chapter one

Alex let out a hiss as he accidentally hit his knee on the underneath of his desk, the notification coming from his phone startling him.

He quickly glanced around the room only to find everyone paying no attention to him, eyes solely trained on either their math workbooks in front of them or the teacher as he explained the concept once again for those who didn't understand. The only person really looking his way was Kim Jae, Alex's best friend and co- captain of their school's basketball team, who as much as he tried, couldn't hide the mocking smile that graced his lips.

Alex fought back a blush as he tore his eyes away from Jae and back to his phone. His thumb hovered over the notification banner, unsure if he should engage or not.

Alex was a star student, the golden boy- absolutely fully capable in both sports and academics, every teacher and parents dream- and so usually he'd have his phone on silent or switched off in his bag to avoid any distractions and tarnishing the reputation he's worked so hard for.


Alex glances at the username once more- officialstarlight- and almost without a second thought, he clicks.

As his phone connects to his school's wifi, Alex can't help but become jittery with anticipation.

Starlight- or better known by his fans as his real name Jinhyuk- was a globally recognised model under SM Entertainment. Rather young and quite new to the fashion scene, Jinhyuk made his debut recently at Seoul's very own fashion week and the hype surrounding him was something no one in the industry saw coming. He was a fresh face with no prior exposure, but boy did he leave his mark.

Alex himself wasn't really into fashion, in fact he could barely dress himself and it look presentable, but he wasn't necessarily following 'starlight' because of his fashion expertise.

Jinhyuk was beautiful- for a guy, he reasons- with his honey skin and dark eyes, he was, as Alexander would say, mesmerising- but in a total 'bro' way, like yes Jinhyuk is gorgeous with a certain fire in his eyes that could rival any of the girls in his form- but that doesn't mean that Alexander is attracted to him. No, it just means that he appreciates beauty and can admit that Jinhyuk is beautiful- in a totally none romantic way.

And if that wasn't enough, he was charming, endlessly so- his humour was somewhat refreshing and Alex found himself hitting the follow button before he could even process what he was doing.

Jae often teases him for his intrigue, but he could take it. Because it was only Jae, and because he acknowledges how whipped he is for some supermodel who doesn't even know that he exists.

Alex drew in a deep breath as his wifi connection falters.

He was oddly nervous to see starlight's latest post, especially after the user had spammed his account with pictures of him from New York fashion week- snapshots of him wearing eyeliner and fitted blouses, to ones of him in a certain lace choker.

Alex almost stopped breathing.

He wondered if Jinhyuk was still in New York or if he'd gone somewhere else. Maybe Paris? Prague? London?

His screen lights up as starlight's Instagram page comes into view.

Alex takes another breath- whatever it is can't be as bad as the choker, it can't be, he tells himself, but boy was he wrong.

"oh fuc--"

"Alexander Lee!"

Alex's head shot up, eyes blown wide as his Mathematics teacher was stood a few feet away- his undivided attention on him.

He quickly locked his phone as his teacher, Mr Jones, made his way over to Alex's individual desk, his classmates speaking in hushed whispers.

"Mr Lee, whatever's on your phone must've been very important to draw your attention away from my lesson" He states, now in front of his desk.

"N-No Sir" Alex stutters, cursing himself for doing so, "Just an email from coach..." he adds hastily, watching as his teacher's expression shifts ever so gradually.

"Ah yes" Mr Jones starts off, voice softer than before, "With the start of the season I'm supposing it's all hands on deck- I shall let you off with a warning this time Alexander as I know you're a hard working student, but please do not mistake my leniency for nonchalance"

Alex nods, which is mirrored by Mr Jones before he then turns promptly on his heel and strides to the front of the class once more. He thanks the stars above that his reputation had saved him, that the school were so proud of their basketball team making it so far that they allowed the players to get away with more than they would usually, especially as this season is a big one.

