Tech vs Magic II

Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Dragon's Tower

Twenty minutes earlier

The Cobra Squadron and Three Wyvern Companies of Imperial Dragon Airforce are continued exchanging projectile attacks. Imperial Airforce Commander Ayze noticed that one of the Iron Mosquitoes were protected behind who were riding the Traitors.

Commander Ayze couldn't restrain his anger when he saw the traitors carrying the Emperor's sleeping body. "Fifty-fifth Wyvern Company charged! Kill these treacherous bastards!"

"Oh Void, bless us your immense strength. Strength Up!" One by one the fifty-fifth Wyvern Company drew their swords and lances. "Kill this bastard!" They stormed the Cobra Squadron with no hesitation.

Ambassador Jonathan, Clara, and other loyal Nobles of the Emperor boarded the Helicopter before the two hundred and fifty soldiers approached them. They welcomed by loud noises inside the Attack Helicopter accompanied by a loud bang of the machine guns and rocket pods.

"Cobra Four to All. We secured the High-Value Target RTB!" Clara felt a mixture of joy and nervousness when she boarded the Iron Mosquito. It's her first time experienced flying through the sky while Ambassador Jonathan was holding his Smart Pistol as the Helicopter escaped from the battlefield.

The AH-90 Ultra Cobra and the Imperial Dragon Airforce Wyvern have the same speed thus, the battle between the two camps became Quantity vs Maneuverability while exchanging projectile attacks.

A Dragon Rider approached one of the Attack Helicopters and tried to stab it with his Lance but he was surprised that the Iron Mosquito didn't get hurt. He was confronted by an AH - 90 Ultra Cobra Pilot.

Red smoke mixed with blood can be seen but the two camps didn't shake. Commander Ayze bites his lips as the strength of the Iron Mosquito pounded his two hundred and fifty Dragon Riders while only three fell on the other side.

"Cobra Seven to Cobra Lead. We're running out of ammo" The fight is still going and noticed that they're running out of ammo.

"Platoon A Lead to Cobra Lead. Requesting for Air Support at South-West near Garden Gate. I'm sending coordinates" The Marines radioed but the Cobra Pilots couldn't leave their positions. "Negative, we are currently engaging with armed locals".

"Cobra Lead to All. Cover Cobra Four with your remaining ammo and RTB!" The Leading Pilot of the Cobra Squadron has no other option but to withdraw. They already did their objective but will leave the Marines at the Extraction Point.

"Don't let them escape! All Dragon Riders charge! Cut all their possible routes" Commander Ayze ordered furiously when the Iron Mosquitoes retreated after raining breath attacks.

Aboard with his Specialized Wyvern, Commander Ayze overtake towards the Cobra Squadron. He ignores the passing wind as the Barrier Magic protects him and pulls out his sword.

The Cobra Pilots' eyes widened in shock at the approaching Dragon Rider that looks like a diving Kamikaze.

"Die Traitors! Void Slash!" Commander Ayze's sword shines brightly and slashed the Attack Helicopter into the two. An AH-90 Ultra Cobra didn't manage to turn around and intercept the approaching Dragon Rider. The Helicopter explodes and crashed.

"Cobra down! Cobra down!" Commander Ayze smiles at the blazing helicopter. "Cobra Lead to All. Retreat I will take care of this Dragon Rider" The Leading Pilot of the Cobra Squadron turns around and cover his retreating teammates. His squad member punched their seat as they could do nothing.


Imperial Capital, Near West Port, Modernized Dreadnought Class Battleship Ares, Command Center

MDC Battleship Ares Captain was looking at the large monitor at the Command Center. He analyzes the area shown by Recon Camera which coordinates are provided by the Marines.

All crews entered the Command Center in preparation for the bombardment. "All main guns target this coordinates" The Captain orders to his crew. The Main gun turret rotates and targets the inner wall.

"All main guns are green and ready to fire!" The Weapon officer reports to the Captain. The Captain nodded which the crews immediately understood. "Begin the bombardment. All main guns fire!"

