. No emotion in those slashes nor was there any anger in their strikes. It was pristine.

*CLAP CLAP* His loud hands startled me a little, then like soldiers lining up for the parade, they all quickly formed a single line trying to control their heavy breathing. I stood there awkwardly as they looked me up and down. I was tall for an eight-year-old and my hair was a curly raven black permed loosely so small curls would fall from my forehead. My eyes were a shade of brown so dark they looked black even in sunlight. These kids weren't any different, the majority looked like your average middle schoolers. All but one...

Hirota Nori, "Everyone this is Kagami Ren and he will be joining us from today onwards." I gave him a serious glare, not once had I said I would stay. Then it dawned on me...

Kagami Ren, "You're kidding me, right? This is hilarious." It was a strange first impression, I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. Nori had gotten me really good. And I had been an idiot not trusting my gut when it counted. Wiping the tears from my eyes I took a real look around. I thought if they trapped me here at this moment, I'd become so bored of the same scene. I knew who those people were really, I could tell from a pin on one of the observer's blazers. At one point he'd even mentioned it trying to throw me off.

Kagami Ren, " You were them all along, you're the government, right? At least this place has an intelligent director or I'd be worried. If I try to leave?" Nori smiled at me almost proud I'd worked out his plan. Then he clicked his fingers and before I knew it four red dots joined together on my forehead. I didn't panic or ask to know, all I could do was sadly nod my head. In short, if I tried to leave I'd be shot in seconds, the two bodyguards weren't for the show at all and that ominous feeling was blood lust. It was thick in the air as their chubby fingers itched at the trigger. I looked at the other kids, and they also looked afraid.

Hirota Nori, "Any other questions Ren?"