If they do well they could win the Championships, they could bring in more sponsors… he could be scouted for a professional team…

Alex draws his gaze back down to his phone, deflating in his seat as he stares back at the blank screen and then up to the clock hanging on the wall, cursing silently to himself as there is still 20 minutes to go…


"Alexander Lee getting caught in class..." Jae taunts as he swings his arm around his best friend's shoulders as they make their way down the corridor and to the locker rooms, "Finally daring to live a little this year?"

Alex scoffs in response, "Don't you have a girlfriend to go and annoy or something?" He asks, yet there's not bite to his words as Jae only smiles.

"Sierra has cheerleading now, and anyways you should be focusing on whatever happened back in class" Jae quips to which Alex only rolls his eyes

"I was only on my phone Jae, plus Mr Jones only gave me a warning- hardly scandalous now is it? And also I promised you I'd go to Logan's house party tonight to celebrate the team being back together... it doesn't get more adventurous then that"

Jae clicks his tongue at the remark before pulling his arm back from around Alex so that he can push the door to the locker room open.

"And besides" He continues after throwing his kit down on the bench, "He only let me off because I'm a straight A student, I've never gotten into proper trouble before"

"Dude neither have I, yet he probably would've found a way to bench my ass"

"You're my co- captain, I need you this year more than ever..."


Alex and Jae share an amused look, "Well, let's see what we're working with then"


It was only on Alex's walk home after basketball when he was able to unlock his phone once again and visit starlight's Instagram page, the photo he only got a glimpse at had been on his mind all day, and Alex was certain he couldn't last much longer.

As his phone starts back up and the Instagram app reloads, Alex couldn't help the smile that made its way into his face.


Before him, happily pictured on his phone- was arguably the most beautiful picture that Alex had ever seen. A serene blue sky, the warm sand, the gentle water… and Jinhyuk, his eyes crinkled as he laughed at something off of the screen.

He loved it when Jinhyuk posted his 'official' photos, with his hair styled and make up on... but what he loved even more was just seeing the boy in a more natural atmosphere.

The photos Jinhyuk posted of himself chilling at home in his large selection of hoodies, or when he posts a video with his friend 'Minnie' where the two are just messing around... it was oddly familiar, and if anything, the amateur aesthetic just made the model that much more likeable.

Alex scanned the photo closely, appreciating the boy's soft wavy hair which was now dyed silver and his glowing skin- the way his head was thrown back was gorgeous and Alex could feel a certain joy radiate from the photo itself.

It was taken at a beach- Miami beach, and with the ocean in the background and the clear skies, Alex dreams of running away to such a utopia.

It takes him a moment before he's able to bring himself to swipe for the rest of the photos uploaded, the smile never leaving his face as he watched snapshots of Jinhyuk laughing and splashing around in the water.

There was a certain childlike nature to the photos- and Alex has to remind himself that Jinhyuk is only eighteen, the same as him- yet the photos are still so intimately endearing that he just wants to squish the model's cheeks.

Alex bookmarks the post before slipping his phone into his back pocket. His mind goes from the pictures to his math homework to drawing up new plays for basketball, the party tonight, and back to the pictures.

Jinhyuk's silver hair, his tan skin... Alex praises the way in which SM have allowed Jinhyuk to remain so free spirited and fresh in such a harsh industry and he's glad Jinhyuk's been allowed to relax after his recent hectic schedule. As much as Alex loved receiving notifications from 'starlight'- he'd rather Jinhyuk rest... and also post more 'everyday', natural photos.

Coming up to his house, Alex decides to make a 'game plan' of his own:

1. Get started (and hopefully almost complete) his Math homework

2. Help his mum cook their dinner

3. Get ready for the party and wait by his front door so that when Jeno pulls up he doesn't wake up the whole street with his car's horn

4. Try not to get insanely drunk

5. Try to stop Jae from getting insanely drunk

6. Attempt to safely navigate his way back home

7. Don't sleep through first alarm in the morning !!

8. Make self look mildly presentable and then finish (if needs be) Math homework on the way to school

He was all ready.

Senior year: bring it on.