
Mysterious Town, North-East of No Man's Land

The whole squad followed the town's Elder as they walk towards the place they spending the night. The town folks scared at the strange travelers but they're still some curiously staring at them.

"This is where you spend the night. I'm sorry that this shack is the only thing we can lend you. It hasn't been used for a long time." The Elder took them to a shack and open the door. Dust could be seen in every corner for not being used for a long time.

"It only needs a little clean, and it will be good as new." Lieutenant Rina replied to the town's Elder with a smile at her face.

"I will leave you all for a while, I will call the Shaman of this town" The Elder bowed at the squad and leave.

"Shaman ?" The whole quad didn't understand the Old man. A few minutes later the town's Elder returned with a woman named Alicia. The woman wears a white priest robe and holding a staff.

"Alicia, can you please light this house." The Elder orders the woman in a white priest robe. Alicia gives a smile and said something gibberish.

"Oh, light bless me with your holy brightness, Illumination!" A complicated circle followed by a bright ball of light appeared in the woman's palm. The whole squad was shocked and only Doctor Elmidor is still composed.

"Is that magic ?" Private Vasques asked Alicia in owes this is the first time he saw real magic.

"Yes, have you never seen magic?" Alicia asked modestly to the strange traveler with a smile.

"Never, until just now" Sergent Nicholas is the one who replied to Alicia, still couldn't believe that magic exists.

"El-ti we need to report it to the Headquarters. If war broke out between us and this magic user natives we may not win. We also don't know if there's magic like a Nuclear bomb" Sergeant Satsuki suggested.

"Please enjoy your stay here" The Doctor was about to speak when Alicia bowed and said goodbye. After the Shaman and the town's Elder left the shack Lieutenant Rina opened her Wrist Terminal and called the Headquarters.


Plains of No Man's Land, UN Solum Colony, Headquarters, 1925 Hours

Major Tae-Joon drinking his coffee freely at the Headquarters while monitoring the colony on the big screen. The other officers were busy connecting the satellite signal back to Earth when the tech comms Wrist Terminal rang and connected it to the big screen.

"Only a few hours have passed since your squad left. I'm sure it was a very important report" Major Tae-Joon smiles at the Lieutenant.

"We arrived in a town with humanoid creatures that indistinguishable from humans. Our team decides to spend the night here, and something caught our interest. Strange occurrences are happening in this town and the inhabitants of this town suspect us of being demons." Lieutenant Rina reads the report and the Major burst into laugh.

"Hahahahahaha We? A demon? Its been a while since I laughed so hard. Lieutenant Rina other than this bullshit is there something else?" Major Tae-Joon back from being serious and let the Lieutenant continue the report.

"Our Expedition team discovered that Magic exists on this planet. Doctor Elmidor secretly record some footage of the woman using magic which they called a Shaman" Lieutenant Rina played a video of a woman speaking a gibberish language and the woman's palm brightly shine.

"Is this Legit, or maybe a hoax using a flashbang ?" Major Tae-Joon is still skeptical in this magic but the other officers and tech comms in the headquarters are shocked.

"This is one hundred percent authentic that magic exists, and by the way Major Tae-Joon the automatic translator is working properly"

"I see, while Doctor Elmidor studying both Code: Goblin and Code: Hobgoblin we took the sound waves and pitch of this creature voices. Using a complex program we arranged those sounds and it will automatically translate to English, but it doesn't translate the non-existing word from them. " Major Tae-Joon explaining the automatic translator when Sergeant Nicholas approached the Lieutenant and whispered something.

"Sir, something urgent looks like we find out whose the culprit in what's happening in this town" Lieutenant Rina interrupts the Major explanation and excused herself.

"All right Lieutenant, if you capture new footage these magic or strange creatures immediately send it to the headquarter using the Priority Message function." and the connection between the two cuts.


