Chapter 19


After returning to Kuoh Academy, it takes only until the end of the day for Tsubaki to approach him. The Student Council Vice President walks up to him as classes are coming to a close, and gives him a deep bow, even as her eyes linger on his crotch and she bites her lip quite cutely, making it obvious that she remembers their time together.

It's been a little while for them, with Issei so busy with Rias and then Ravel and her mother. It's probably been at least two weeks since he last fucked Tsubaki, the slutty little priestess so deeply corrupted by his 'evil'.

"Mister Hyoudou… my Mistress demands an audience with you in the Student Council Room now that school has concluded for the day."

Lifting an eyebrow at the way Tsubaki worded it, Issei shrugs his shoulders. He's half-tempted to blow Sona off for 'demanding' the audience, but at the same time, he can't deny that he's curious… and hungry. Oh sure, he had a lot of delicious women in his hoard now, enough that any normal person might think he should be satisfied with what he had. But Issei was far from normal.

A dragon's desires are never fully satiated. And besides… she was one of the four, wasn't she?

Issei nods his head, both to Tsubaki to show his agreement, as well as in answer to Ddraig's murmur in his ear. As Tsubaki lets out a low breath of relief (though it's also tinged with disappointment, like she hoped he was going to take her and fuck the shit out of her right then and there or something) and turns to begin leading him to the Student Council's clubroom, Issei follows along after her, eyes enjoying the sway of her hips as her uniform's skirt swishes back and forth, giving tantalizing peeks at her thighs.

Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, Tsubaki Shinra, and Sona Sitri. Those were the four devils that had invaded his home that day a while back. Those were the four women who had thought to try and control him, with Rias and Sona squabbling over him like he was a new toy for the heiresses to steal away from one another. He'd shown them his true power and they'd left with their heads bowed and their tails tucked between their legs.

But not before filling his house with the scent of their arousal. His strength had ignited that instinctive devilish need to submit to a more powerful entity in every single one of them. In time, he'd claimed Akeno and Tsubaki. One had thought herself a dominatrix, and quickly learned that in the face of a dragon at least, she was as submissive as they came. The other had been so enamored with him that she'd given herself over in some perverted roleplay as a Shrine Maiden trying to 'excise' his 'evil' from the area.

And then Rias had come along, and Issei had not only claimed her through right of conquest by defeating Riser, he'd gotten to have a go at Grayfia Lucifuge and Isabella Phenex as well, while claiming Ravel Phenex for his hoard. At the end of the day, all three had been fun to put in their place and add to his growing hoard of delicious, sex maidens who's maidenhood he'd deflowered and taken for himself.

The last of the four women who'd dared to invade his home and attempt to dictate terms to him was… Sona Sitri. So, it was good that this was finally taking place. Good that he was finally finishing out the set, so to speak. Sona would submit, and Issei would add her to the hoard. It was the only acceptable outcome for the boy who'd become the latest Red Dragon Emperor, really.

Reaching the Student Council Room, Issei doesn't hesitate to enter when Tsubaki opens and holds the door for him. Stepping inside, he hums to himself, raising an eyebrow at what he finds waiting for him, even as Tsubaki closes and locks the door behind him, standing there as if she's cutting off his escape. A simple glance back at her shows that Sona's Queen is downright trembling… there's a look in her eyes like she almost wants him to go right through her… or rather, wants him to flee while taking her with him as a hostage.

Issei lets out a derisive snort at the very idea that he would need to run. Turning back to the rest of the room, he takes in the view again, smiling ever so slightly at how Sona has set things up. She's in the seat of her power as Student Council President and the true ruler of Kuoh Academy. Well, co-ruler. Sat in a chair, hands folded in her lap, there's a small table in front of her, and on that table is a chessboard with the pieces already set up. Sona is playing black it would seem, but there's no one seated where white would be sat.

Meanwhile, her actual pieces, the members of her peerage, are all arrayed around the edges of the room. Issei knows them all of course, at least by name, if not by anything further. He doesn't know their ranks in Sona's peerage necessarily, but there's all beautiful girls in their own way, so of course he knows of them and admires their beauty.

Momo Hanakai, with her white hair and blue eyes. The Kuoh Academy girls' uniform that her and the others are all wearing looks quite good on her, even as she fidgets a little under his gaze, blushing but maintaining her stance, maintaining her position on the far right of the room. In contrast to her is Reya Kusaka on the far left, a slim brunette with long hair in cute braids and chocolate brown eyes. She too is rocking her school uniform, even as she too blushes and squirms as he looks at her.