The Battleship ignites with the force of its 446mm main guns. Using the Fire Control System and crew minds they already calculated the solution and coordinates where the shells fall.


Imperial Capital, Imperial Garden Gate

The Imperial Mages keeping the Barrier Magic as the remaining Marine Platoons continued to fire. The Platoon received a radio message from the Ares Captain which boosts their morale.

The remaining Marine Platoons keep their distance to each as if they have the same brain understanding each member's movement. Platoon B and C withdrew while Platoon A covering fire their escape route.

Veronica couldn't understand what the barbarians were thinking. Instead of giving up, they continue to fight. Their Barrier Magic, which is maintained by two hundred and fifty Imperial Mages only flickers.

She watched the barbarian as they escape when she heard a whistling sound which was accompanied by an explosion. Veronica was shocked at the crumbling Barrier which hammered by something.

"What is that?" She asked one Imperial Mage but it only shook its head. Minutes later, it was followed by another series of explosions, and the Imperial Mages were thrown away.

Veronica couldn't understand what's happening. She was covered in blood and forced to stand. When the Marines saw this opportunity they immediately grab it and fled.

"Chase the barbarians! Speed-up!" Veronica cast a speed spell and chased one of the Marines "Ice Sword!" An Ice sword appeared on Veronica's hand and try to stab the Marine. Nadia foresees what coming and uses her rifle and deflect Veronica's Ice sword.

"Nadia !!" Marco fired at Veronica but it was stopped by her Barrier magic and distanced herself from the Marines "Are you okay?" Marco approached Nadia and checked her body.

"Yes, I'm fine" Nadia stood up as Marco supported her.

The Imperial Mages couldn't get out from their place from the successive bombing of the Five hundred and seventy-kilogram shell of the MDC Battleship Ares Main guns.

They were vomiting blood as the Barrier continues to weaken and the two hundred and fifty Imperial Mages were shattered into pieces. The bombing was stopped and Veronica was shocked at the speed of the event and now find herself in a disadvantaged position

This was an opportunity for Marine Platoon to kill the Mage but they're low in ammo. Tarma reloaded his rifle and fired to Veronica.

"Eat Lead Bitch!" Tarma curses. Veronica didn't like what she heard and was completely annoyed. The surrounding becomes cold and Large chunks of Ice fell separating Tarma from his Teammates.

"What did you say? Bitch?" Veronica only targeted Tarma "I'll kill you first!" Tarma didn't know what to do when he found something on his pouch.

"Shit! Shit! Flashbang!" Tarma threw a Flashbang grenade from his pouch but Veronica already familiar to the grenade and closed her eyes before it exploded. Tarma pointed his rifle towards Veronica who closes her eyes but when Tarma tried to pull the trigger he was out of bullets.

"Why now? Unlucky bastard" Tarma immediately switched to his PHASR Rifle which contains Taser bullets but Veronica recovered from the Flashbang and kicked Tarma in his stomach.

"Tarma !!" His teammates shout as they try to destroy the large chunk of Ice in front of them. Veronica approached Tarma and about to stab her Ice Sword when Clark realized to use the C4.

"I can't forgive what you said to me barbarian! You must die" Veronica was about to stab her Ice Sword when something exploded behind her and her Magic Barrier flickered.

Tarma tried to reach his PHASR Rifle and when he reached it, Veronica's Magic Barrier broke. Tarma pulled the Trigger and the Taser bullet attached to Veronica's body.

Veronica was back to reality but it was too late the two hundred volts of electricity flowed and she lost consciousness.

"What are we going to do with this woman?" Ralph asked and minutes passed before they made a decision.

"She will not wake-up for a few hours. Let's take her to Interrogate" Marco suggested while holding his chin "Tarma take this woman back to Ares"

"Why me? You know this woman wants to kill me" Tarma complained to Marco but he can't object and just lifted Veronica's sleeping body.