
I woke up with a hangover. It was expected but it was one of the worst I'd experienced in a while. Sunlight beamed through the openings of my curtains, lighting up the skin on my arms. Somehow, I'd managed to get dressed in my pyjamas when I got home.

Groaning, I turned over and reached for my phone which was laid on my nightstand. My eyes pinched together as I unlocked my phone. I had a few new messages from the night before and that morning.

Maddox was looking oh-so-fine tonight. if ur not hitting that, i will. – Mayuri, yesterday 23:52

what was for hmwk? – Ember, today 10:18

babe – Jabu, yesterday 20:01

talk to me – Jabu, yesterday 20:05

i need to apologise – Jabu, yesterday 20:09

my parents grounded me because they know what i did – Jabu, yesterday 20:10

Ilysm – Jabu, today 09:16

His messages caused a new fire of anger to sweep over me. Crying when I was angry was not new to me so I wasn't surprised when I felt some wetness on my cheeks. I remember thinking: How can he tell me he loves me when he did that to me?

I wanted to throw my phone against the wall. Tear up all my posters hanging on the wall. Break the lamp on my nightstand. Scream until my throat felt raw.

But I didn't.

I managed to squeeze all of my frustration into a loud sigh. I was about to turn off my phone but I received a new message. It was from a number I hadn't saved.

Hey, it's Maddox. I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to that party last night and for making me embrace my inner bad boy ;) I hope your headache isn't too bad. I'll see you at school – Unknown Number, today 10:37

A smile had crept onto my face. I pondered if I should have replied but decided against it. I wanted to stay away from my phone for the day, focus on schoolwork and get rid of the pounding headache which was a borderline migraine.

My head fell back onto my pillow and I slept again.


When Monday rolled by, it was a particularly dull day. Not because it was Monday, no; it threatened to rain which was normal for the end of March. The end of March also indicated the end of the first term—I was glad.

"Man, was Maddox hot on Friday night or what?" Mayuri commented at first break while digging her plastic fork into salad.

Ember flicked her fiery red ponytail. "Yes, he most definitely was. I can't believe I'm saying this, but he looks hotter without his glasses."

I hummed in agreement.

A cold breeze swept over us, sending a violent shiver down my spine.

"It's getting so cold, wow," I murmured.

Mayuri looked up and froze. "Oh, crap."

Ember followed her line of view and her eyes grew. "Lilah, don't look now but Jabu is coming here."

She told me not to look, but I looked. He still had that swagger in his step. For some odd reason, everyone would watch him when he walked in the hallway or the mall or just some place with people. He had that effect on people.

His dark eyes met mine. My hands become clammy. I tried to take in a deep breath but it was so shallow.

"You didn't answer my messages," he said once he got to me. He shoved his hands into the black khaki pants every boy at this school was forced to wear.

Jabu was the ultimate golden boy at school. His academic record was almost perfect, he was the captain of the rugby first team and, to top it all off, he was head boy of Pine Academy.

Life was cruel.

"Because you're a dick," I said.

His eyebrows drew together. Yes, it was possibly the worst thing I could have said but I was nervous.

"I just want to talk to you."

"And I want you to go away."

"Can we have a civilised conversation—?" he had the balls to start.

I stood up, abruptly cutting him off. "No, no, you lost that right when I found you in the same bed with my cousin! What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking."

"You're damn right you weren't!"

He stepped closer to me. "Could you keep your voice down?"

"Why?" I asked, being as loud as I possibly could. "You don't want the school to know you're a two-timing man-whore? Oh, wouldn't that be rich? Everyone finding out that you're not as perfect as they think you are."

His jaw flexed as he broke his stare on me. "You're hurting."

His statement made me smile in a wry manner. "One would think that it's a normal reaction. I mean, I did waste two years with you." I bit my lip. "How long?"


"How long has it been going on?"

He scratched the back of his head and sighed. "Since your sixteenth birthday."

I whimpered. Tears stung my eyes but didn't escape. He didn't deserve to see me cry. "Five months, then."

"Dee—" he said tenderly.

"Get the fuck out of my face, Jabulani. And don't you ever speak to me again."