Chapter 38: Confrontation

The main hall. Marble floor caked in dust and dirt, stained with dried blood trails and dark splotches in random spots.

Jade sat on the staircase, his head lowered. In and out he breathed, steadying his heart, gripping his sleeves tightly.

A cloud of death hung over his head, though he wasn't sure if it was for him or for another. His urge to kill, his urge to give himself completely to the Kult for power, even he didn't understand the depths.

In his mind, power meant everything. So much so, he was willing to murder his own mother. The guilt of such an action caused him many sleepless nights at first, though now he was unaffected by the nightmares. Instead, they thrilled him, and he always wondered when someone would find out the truth. Having sensed, and heard, Takabi's sudden outburst of rage, he figured now was the time.

Carlos stood on the second floor balcony, head resting on his knuckles as he looked over the dirty wood railings. A smile touched his lips, dark eyes examining Jade's composure, breaking down every subtle movement and twitch.

He blew air, feeling excitement bubble up in his stomach. He couldn't wait to witness this battle. The idea of it sent chills through his body. Carlos knew what was coming. He knew what to expect from his former friend, it was the sole reason he wanted to slay the boy himself.

For now, however, he would restrain himself.

Jade perked up. Violet fire ignited, ripping from the floor, shards of marble and dirt flying into the air. The flames gathered, two figures standing within its dark light. Takabi stepped through first, hunched over, hair standing on its ends with fire coming from the tips. The heat swallowed his arms completely, shaping into massive claws.

Hailey stepped out from behind him, keeping herself to the side. Her anger had dimmed before they arrived, just enough for her to keep her wits about her. There was no room for her in this fight.

Neither spoke for a while. The deafening silence allowed the cackling of flames and mana in the air to be heard. The sudden shocks, and small sparks that popped made Hailey jump every so often.

It was such an intense feeling, and she couldn't help herself from wanting to retreat.

Jade was the first of the four to speak. His voice was lighter, but still held a dark tone. His words were taunting, edging Takabi, attempting to retain complete control of the situation. "Took you long enough to show up. I had to entertain myself with that woman of yours."

He chose to ignore his comment about Nana. Takabi grit his teeth, steam seething from his fangs.

Jade raised an eyebrow, taking a step down, his fancy loafers clicking against the floor. "What's wrong? I get that being Father's pet must be infuriating, but please, try to entertain me. It's boring if I can't get under your skin."

"Why," Was his reply.

Takabi's words were gruff. The hidden anger and power behind it was apparent to Carlos. He knew this boy, and anger was his excuse to make himself stronger. He was a creature bred for war, fighting and killing was ingrained in his DNA.

Jade craned his head aside at Takabi's question. He knew what he was asking about, but chose to play coy. "Why what?"

He snapped, thrusting his palm forward. Violet flames spun through the air towards Jade. The Shadow Dragon leapt into the air, avoiding the heat so casually. Once he landed, he dashed towards Takabi, shadows swirling around his palm, forming a dark claw of his arm.

Takabi pulled his left arm back, the two slamming knuckles together and both elements flying about. Hailey shielded herself with air, yet that did little against the heat. Carlos watched on, hair dancing madly at the shockwave of their impact. His slight smile grew even larger.

"Why did you do it," He continued.

Takabi's voice kept its subtle calmness, despite the ensuing rage he felt boiling up. When Jade met his words with a sly smirk, the boy roared out, raising his right claw and throwing it forward.

The flames cut clean through the air, leaving pockets of emptiness in their path. The two exchanged a few punches, Jade suddenly bringing his elbow down on the back of Takabi's skull.

The boy stumbled forward, snapping his head back to the Dragon melding into the shadows. Darkness dashed along the floor, black spikes ripping upwards and piercing Takabi's arms. Blood splashed about, Jade moving around and striking Takabi's back. The blood that splashed on his face sent joy through his bones. So much so that he licked it clean from his cheek and hopped back.

"Why did you kill her!" His voice came out as a yell.

Flames bellowed around him, reaching out like extra limbs, attempting to grab Jade. As he landed, he ducked, bobbed and weaved out of the way of the heat, bounding down the steps to close the gap between the two once more. His arm reached forward, cutting through the flames.

Takabi ducked under, reaching up and gripping his arm, using the momentum to pull him back and slam his head into the floor. The impact shook the mansion, dirt flying out around the massive structure. Takabi flipped back, taking heavy breaths.

The heat was beginning to get to him, his mind losing sense of awareness. Jade pushed himself up, rubbing his nose. The smile on his face never left. In fact, it grew more obvious.

"Nice, nice. I see you're not just all talk."

"Answer my question," Takabi said. "Why her? What purpose did it serve you to kill your mother!? Why Jessica!?"

Jade shrugged in response. The simple action ignited a newfound anger within Takabi. He roared, flames erupting around him like a twister. The violet on his skin spread subtly towards his right.

His eyes glowed brightly, filling out with a matching color. He stepped forward, invisible to the naked eye. Jade raised his palm, blocking the punch with mere ease. He tossed his free arm back, allowing the force to travel through his arm and out behind him, ripping the back wall and staircase apart into mere dust.

Even Carlos was shocked by that.

"Such intense strength."

Takabi threw another punch, connecting with Jade's cheek, knocking the Dragon off balance. The following uppercut sent Jade into the air, faint traces of blood and saliva exiting his mouth in a painful yelp.

Hailey pumped her fist, "Yes! Keep it up, Taki!"

Don't hold back, Takabi thought.

Another roar escaped him, more powerful than the last. He pulled his right knuckles back, willing the dark flames to gather there. Jade flipped, feet touching the ceiling, before he kicked himself off.

Shadows danced around him, gathering around his own fist. The two clashed, light erupting throughout the main hall. In a blaze of fire and shadow, the mansion was shaken, rooftop ripping apart, and walls exploding. The structure collapsed outward, high winds ripping through the mountain trees. Wood and stone was ripped from the Dreularan soil, and the silence of wildlife and nature was shattered.