Chapter 3

Ashley was seated in the passenger seat, cross-legged, phone in hand, avoiding eye contact with me since she got in the car. I didn't start the engine. We wouldn't leave this place until she started talking to me again.

"Sorry," she said. "about what I said back in the house. I just want you to be happy again, bro."

Her eyes were not meeting mine; she was reaching for the car stereo. After a minute of choosing what song to play, a piece of familiar music was now penetrating the silence between us.

"You like Drake now?"

She looked up and met my gaze, "Why? She liked Drake?"

Now she was back at using she instead of mentioning her name.

I shook my head, "Sander likes Drake, especially that song. Toosie Slide, huh?"

She scoffed, "I've met three of your personalities in just an hour. Enough with Sander, Aspen. We aren't a match made in heaven."

I replied okay and started to sing along. We were back on the road when was the last time I listened to songs like this one? Two years ago. She was in love with Train. She loved Train songs.

"Do you have plans to go out with someone again?"

"Someone from your friends or someone from your friend's friends?"

She laughed, "It's up to you. Unless you want to date Daniel or Peter. Oh, by the way, Kate is taken. But on a more serious note, Aspen, you need to meet her. I think you'll like her. We met at a bookstore, near Café Uno, you know that place, right? She loves sports, you like baseball. And you know what, she can play three instruments. You're so much into music, is it a yes now?"

She confessed that part of her prank was to egg me to go out today. She planned a meet up with her friend beforehand without my consent. Now that I ruined her plan, she needed to postpone the supposed date.

She kept on talking about her friend, and I was not paying attention. She used to say the same things about Andrea, but things didn't end up the way she planned to. Ashley's thoughtfulness was invaluable, she just proved how lucky I was to be her brother. No one would decide how my life would be written, my story had long been finished, as Charish said. The fact that she would not be a part of my happy ending was the reason why I stopped caring about the progress of my story.

"Levine is fine with me, did I get the name right?"

"No way. You faggot!" she exclaimed; her face blushed, sure it was not due to exasperation.

Now that was the cue, she was glaring at me for saying Mr. Nice guy's name out loud. To tease her more, I started laughing.

"Eyes on the road, Aspen. I don't want to risk my life for you," she said in a gruff manner.

She could have screamed right at my face, but she did not. Instead, I prepared myself to hear profanities, she didn't say any. At first glance, Ashley seemed to be the nice girl, angel-like, suited to be the protagonist of every movie, but take it from me, when she got mad, she could be mad as hell. A week of silent treatment was one proof of how she could evolve into a monster from a meek, modest lady.

"Why are you so affected? I thought he's not your type?"

There, her brows furrowed.

"What?" I asked her.

She placed a hand on my cheek, I thought she would slap me, "Can you just focus on your driving and stop saying things I didn't even say?" she said, while slowly poking my cheek.

Seeing my little sister pissed was making me forget that I needed to head to Sander's house instead of pulling off the road at the nearest restaurant. This time my eyes were on the road, I didn't even dare glance at her. I could sense she was a bit pissed about my statement earlier.

"Someone's jealous. I'm intrigued. Tell me about your dinner last week. Did he ask you out again?"

"How did you know about that?"

Without taking a side glance, I was sure she's surprised by what I'd said.

"You can stop displaying the things that he's given you. I saw the note on your dresser. It was posted there like a reminder that he's going to meet you every Monday at six, Ashley." I said teasingly. I knew how to piss her off; it was not a hunch; she was into the guy.

I hope they will end up being together. I had never seen Ashley glow this way before. I know I was wishing for things to happen so fast, and they just started going out officially. I would also like to remind her to introduce the guy to me personally. I would like to have some words with him. Whenever the idea of meeting him was brought up, Ashley was having second thoughts. She said they weren't taking things seriously; they would like to keep things at a slow pace.

"Shut up, Aspen. Just drive," she demanded.

"Love is in the air. When do you plan to get our parents' blessings?"

Ashley hadn't hesitated to voice her opinion, "When you finally plan to settle down without thinking about Charish's death." she went on, "and please, stop sneaking into my room, dunce."


Ashley started complaining just as we pulled over in front of Sander's house. She would gladly meet all my friends but Sander; however, Sander had always been into her. I felt sorry for poor Sander; he won't get a yes from my sister.

I said it was his house because his parents were not always around whenever I visited him. Sander had all the property to himself, there were no helpers and such. He never mentioned any siblings, and apparently, he was single.

"Are you serious? Why are we in front of your friend's house?"

First, she referred to Charish as she, and she was now using your friend to address Sander.

I unbuckled myself. "You can show up and tell him that you're going out with someone now."

I was out of the car and Ashley was left inside, without plans to go out. I went to her side of the car and knocked on the window.

