A long and forever sleep

I'm Sora, an ordinary woman in her 20s, working in office, sitting down and doing the same thing things over and over again.

It is a hot sunny day with sweats covering my back. Fine dust everywhere with people crossing the road, cars and trucks come and go as I walked through this hellish road after finishing my work.

As I walk, the trees start to block me away the sun. I am coming back from work, with my empty pocket and financial problems right now, I mean, I can't even afford the public transportation.

How I wish, I am a girl born in a wealthy family. I wouldn't need to care about money, I could've just enjoy my life and wouldn't need to walk in this hot sunny day after getting yelled at by your manager because of someone else's mistake.

But then, I am not a princess. I was born a peasant and it will be that way forever unless some miracles happen. I am not one of those people with high IQs, I don't have any creative ideas, I don't have hands that can build incredible things, what I have is just hardwork and sometimes that's not enough. Sometimes... I wonder, why can't I be those lucky people who have everything ever since they were born? Why can't I have parents who at least work well enough to keep their child away from starving?

Maybe I am thinking too much? or maybe my brain just have enough of those yellings from my manager but honks start to cover my mind and as I am trying to find the source of this noisy sound, I feel numb. Through my clouded vision and my messy brain. I am able to see blood, enough to cover my head with it's red color at least and a man whom I think is the truck driver, is shouting and calling for the ambulance.

Hearing his shouts makes my head spins even more, ironically, random thoughts just come to my mind right now, like how my mom work her ass off to get me to complete my school, or my dad with his warm smile fanning me and staying awake to keep the mosquitoes away from me, I want to cry, but this bad headache just won't allow my tears to come out.

My eyes start to get heavier and I hear sound of the ambulance, that noisy ambulance that I hate very much ever since it carried my grandpa away and never bring him back to me.

It seems like now it's time for me to follow him and get in to the ambulance that bring me to goddamn which hospital. I wonder how mom and dad would react to this? We won't have enough money to cover the hospital pay- AH my head hurts so much. I tried to talk to the man but I can't hear any sound getting out of me, I must look like an idiot now. so I give up on talking and I slept... A long and a forever sleep.