Tomoe Meguri and Tsubasa Yura, both with bright alternatively colored hair, sit off to the side, looking nervous and expectant, ready for action. Tomoe is a beautiful young woman with her red hair and brown eyes and her perfectly proportioned figure, while Tsubasa has blue hair and blue eyes and is much taller. In fact, if she were wearing the boys' uniform instead of the girls', Issei would have said she could have passed as a boy herself, albeit in the 'pretty boy' style only of course.

Finally, there's the youngest member of the Student Council, Ruruko Nimura, a short girl with long twin ponytails and green eyes, who was one year younger than the rest of them. Well, the rest of them save for Sona and Tsubaki, who were one year older than the majority. Sona and her peerage were arrayed for battle, it seemed. Except, Issei thought he remembered there being at least one male member? Some guy named Saji, perhaps?

… No matter. In the end, he wasn't about to ask about some other dude, not when it seemed he was going to have his hands quite full with all of the lovely ladies right in front of him.

"Mister Hyoudou… please take a seat."

Sona Sitri's opening salvo is a crisp order disguised as a request as she gestures sharply to the chair across from herself.

Oh? Oh-ho, Issei, I feel like we just walked right into a trap! Oh no, whatever are we going to do?

It's a combination of Ddraig's amused tone and the entire situation that causes Issei to chuckle under his breath and smile. His chuckle draws a couple of flinches from a few of the other girls in the room, while Sona just becomes more and more stone-faced. In the end, he shrugs and stalks forward to take the empty chair, even as he mentally gives Ddraig his answer.

We spring it, of course.

The moment Issei sits down, Sona's spine straightens ever so slightly more, her back ramrod straight as she looks across the chessboard at him.

"You've been making quite a mess of things, Mister Hyoudou. You promised me that you would refrain from engaging in sexual intercourse on school grounds going forward. Have you kept your promise?"

"No, I have not."

His cheerful, carefree response throws Sona for a loop, he can tell immediately. She stiffens up even further, and while her eyes are widening at his casual admittance of his misdeeds, the rest of her peerage is gasping and blushing and covering their hands with their mouths. Well, except for Tsubaki of course. Tsubaki, who Issei turns around to look at with a knowing smile, before looking back at Sona with a raised brow.

"But then, I'm sure you already knew that, didn't you? I imagine Tsubaki told you all about it, being your loyal servant and all."

Did they really think he was expecting Tsubaki to keep their dalliances a secret from her King? Not only was Sona Tsubaki's mistress, Issei didn't WANT Tsubaki to keep quiet. There was a reason he didn't demand that the Queen keep it a secret, what they'd been doing together. He wanted it to come out… and come out it apparently had.

"… Be that as it may, you have also wildly disrupted the power dynamic at this school, Mister Hyoudou. Dragon that you are, you have claimed my peer, Rias Gremory. Together, she and I run Kuoh Academy… but now, after your victory over Riser Phenex, I suspect that she is subservient to you. Is this not true?"

Issei smiles and shrugs.


His continued nonchalance is infuriating some of Sona's peerage, turning on others, but seemingly having no actual effect on Sona herself. Not that Issei believes that for even a moment as he sits there, staring at her across the chessboard. The Sitri Heiress remains outwardly composed… but he IS a dragon, just as she'd said. And with that comes enhanced senses, like an enhanced sense of smell. The arousal isn't just wafting off of Tsubaki at this point.

"The balance must be maintained, Mister Hyoudou. That, as well as the defilement of my Queen, is why I must challenge you to a game of chess, here and now. If I win, you will join the Student Council, where I will be able to keep an eye on you."

… Really? That's her play?

Issei feels at least as flabbergasted as Ddraig, he supposes. It's sudden, almost like Sona got the words out in a rush because she was quickly losing trust in her ability to speak and maintain her composure. But honestly… even Issei knew Sona's reputation at chess. Meanwhile, he'd played… maybe one game in his entire life? He knew how the pieces moved, at least, but that was about it.

Still, he has to ask.

"… And if I win?"

That draws a few scoffs from Sona's peerage, even as Sona offers the smallest of condescending smiles.

"If you win, then you may have whatever you like from me, I suppose."

She was undeniably turned on. Issei gave it a good fifty-fifty chance that she was planning on throwing the game of chess just so she would have excuse for submitting to him. He could smell her arousal in the air, could tell how turned on she was. Tsubaki was turned on as well behind him, and Issei imagined that, if such a thing were the plan, Sona's Queen would be in on it.

