Chapter 35: First Dance

The Bunker was in silence.

Many gathered around on the first floor, all dressed in black and heads low, eyes shut from the framed picture of Riki on the wall. Underneath it, a line of purple and black candles stood side by side, lit and illuminating the darkened facility.

The air vents kicked on, the picture soon erupting in flames and dark smoke rising through the airway.

Raia stood on the second level of the Bunker, turning away as Riki's photo burnt away into ash.

A hand touched her shoulder, Shink watching her closely and offering her silent condolences. Beowulf approached the pair, loosening his tie and looking back at the photo with a glass of vodka in his grip.

"I just talked to Riki's friends. They're not taking this so well."

"I wouldn't expect them to. He was their leader. They were a family within a family and they had nothing but love for each other. Zaku must especially be taking this hard." Shink stroked his beard, sighing. "However, twas his fate, and none can defy that."

The three stood together in silence, the last of the framed photo burning into ash and dropping onto the candles, smothering the fire and hot wax.

"Where are the other three," Beowulf asked.

Shink and Raia exchanged looks, and she turned on her heel and walked into the conference room. The aged man looked Beowulf in the eye and said, "They have other matters to attend to. I do not wish to cut this funeral short, but everyone needs to begin packing up so we can move the Bunker. I wish to take it closer to Takabi's home town, as I feel that is where our main enemies lie."

"I heard about Erodon. A shame a guy like that could end up so twisted. Wasn't he one of the original members here," He asked and Shink nodded. "Darkness lingers in all hearts I guess. So where are those guys anyway?"


Takabi paced back and forth in his living room. His heart rammed against his ribs in nervousness, Garuga watching him with a strong interest.

The Dragon didn't speak at first, but after Takabi glanced at the clock for the tenth time, he sighed and spoke gruffly, "You understand that waiting impatiently won't make her move any faster."

"I know that. Just… It's my first dance. Like, my actual first dance with a date. I'm more nervous about myself than I am her. Plus, all of you guys SOMEHOW moving the Bunker into the back of my damn yard. I'd say it's justified."

"Fair enough." Garuga shrugged. He had many other questions for the boy, most of which pertaining to the gems in his body, but the night was young. He figured it would be best to let the kids be kids.

Nana slowly descended the stairs, her shoes clicking against the floor when she reached the bottom step. Takabi looked at her, and felt his vision lock on only her. The blue hair tied in a bun with curls that reached down to her bust. The black dress with a slit on the right, and silver sparkles that were like stars and matching heels. She wore silver, silky fabric gloves that reached halfway up her arms, a misty eyeshadow coating her eyelids, and the gentle, yet sexy and playful gaze she shot back at Takabi. "How do I look?"

"Too good for this planet," He replied, pressing his coat and tie down. His silk shirt felt a bit tighter, to an almost suffocating degree. The amount of words and thoughts that were lost in his mind easily crossed the millions. "S-so, are we going now?"

Nana nodded, turning towards the door and stepping onto the porch.

Takabi went to follow her, stopping when Garuga whistled at him. He turned back quickly, about to say something, but stopped himself and caught the set of keys Garuga tossed him. "A gift for taking care of Erodon. Went through your stuff, noticed you had a license, but no car." His voice was smooth, and his dark eyes held a small glint of light. "Enjoy, kid."

"... You're joking. You didn't actually��" He hurried outside, bounding down the porch and catching his gaze on the white Dodge Journey parked in the driveway. Nana and Jewel, who was dressed in a maroon dress and heels with her hair curled and laying on her back, walked around the car, whistling then looking at him. "Look at you, Big Guy. I like the wheels."

He gave the two a goofy smile, walking over and opening the door, sitting in the driver's seat and getting a good feel for the car. Takabi slouched in the seat as Nana opened the passenger door and sat down. Jewel got in the back seat as Rose approached the three, tapping her hand on the driver door and smiling.

"I want to say more, but Mr. Martinez is being rather difficult tonight. Seems like our show made its way to TV after all."

"Oh yeah. I've been wondering, since when did you have those powers anyway?"