Mysterious town, North-East of No Man's Land, 1940 Hours

"El-ti our thermal recon camera has detected something near the Armored Jeep. It's too big to be human." Sergeant Nicholas reported to the Lieutenant as she cut the call from headquarters.

"Prepare the guns and. Doctor Elimidor, you will be left here and don't let anyone enter this shack" Lieutenant Rina orders her whole squad to prepare and meet this huge thing.

"Roger that El-ti!" When the whole squad is ready, they quietly head towards their Armored Jeep while scanning the area. Using the thermal recon camera they discovered a huge slithering snake.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? IS THAT A FREAKIN TITANOBOA?" Private Vasques startled while looking at the Giant snake !which about ten meters long and its scales are silver. The sound of a colliding metal can be heard when a Giant snake moves.

"PREPARE FOR COMBAT !!" They pulled out their guns. Unknown to the majority of Marines, the Festina squad isn't only an Observation and Reconnaissance team based on G-22 but they are a Full-body Augmented Special Force or FASF. They were the first People to use a full-body augmentation for military purposes. The squad opened their Limiter gauge if their guns didn't handle the Giant snake in front of them.

"Sergeant Nicholas, get the PMR-1 at the Armored Jeep in case our guns can't handle this Giant snake. Sergeant Satsuki and Private Vasques use the MP5-AS, and if nothing happens switch to M4 Carbine Rifle using Armor-piercing bullets. I will cover you at the back while recording some footage that we need to send back to headquarters" Lieutenant Rina calmly ordered her team one by one which they immediately obeyed.

"Go! Go! Go! ENGAGING !!" The three soldiers shoot the Giant snake which they only hear the sound of clashing metals. The Giant snake was annoyed and attacked the three creatures trying to hurt him.

"SHIT !!! IT'S SCALE LOOKS KIND OF METAL. SWITCH TO M4 CARBINE RIFLE AND USE ARMOR PIERCING ROUNDS" The Giant snake shouts in agony when the three soldiers switch to the rifle. Lieutenant Rina smiled as the Armor Piercing Rounds are affecting the Giant snake.

The Giant snake raised its huge tail and try to hit the three soldiers. Lieutenant Rina and Sergeant Satsuki withdrew but Private Vasques was still hit by the tail and thrown away on the tree. If his body wasn't made of metal, his bones might have been broken.

"FUCK !! Okay, eat this !! FIRE IN THE HOLE" Private Vasques stood up and grabbed a piece of the frag grenade. He threw it at the Giant snake and exploded. One thousand lead and tungsten balls penetrated on the body of the Giant snake. It screams in agony and dripping in silver blood but due to its rapid regeneration the holes in its body immediately recovered

"Holy Shit! Even grenade can't do much damage? This shit is not an animal but a fucking monster !!!" Private Vasques shoot again at the Giant snake even he knew it was futile. The Giant snake wrap him tight that happens in a matter of seconds, it's so sudden that he caught off guard.

"GRAAAAAHHHH" The Giant snake opened its big mouth and about to eat the soldier when its body exploded into chunks followed by a loud bang.

"I thought I was late for fun" They looked at the source of the sound where Sergeant Nicholas holding the PMR-1.

The PMR-1 or Portable Mini Railgun type 1 is one of the newest weapons of the UN. This weapon uses Nukereon Energy as a propellant which discovered by Doctor Xanovavich. This weapon was very destructive but only those with an augmented body can carry it.

"Thanks for saving me there Sarge, I thought I was done for and eaten by this fucking Titanoboa" Private Vasques said jokingly while wiping his sweating forehead. After a few minutes they heard running footsteps towards them and they saw the town's Elder with other armed men.

"What happened here? I heard a loud sound of lightning, and immediately went to its source" The elder look at the dead giant snake and asked Lieutenant Rina's squad. "Are you the one who did this?."

"Yes, we found that this Giant snake is the source of the unexplainable loss of this town." The Elder turned pale at the Lieutenant's explanations and looked at the four travelers with strange armor and weapons.