"Come out now. He's a good cook, I'm telling you."

Not sure if she heard what I said, but it seemed she did because she looked at the other side.

This stubborn, cross-grained girl was my sister. And there was nothing I could do about that but tolerate her attitude. I shook my head in annoyance; if she wanted to stay, she could stay.

As I walked to the front porch, I didn't look back. Then I heard Ashley's voice. "Are you serious about leaving me here? We can grab some food at the drive-thru, Aspen, it's on me. I'd rather stay in this car than see your friend," she firmly said.

I ignored her plea.

I was at the threshold when the door swung open without me needing to knock. I was surprised to see no one behind it. Suddenly, a little voice started to speak. I stooped and saw a stout little boy.

"Hi, you must be Aspen."

A cheerful kid, dressed in a white Totoro shirt paired with cotton short pajamas, which I supposed he wore last night, was standing before me. His wide smile showed off he had a missing tooth, a baseball bat was in his left hand, he was bare-foot, and waiting for me to say something.

"You knew my name?" was the only reply I could think of.

When did Sander adopt a kid? He didn't mention in his message that he got company today.

He giggled. "Of course. I'm a magician," he proudly announced.

"A magician who likes to play baseball?"

He nodded. "Where's your sister?" he asked, squinting outside of the porch.

I joined him by the staircase.

He was informed that they were expecting two visitors today, I guess. This kid kept on surprising me. He talked like he was an old pal. A baseball bat was not supposed to be his toy. Sander also liked baseball, he'd been collecting a lot of the sports merchandise, from caps, gloves, to baseball itself. Without a doubt, this kid got his bat from Sander.

"May I borrow your baseball bat, Mr. Magician? I'd like to play baseball, too."

The kid willingly gave what I requested which he thought was a toy. It was not weightless, because he was playing with a real baseball bat. How did he manage to carry this all the time? I just wished he hadn't hit anything with it.

Forcing Ashley to get out of the car was not an issue. She was already standing behind me. Kids knew how to charm my sister.

"Hey, who's this kid?" she asked me in almost a whisper.

I was about to ask the little baseball-magician's name when someone's yell intervened, "Yo, Aspen. Welcome home!"

In less than a second, Sander was leaning by the doorframe, holding a spatula, wearing an apron. This dude did know how to act cool in front of my sister. And the spatula just made him the worst person who could impress my little sister, meanwhile, Ashely was apathetic in Sander's presence.

"Hi, Ashley, you're looking good."

That was the best compliment he could speak of in front of Ashley, she sneered at him. It was clear to me now why Ashley wore that shut-up shirt.

Sander was persistent to make a move on her. He would not stand a chance. Ashley hated the idea of going out with any of my friends. She deliberately ignored Sander. While I was still clueless about the kid in front of us, he had no idea of what was happening between the two.

Both were exchanging grins as a way of teasing each other. Watching them took me back to the movies I used to love when I was a child. It was like an invisible electric current was emitted by Ashley's eyes to repeatedly strike Sander; he should be dead by now, but he seemed to enjoy the show. This dickhead surely was head over heels with my sister. They were the living proof that not all opposites attract.

The kid approached Ashley, and tugged on her shirt, "Hello, Ashley. I'm Archie, do you want to play with me?"

She eyed Archie for a while. I knew what was running in her head at that moment, he talked like an adult for his age, like a full grown-up who just retired from baseball. Very precocious.

"I won't say no to an adorable kid, where do you want to play?"

They both had gone to the play area, holding each other's hand, as the kid referred to it. He said it was in the garden. I heard there were a swing and monkey bar, which were the things my sister was not fond of. But she chose to have fun with the kid rather than with Sander.

"Man, I wish I was Archie," Sander mumbled.

We were both standing by the doorway. I was watching Ashley and the kid as they trotted off to the garden. Before stepping into the house, I made sure Sander was not putting his hopes high this time.

"Well? Penny for your thoughts?" he asked.

"No need to blow your trumpets, dude. The game's over."

He cursed under his breath. "You're supposed to help me out with Ashley."

"I've done everything I could but you're such an ass. She hates you to the core."

He hit me with the spatula. He made sure we were introduced to each other completely. I showed him the baseball bat the kid was holding earlier, "Want to meet my friend?" I asked him.

In an instant, he dashed back into the house. I followed suit, leaving the baseball bat behind the door.

"You got a son now?"

"Nephew," his response echoed.

Scattered toys on the surface welcomed my presence when I entered the living room. Before I went after Sander in the kitchen, I picked up the small helicopter aircraft laid beneath the console and placed it in the box of toys nearby.

"He's staying with you?" I hollered from the receiving area.

"Just this summer."
