Chapter 15: Talking

The table was clear. Three chairs were pulled up close, Nana, Hailey and Takabi all sitting around the wood in Takabi's room. The door was locked so they wouldn't be disturbed, but it captured the strong tension that had been lingering around between the three and refused to leave.

The girls flicked their eyes from one another to him, each time Takabi slipping deeper and deeper into his seat.

He had no idea that it'd be such an awkward time. Talking things out, while it seemed like an amazing idea initially, only made him feel much more uncomfortable. Both the girls had hostility in their eyes. Not exactly for him or each other, but with how the situation came about.

"Well," Nana began, both Takabi and Hailey eyeing her. She spoke with an authoritative tone, but her words held a hope that things wouldn't get any worse. "Hailey. Can you explain things from the start?"

"How far back are we going," She asked.

"Wherever you're comfortable enough."

Hailey took a minute to collect her thoughts. The seconds that passed felt agonizingly painful to sit through. Takabi tried to keep himself as composed as possible, but his fingers kept tapping against the table, and gaze looking everywhere they could.

Hailey placed a finger on her chin, before saying, "I guess around the time I was born then. From what I recall, Carlos and Girston were the ones who brought me up and taught me what I know now. From magic to you guys." She chuckled. "I even thought you were all evil at one point, although maybe I just never realized how brainwashed I was.

"Girston… When I was still coming up in the world, he treated me like his own child. Carlos and I, we were a team. In a relationship actually." She rested her chin on her knuckles, eyes going a bit hazy as she began to recall details from the past, details she long since locked away in the back of her mind. "I guess, somewhere along the way, we wanted to have kids."

Takabi bit his lip at her words. Nana noticed his irritation, and wondered why he was so bothered. Either he cared for Hailey, or it was because Hailey basically, at her core, was Nana. He was selfish, with any form of the angel. The idea of him being so protective over her did warm her heart, but she didn't let that show in her expression.

"I was the one who suggested the idea. I have no clue where it came from, but the urge to want to have my own offspring just appeared. Girston was skeptical of it, seeing as how it's very rare for a human and angel to procreate. He did a little test, basically took Carlos and my DNA and mixed it together to see what would happen."

"How long has that been going on," Takabi asked.

"About eight months or so."

"Wouldn't it have been better to just do it physically?"

"You mean sex? Honestly, the idea of being with him repulsed me, for whatever reason. Didn't have it in me to want him." Hailey leaned back in her seat. The tension was slowly fading away. "Girston wanted to make sure it was possible anyway, since Carlos was still changing himself."

Takabi sat up straight, clasping his hands together and resting his elbows on the table. "You mean, since he became a Fallen Angel?"

"No. He's not one, in any sort of sense. He has no duality within himself. The only thing spurring him forward is you, Takabi. The hate he has for you is what has him wake up day after day."

"Figured," Nana muttered. "Carlos is… No, WAS human first. A change of this nature is bound to have some sort of side effects."

"A broken mentality, unreal power, and a lingering drive. That's what's keeping him at bay now." She paused, drinking from her water bottle. With the heavy gulps, thin beads of sweat dripped from her forehead.

"Like Nana said, there were going to be side effects. I don't know if Girston ever told him, but Carlos can't spawn children anymore. The alteration of his being as a whole ruined that for him. Despite that, Girson was thrilled at the idea of cultivating an agent between a Fallen Angel and Angel. So he did the next best thing and found a replacement."

"Me," Takabi muttered. "I don't get it though. He's cloning biological creatures. Surely it isn't impossible to create something from a combination of your blood and Carlos'."

"He tried," Hailey told them. "They never survived. Each one either ended up stillborn or self-destructing. Carlos' lingering human side continued to refuse any sort of mixture with my blood, but not yours.

"Girston wanted to create a soldier that was naturally like you and Kairas. A creature capable of holding your power without losing sanity. You two and Shine, all three of you were a blessing from God, in one of the most unexpected ways possible. You may be Fallen Angels, but at heart, you're human. You know right from wrong, and put others before yourselves. That kind of thing is unheard of for Fallen Angels," Hailey gave a gentle smile, looking between him and Nana.

"It was never his intention to use me to create your child," Takabi began, "But since Carlos wasn't capable, he used me to fill his place. Why though?"

"Maybe a better chemistry, considering…" She pointed to Nana. "You two will have amazing kids when the time comes. I'm guessing he figured that as well."

Nana took a deep breath, tapping her finger against her bicep, drinking everything in slowly. Her irritation was fading away, but confusion was taking its place. "What I don't get is why… Giving children is much too generous a feat for someone like him to do. They have to be planning to use the offspring for something big, they just have to be." She paused a moment, and her gaze dropped to the table. "For what though?"

Immediately, Takabi's mind went back to his theory.

The theory to use a Fallen Angel's DNA for a stronger source of power. So far, no human has had the ability to hold the power of a God Gem, and Takabi had two under his control. If creating someone as strong willed as he is was their goal, it wouldn't be too far fetched.

But just having the power meant nothing if it isn't wielded. So what would they use it for?

Domination? Control over Heaven and Hell? Doubtful, nothing they were doing seemed to be directed at a feat like that.

There were too many pieces still in the air for Takabi to place anything together concretely.

"Alright then," Nana said suddenly, standing from her chair and holding her hand out to Hailey. "I've heard it. Thank you."

"F… For what," Hailey asked.

"It's just… I'm sorry for being so angry. With both of you." She looked at Takabi. "I didn't mean for any of my emotions to cause such a strong tension between the three of us. Can't blame a girl for being jealous though."

"Jealous," Hailey began, standing and taking her hand. "I should be the one who's jealous. You're the original, and you get him."

"Hey," Takabi stood last, taking both their hands. "None of that. You both are as real as possible. You're twins in my eyes."

The two giggled at his words, before walking around and placing a kiss on each of his cheeks. The tension completely faded away, and Takabi relaxed greatly. "We're good? Friends?"

"Friends," They agreed.

He turned towards Hailey. "Is there anything else you may know? Anything about Carlos," Takabi asked frantically. She shook her head, and her smile fell.

"No. I'm sorry, all I knew is everything I already said."

Takabi swore softly, shoving his hands in his pocket. "Well, thanks anyway."

Nodding at them both, Hailey moved towards the door, unlocking and watching it slide open. She gazed over her shoulder at the two before leaving, the metal almost slamming shut behind her.

Nana sat back in her chair, exhaling loudly. "That went well."

Takabi nodded in agreement, crossing his arms. His mind moved back to what Jade mentioned before.

The Kult obviously know about the Gem that's on the planet. It has to be their goal, but I can't figure out why.

He glanced towards his bookcase. The spine of the Bible was visible, golden letters written on the black cover.

Girston. Diablo. Mom too. What is going on around here?