The rest of the heiress' peerage are watching on with a quiet intensity, each and every one of them watching this stand off between their King and Issei as if they expected to have to fight any moment. Was that why they were here? To fight him? Unlikely…


Sona's eyes go wide, and Issei smiles as he lets his senses and a bit of his power flood the room. With just this much, he not only made his presence felt, but could also tell from feeling out their power levels what chess piece each woman in the room represented. Without hesitating, Issei reaches out across the board and takes Sona's Black Queen.

At the same time, Tsubaki collapses to her knees behind him, her arousal getting the better of her as she begins to finger herself.

"You seem to have forgotten what I am, Sona Sitri. I am a Dragon. And I've already taken your Queen."

Having claimed her Queen, setting it aside on his side of the table, Issei reaches out again and claims both of Sona's bishops. He happens to do so at the same time that Momo and Reya both lose control of themselves thanks to the sensations that his mere power is causing to wash over the two women. It's not mind control, nothing of the sort… it's simple strength. Pure, honest, draconic power, crashing across the room.

When said room is full of female devils who are naturally attracted to such power, the reaction is obvious. Neither girl is any more able to control themselves any longer than Tsubaki, their hands going to their bodies to begin to play as they continue watching the exchange taking place between their King and the Dragon they'd both vastly underestimated.

"Your bishops."

He sets those two pieces aside as well, even as Sona trembles on the other side of the table, making no move to stop him. Reaching out again, Issei claims a Knight and Rook apiece to represent Tomoe and Tsubasa. Over where the two female devils are sat, his effect on them has a slightly different effect because of their proximity.

A glance over shows them making out… or rather, Tsubasa molesting Tomoe and showing her off to Issei, as if the tomboy is afraid she alone won't be good enough, so she's going to present him with a more girly-girl type along with herself in order to entice him. Meanwhile, Tomoe mewls and moans and writhes under Tsubasa's touch, though her big brown eyes never once leave Issei's body all the while.

"Your knight, your rook."

Setting them aside as well, Issei reaches for a pawn, just as Ruruko crashes into the side of the table, clinging to it for support and whimpering. The young woman looks between Sona and Issei, flushed bright red, her twin pigtails flailing back and forth as she turns her head between her King and the Dragon that they've provoked, whining, and rubbing her thighs together.

"P-Please… please, I NEED it…"

Issei ignores the poor dear for the moment and just smiles at Sona as he takes one of her pawns and sets it aside as well. And then he reaches over and sweeps the rest of the pieces, both black and white aside, since they both know that none of the other pieces were on the board to begin with. In the end, this leaves Sona's Black King the sole piece on the board, staring down a seemingly empty field… but in truth, staring down a creature that can't even be categorized by a simple chess piece, a larger than life dragon looming over it, looming over Sona.

"All that's left now… is you. So, you see, we can't play chess, Sona. In the end, the game is simple. Yes… or no."

Clutching at her skirt, trembling in her chair, the shaken Sitri heiress looks at him with the slightest confusion in her beautiful violet eyes.

"Y-Yes or no?"

Smirking, Issei nods, even as Ruruko whimpers and begins to diddle herself right there next to the chessboard.

"I'm going to ask you a question, and you're going to give me an answer. It's quite simple, Sona Sitri. Do you want me to ravish you and your peerage until I'm satisfied? Yes… or no?"

Those violet eyes go wider still, and Sona's trembling grows. This obviously wasn't how she intended for things to go, but then of course not. Even the best laid plans of devils and women did not survive contact with a Dragon. This wasn't how Sona planned things, but as a devil, she was nothing if not adaptable… or perhaps it was just an incredibly easy question to answer.

"… Yes…"

There's multiple sighs of relief across the room, and suddenly Sona's peerage are breaking ranks with their King and calling out to him, asking him to come and ravage them first.

"M-Me! Fuck me!"

"N-No! Please, I want it so much more badly!"

"You could have both of us if you wanted~"

"P-Please Mister Hyoudou, I need it…"

Sona's head whips left and right, eyes wide at the sudden betrayal her simple submission has caused. Issei's deep, dark chuckle pulls her attention back, however. He meets Sona's eyes and gives her a wide, wicked smile.

"Hm… who SHOULD I start with, really?"

The devil heiress blanches at that, at the realization that she might not get to go first. Meanwhile, Issei stands, having already made his decision…