"I come from a line of priestesses. It's a long story, but come over and I'll explain it sometime." She paused a moment, glancing at the three teens before saying, "We have the world watching us now. Your kind may come out of hiding, Takabi and Nana. My kind may rise up and fight against yours. No matter what though, we can't let ourselves get discouraged in the coming days."

"Why? Did you have a vision," Nana asked, and Rose shook her head.

"Just a feeling. I don't think that Vampire was the source of everything going on. Just a means to achieve an end."

"There's also your brother to worry about, Takabi." Jewel slouched in her seat. "I don't think he's through with you yet."

"Knowing him, I don't think he ever will be." Takabi tightened his grip on the wheel, placing the key in the ignition and starting the car up, the engine cutting into a loud, but healthy roar. "I'll deal with him when the time comes."

"And your dark half," Nana asked. "I know you're not too fond of it, but you should consider the idea of getting control over it. Darkness isn't strictly evil, at least in your case. Garuga told you that too though." She touched her chest, closing her eyes and thinking back to the battle.

The white tattoos that trailed his body, the white eye and aura.

That was the power of light. Pure, white light.

Despite what she said, she felt that the darkness shouldn't be tampered with, not in Takabi's case. He, who was so lost without his memories and hasn't bread himself for any type of situation that may call for that dark half, may just have to rely on the light.

"Well enough about that, can we go already? I'm ready to start moving these hips," She said. Takabi smiled at her and looked at Rose. "We'll be back late."

"Take care, kids," She said, stepping back and letting Takabi pull out of the driveway. He was down the road in mere moments, and Rose's face soon dropped into a serious expression. She clutched her fist against her chest and exhaled. "Now that the world knows, we can't play innocent anymore, can we?"


Takabi pulled into the school parking lot. A couple students stood out front, laughing stupidly at each other, ties undone and heels tossed aside. It was no secret that they were drunk or high.

Nana stepped from the vehicle first, stretching wide. "Alright, let's go nuts!"

Jewel walked around the back as her door closed and the two bounded up the stairs, giggling like mad. Takabi removed the key from the ignition and stepped out, closing and locking the door. He tossed his keys into the air, whistling as he took a step onto the first stair.

The keys never came down.

All sound ceased, the other students frozen in place, midlaugh. Nana and Jewel were halfway through the doors, like ice had frozen over everything, even time. Takabi looked around, noting all the colors had developed a simple black, white and grey tint. All except him, and one other. He whipped around, green and violet eyes locking onto his eyes, a body with white feathered wings floating behind him, slowly touching the ground.

The man didn't speak. He merely watched Takabi with a stone cold and blank face.

Takabi took a step back and studied his face. The features were similar to himself and Kairas. Black hair that was slicked neatly, and dressed in a bloody red cloak and singed pants. The cloak had a hole in the chest, and it was possible to see through the man from that wound. Part of his face was burned deeply, something that looked as if it would not heal regardless of time.

"Do… I know you," Takabi asked.

"No," The man replied. "I don't expect you to remember me at all. I just… wanted to see you before things become worse." He placed a hand over his own empty heart. "At this time, I was far too foolish to see your value. When we meet again, understand that my mind is in a dark place, and meeting you again brought me to light." He touched Takabi's shoulders. "You have great potential, my Son. I love you, Takabi. Take care."

When the man vanished, the dull coloring did as well, and time resumed. Takabi stumbled forward a little, before leaning back and catching his keys, sighing in relief. His eyes looked over the parking lot, and he felt a new worry placed in his heart.

"Takabi, come on!" Nana's voice called to him. "They're playing actual good music for once!"

"Yeah, I'm coming." He replied, slipping his keys into his pocket. "Was that… Dad?" He paused a moment, thinking over his last words and appearance. It scared him to no end, yet he refused to dwell on the thought.

"Oh well… Can't let that ruin my night. I'll think about it later." He turned on his heel, and hurried up the steps, following Nana into the school, yet the lurking feeling of that man's words and eyes never left his back or mind. Nana took his hand, the two slowly walking into the gym, and by extension, the massive crowd of high school kids dancing to loud, thumping music and having a great time. They made their way closer to the center where Jewel was, the three forgetting all thoughts and allowing themselves to, for once, truly feel normal.

For Takabi, this would be the one and last night, where he would be able to live any sort of normal life.