Chapter 36: Mother's Message

Hailey stepped into the dining hall first.

Like the rest of the mansion, it was old and run down with cobwebs and dust all over the tables and plates. A total of five long dining tables, with about twenty seats to each side, and large chairs at the head. Hailey raised her fingers, drinking the feeling of coldness and lack of light. Takabi joined her inside the large room, violet eyes scanning over before shaking his head.

"Not here. Let's go before we get caught."

"Wait," Hailey said. He stopped in his tracks, turning back to face and follow her gaze. There was a single book by the furthest table. Covered in dust and fresh webbing. "What's that?"

"A diary maybe. Someone clearly lived in this house before it was abandoned," Takabi said, stepping back up next to her, waving his arm to point out the obviousness of the situation. "They probably left it here by accident."

Hailey bit her lip, and approached it slowly. Her hands raised a bit in defense, as if she was ready for someone or something to pop out at her. A loud metal clang made her jump, and she snapped her gaze around at Takabi, who was smirking at her with a devious gaze and two pots in his grip.

"Can you not!?"

"Sorry, couldn't resist the opportunity."

Hailey returned her look towards the book, only to find it removed from its previous spot. "It's gone."

"What? The book?" Takabi put the pots down and looked around. His eyes locked on the door they used to enter, shocked to find them closed.

No one came in after them, as he would've noticed any slight difference or presence other than theirs.

"You closed the doors… Right, Hailey?"

She huffed at him. "I was in front of you this whole time. How could I?" Her lips rose in a smirk. "Maybe it was a ghost."

"Don't joke like that," He said quickly. "Ghosts don't exist anyway."

"Really," She said, cocking her head to the side and folding her arms. "You can believe in God and the Devil, Fallen Angels as well as creatures like werewolves, demons, vampires and the like, but no ghosts?"

Thinking back on it, it did seem ridiculous to say out loud. It was more of him trying to calm his shaking nerves versus actually believing such a thing. However, despite the attempt, his usual calmness was broken once the book dropped between them and they looked up.

They met the face of a beautiful woman with pitch black hair and eyes. Her body was completely see through, and she was wearing brown jeans and a white tank top. A well rounded bust and curvy hips. Judging from appearance, she looked fairly young, and was no taller than Hailey.

She floated down and allowed her ghostly feet to touch the floor, shivers running up her spine. "My. It's been so long."

Takabi sucked in a lungful of air, snapping his gaze at Hailey. "You just had to be right."

"And I'm glad she is," The woman said. She waved her hands about, the Diary appearing in her hold. She opened one of the pages, looking over the words written inside and shut her eyes. "My last entry. A painful memory."

"Who are you," Hailey asked.

"I wish I knew. I'm just a spirit nowadays, wandering an empty home until I am permitted to move on from this life of solitude." She looked up at the pair, curiosity glowing in her eyes. "Adventurers?"

"In a sense," Hailey replied, nudging Takabi's ribs.

The boy looked at her then back. He seemed less nervous, but was on edge enough to jump at the slightest thing. "We're here because of a… I guess rodent infestation."

"The group that renovated my peace." She sighed. "I know about them. I've been wondering why they chose to come here, of all times. My home was my home, even in death, even as I waited for my husband to come back."

Takabi pulled up a chair and sat down. Holding his palm up, he allowed his flames to ignite, illuminating the space with a warm light. He drew his attention from his fire to her, scanning her features more closely. Now faint, he can barely make out traces of dark scales around her eyes and down her sides.

"Magic," She says, her ghostly voice echoing faintly. "And such pure magic at that… It has been so long." She paused a moment, before stating, "So you're the one I've visioned."

"You've visioned me?"

"Yes," She said dryly. "I… Since my death, I've frequently been visited by another. A woman, stuck in limbo like myself. With her came visions, visions of a boy that looks just like you."

Now, he had forgotten his nerves and was at full attention. Narrowing his eyes, he mulled over the possibility of his mother attempting to contact him from beyond. As quickly as the idea came, it left. It wasn't possible that she knew he was coming to Dreulara at any point, especially now.

"Who are you, really?"

"Patience. I have a hard time with just trusting new people." She closed her Diary and held it close to her chest. "Please, your names and business here."

Huffing, Takabi sat upright. His flames never extinguished. Instead, they left his hand and reignited along his hair. "Takabi Yamishito."

The ghost woman looked at Hailey next. "Hailey…." She bit her lip, pausing a moment attempting to think of a last name. Takabi glanced back at her and coughed into his fist, faintly nodding his approval. She smiled happily, stating, "Hailey Yamishito."

"Siblings? You two look nothing alike." She paused a moment before shrugging it off. "Not that it matters. What I want to know is why you're here."

Hailey spoke up first, frantically, words coming quickly, "We're here to find our friends. They were taken from us and we think they're somewhere in your mansion." She stopped speaking to rub her fingers together. For whatever reason, she seemed to develop a strong nervousness. "Also, we have some enemies here… And… There's a chance we may have to fight them."

