Chapter 12: His Goal

Los Dragones lay at the boy's bare feet. His eyes glowed brightly, the green piercing through the members that have yet to be slain by his hand.

Ryan stood behind him, shaking in his spot, feeling himself be consumed by the ever growing fear.

"This kid is a fucking freak! Get the rifles!"

"You mean you still haven't learned your lesson?" He chuckled softly, leaving a chill in the air. "When one faces absolute power, what could you hope to accomplish? Humans caused war, multiple, and what settled it? The force with a stronger power." The words left the boy's mouth so calmly.

So coldly.

Multiple groups of five gathered around, AR-15s in their hands.

With a shout, they began to fire at the boy. The sound of explosive gunpowder and bullets ripped through the air. Each one approached him, but suddenly stopped mid air, a small breeze rushing in their continued path. The gang members stopped firing as the bullets hit the floor, their mouths hanging open in shock.

One grit his teeth, jumping over the cover they built and raced at the boy, blade drawn. He swung and swiped, the boy ducking and dodging before placing a heavy kick against the gang member, shattering his ribs and causing the bone fragments to rip through his heart and lungs.

Air escaped his lungs in seconds, and he flew into the crates by his crew mates before going still forever.

When his foot touched the floor, black ice shot up, freezing over the dead gang members and latching the living's feet to the floor. They didn't struggle as he approached them, and barely breathed when he spoke.

"I want the name of your leader. He has information I'm looking for." His eyes slowly scanned the warehouse, the darkness broken by weak candles and dim lights. "He's not here."

"Erodon is on his nightly hunt! He won't be back until sometime tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" He looked at the ceiling.

One of the gang members from the left screamed, somehow snapping his foot free of the ice and rushing at the boy. When he threw a fist, a wall of ice took the impact, holding strong against his punch. The gang member's knuckles were broken, and the boy remained untouched.

"You're stronger than the others." He revealed his right arm, the previously coco color skin now an icy white. He rammed his fingers through the gang member's stomach, the man coughing blood on his face. "You…. You can't… Kill us…."

"I can do whatever the fuck I want to. You're beneath me and my kind." Green electricity rushed through the man's body, before smoke rushed out from his nose, mouth and ears. His body stiffened, then slumped backwards and he fell to the floor, dead.

"Now I'll ask you all one more time, before I talk with your boss." His eyes pierced everyone, even Ryan who was hiding by a box with extra guns piled up inside. "My name is Kairas Yamishito. I want to know where my brother Takabi Yamishito is. Be careful with your answers, because I'm short on patience."

None of the men answered him, which drew a sigh from Kairas' mouth.

"You're of no use to me then."

Slowly, he extended his left hand, green electricity surging around his fingers, before shaping into a surging blade. Ryan watched in disgusted horror, the screams of his friends filling his ears once again as the sound of wet tearing and blood spewing echoed in the warehouse. Ryan remained, planted firmly to the floor, fearing for his life. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to get involved in anything like this, with Kairas or the gang to begin with.

"Mom… I'm sorry… I'm really sorry… But I may not make it home after this one… I think I signed a contract with the devil…" He muttered, slowly looking at Kairas. He turned to him with blood smears on his cloak and cheeks. His friends lay mangled, severed arms and legs scattered about. Hearts were torn, and heads rolling on the ice. "Ryan. Get me a change of clothes. And clean up this mess before you become a part of it."