Integrating to Konoha {1}

After that fiasco in the hokages office, they departed.

"Can't say that I've missed this..." Shiro deadpanned as he glanced at the hateful gazes the people were giving him and Naruko, they glanced at Zabuza and Haku with curiosity, eyes lingering on Haku with lust.

"And I thought I had it bad, how do you put up with this?" Haku asked.

Naruko and Shiro exchanged glances before Shiro looked at her, shrugged, and said, "we don't, we had tried before but we figured it was a waste of time so we just didn't care any more and moved on."

"It is annoying..." Zabuza growled, "Don't you have anything better to do with their time?"

"There angry at me for simply existing, confusing me for something else, there angry at Shiro because he was with me, supporting me since the beginning when everybody didn't."

There was a find expression that had briefly shown in her face before it was quickly reverted back to the way it was before.

"Right...the kyuubi?" Zabuza asked overhearing some of the crowds mutterings.

Naruko flinched but nodded nonetheless, "Yes I am the jincuricki of the Kyuubi, they hate me because they think I am the kyuubi itself."

This caused Zabuza to laugh like a maniac, "You...the kyuubi, and they wonder why there still alive?"

Haku nodded, "Yes, it's very clear that you are yourself and not the kyuubi anyone else would be idiotic to think so."

It didn't take it too long to reach the namikaze estate and when we did they were shocked and a bit confused.

"Welcome to my father's house," Naruko proclaimed as she turned to them and spread out her hands.

"Your father is the fourth hokage!" Zabuza almost shouted in surprise

Naruko winced, "yes he is, I thought you would be able to keep calm, I don't want other civilians to know or they will start treating me like royalty."

"But you a way." Haku pointed out.

"I am but I hate when people treat me like royalty especially people who hated me since birth, it just won't seem real to me."

"I see..." Haku noted before she smiled, "then you won't have that problem with me of It upsets you."

This caused Naruko to smile, "Thanks Haku."

"Hey brat," Zabuza whispered causing Shiro to look up at him with a curious look, "What is the chance the two of them would end up making out?"

Shiro's eyebrow twitched, "She woudln't, she's not a lesbian, and we are currently dating and that would be impossible unless Naruko decided I need a harem, which I doubpt she would."

"Interesting...." Zabuza glanced at Naruko before he grinned and glanced back to shiro..."have You fucked yet?"

Hisaction caused shiro trip and face-plant onto the ground... Startling Haku and Naruko, Zabuza laughed loudly.

Shiro got up and noticed there concerned looks he waved them off and said that he was fine, once they tore there gazes off of him he glared at the snickering zabuza.

"Of course we haven't fucked yet we are way to young for that type of stuff!" Shiro hissed.

Zabuza waved it off, "Bah, old enough to kill, old enough to fuck."