"In my home?" She took on a disapproving, motherly tone. "Why should I allow something like that?"

Takabi spoke up next, his voice full of strength. A sudden twist in his attitude, which made Hailey jump in surprise at him. "If you don't, it won't matter. We're going to fight them wherever the battle starts." His eyes shut. "I don't mean to be rude, but we're at a point where we can't be picky." He tightened his grip over his knuckles and hunched over. "Garuga… If we don't stop the Kult, he's surely not going to be at peace, and neither will Dreulara."

The woman became tense at the name Garuga. She stood straight from leaning against the table, placing the Diary next to her. She cocked her head aside, scanning his eyes and lips, pursing her own and speaking in a low tone, "Garuga? Garuga of Shadow?"

Takabi nodded. "Yeah."

"So, Garuga is on Dreulara? After all this time?" She touched her face, taking in shallow breaths, before asking, "Where?"

"Somewhere in the mansion."

She wasted no time. Looking towards the ceiling, her body begins to glow in a blinding light that erased the darkness of the dining space. Her eyes fall on Takabi and Hailey, and words grace the two with gentleness. "Do what you must. All I ask is that once you read over this last entry, you must keep a promise to me." She picked it up and handed it to Hailey. "The Dragon Jade of Shadows. No matter what happens, make sure he is one of the ones whose breathing ceases on this day." Then she was gone, through the ceiling and soaring through the halls of the mansion. 

Takabi took the book from Hailey and flipped open to the last few pages. Thankfully, the dates were that of Earth's, so it was easy to follow the events logged inside.


April 23rd, 2018

The rain was heavy all day. Mal and Lillac were a bit disappointed but calmed down once I ordered their favorite meal. Those two always give in when I spoil them.

They asked about their dad again today. I miss Garuga terribly, it hurts telling them he'll be home soon instead of tonight. I can tell that, even though they don't remember much about him, they miss their dad.

June 1st. 2018

Lillac is such an angel. To have such praise for her brother, despite being so young, is amazing. It shocked me when she asked to increase the sparring intensity as well. Never figured her a fighter, but I guess she inherited that part from her Father's genes. Mal must've gotten mine, he's been so lazy lately around the house.

Can't blame him though. It's been very hot out lately.


The next few entries were similar to the two. The last date they came to was June 21st. The page had a bit of blood stained on it. The paper was flimsy, as if washed in an attempt to clean it. Takabi read over the entry slowly, his eyes going wide as he looked at Hailey.

"What," She asked.

He handed it to her, which she promptly looked over as he kicked his chair over.


Jade has been acting weird lately. I can't tell what's been bugging him but he hasn't come to dinner in a few days, or home for that matter. Work and research, that's all he's been up to. I'm proud he's grown, but I miss my baby boy.


It pauses and continues later that day. As she read on, Hailey's heartbeat began to increase. Her fingers felt clammy against the pages, her eyes pausing and rereading over each word to absorb the Ghost's final hours. 


6:03 P.M.

This has become such a pastime. The kids are up and about and I'm home alone. It's days like this I miss Garuga but there isn't much I can do about it. Jade is supposed to be coming by around midnight after his shift, so I guess that'll ease me. My stomach has been in knots for days now, and I feel like I see a woman in the corner of my room at night. There's no explanation as to why, she just started appearing a month ago.

11:50 P.M.

Nervous. I'm not used to being up late alone like this. It's so dark outside and, ironically, that freaks me out. Logging myself has been the only way to harden my nerves and tire myself out before I head to bed, but I'm still waiting on Jade. He said at midnight, so I'm holding out until then.


The entries of the woman stop there. There was one single page after. Pulling it over, Hailey scanned the dark red words, freezing when she noticed it was made of dried blood. A single time was scribbled, along with an image.

12:00 A.M. Midnight.

The image was that of Jade. A blade in his hand and body in the background. Blood coated the room and floor, corpse on its back in a dark night gown. The head was facing away, but based on the lighting and hair, Hailey could tell it was the ghost woman. A caption was at the bottom of the image, simply reading: It's done.

Fury boiled within Hailey. A rage, that even she didn't know she was capable of, rushed out with the heavy air around her.

She and Takabi exchanged looks, both allowing their growing anger to get the best of them. Takabi clapped his hands together, two clones of fire bursting forth at his sides. He looked at each, nodding to them as they rushed out the dining hall through the doors.

"So, we're doing this? No hesitation?"

Violet rushed up Takabi's left side. Coating him in a thicker shade and glow than normal, he nodded at Hailey, tightening his fists and gritting his fangs. The two then ran out of the dining hall, and the objective changed completely.

Searching for their friends was the clones' duty now. Now, the two were looking for the one who murdered his own mother in cold blood.