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[United Nations Colony, Solum City, North of Soldiers' Camp]

The Fourteenth Griffon squad which is led by Commander Stewart flies through the air and exhausted from their journey.

They had only a day to rest from the Empire's Vassal State 'Silverdell' because their pursuers also searched on this state. Because of this, they immediately head straight towards the 'You-En Solum'.

"Conrad looks like we're lost! I can't see the Goblin Forest, is this the right way?"

Elena worriedly approached Conrad, a member of the Griffon squad and the squad's navigator.

"Yes, according to the Magic compass and the Magic Tracker we left at the Goblin outpost, we are close" Conrad looks at the magic crystal he was holding and pointed towards the south.

Commander Stewart just nods as he continues to ride his mythical beast while listening at the two.

"Commander Stewart! I finally found the walls of 'You-En' !" Conrad happily reports to his commander.

They took almost an hour before they found the UN's landmark, its giant concrete walls had hundreds of howitzers on its top.

They were confused, the forest that covered the whole area is now gone and it has been replaced by a flat road and different types of buildings.

"We are going to land! Let's find what is happening on the ground !"

At Commander Stewart's command, the whole squad descended from the sky and landed on the flat ground.

"Only a few weeks have passed and this place is already different," Elena gaped in awe as she looked around.

"Indeed, it was obvious how powerful this small country is" Commander Stewart agreed.

"But we heard that Imperial Wyvern Airforce was able to defeat their Iron Mosquitoes!"

"Yes, In exchange, we had a huge number of casualties from the Empire side. If we look at their perspective, the army they sent was few and also not ready by that time" Commander Stewart's expression changed into grim.

"Stewart, let's not talk about it anymore" Elena's expression also changes to grim when she saw the commander's expression.

Commander Stewart nodded and began to walk towards the wall of 'You-En'. Everyone followed him and cautiously walked at the stunningly flat road.


As they walked, their griffons suddenly cried out from the sudden loud bang.

"What is that sound?" Conrad asked.

"Wait, I remember this sound," Elena looks around and searched for its source "THE BLACK STAVES OF 'YOU-EN' !"

"Now that you mention it, I also remember it too," Commander Stewart looked at Elena and nodded "let's move toward the source of this sound !"


Three F / A - 02 Fox is hovering in the air. They are conducting a reconnaissance mission after the radar scanner detected some intruders.

"Wolf One One to Overlord. We finally found the bandits, do we engage? Over!"

Commander Edgardo Martinez was standing at the huge screen of the headquarters, thinking about what to do. Due to strong magical interference on the radar signal, the detection was delayed.

"We need to research these magic waves as soon as possible" The commander whispered and commanded the comm tech to turn on the radio.

"Wolf One One this is Overlord. Send the recon image and wait for my command!"

"Copy that! Sending the recon image"

After a few seconds of downloading the image from the recon team, he finally saw the intruders. Commander Martinez stood up from his chair and immediately relayed the message to the recon team.

"Wolf One One this is Overlord. Don't engage and RTB, I know these guys!"

"Copy that sir !," The pilot changed his radio frequency and set to his teammate "Heard that boys? Don't engage and RTB"


The recon team was confused, but they followed the Headquarters command, and quickly returned towards the UN Airfield.


The whole griffon squad headed straight where they heard the loud bang. Using the relentless sound of explosions, they finally found its source.

"Wow! Their soldiers are so organized" Elena gaped in awe again.

"Look likes a Military Drill. Amazing! Their soldiers' movements were polished even though it just a training" Commander Stewart commented.

They watched the 'You-En' soldiers performing their Military Drill. Their movements are well organized and clean which leaves the Natives in amazement. They also noticed that their 'way of fighting' was different.

"Contact in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... CONTACT !!"

Commander Stewart and Elena turned their heads towards the screaming soldier as his fellow soldiers moved the long metal barrel. Moments later, a loud bang along with a mushroom-like fire appeared from the mountain.

"What firepower!"

Conrad was astonished, couldn't believe the might of the metal barrels. They're still amazed at the metal weapons of 'You-En'

In the middle of the drill, Elena suddenly startled. She got goosebumps and left screaming when something touched her back.

"What are you doing here? This place is off-limits!"

Everyone looked at the man who spoke. He was also wearing the uniform of the 'You-En' soldiers but his face was covered with an iron mask.


Everyone was surprised when the soldier removed his mask and immediately recognized who it was.

"Sorry Lieutenant Frederico, we didn't recognize you immediately! "Commander Stewart bowed to the Lieutenant.

The whole squad also imitated the Commander and even Elena bowed to the Lieutenant.

"Haha it's okay, I didn't recognize you either. High commands detected an intruder, and we didn't know it was you"

Lieutenant Frederico just scratched his head, these natives were also the one he met a few weeks ago when they just began settling on the plains.

"What is the reason you came here to Solum?"

The whole squad looked at each other from Lieutenant Frederico's question.

They didn't know how to answer his question.

"Ahh ... Ehhh ..."

Elena tried to answer but Commander Stewart cut her off.

"We know the Emperor is here, we want to see him," Commander Stewart glanced at his squad, and they nodded. "We want to know Emperor Valencia's condition. The whole empire was in turmoil because we have no news from him."

Lieutenant Frederico felt the weight of Commander Stewart's words. He knew the group was loyal to the Emperor and not among those who wanted to assassinate him.

"Sorry, that's beyond my pay-check but I can call higher-ups about this."

Lieutenant Frederico opened his Wrist Terminal and switched the frequency to headquarters.

"Whatever the decision of the Higher-ups you must obey it and that's all I can do, is that clear?"

Everyone smiled at the news. Even though the chances were slim they still wanted to see the Emperor's condition, and whether the Prime Minister was saying the truth.

"Of course, there is no problem as long as we can see or at least hear from him"

As a result, Lieutenant Frederico called the Headquarters to ask what to do with the guest's Natives.

"First Lead to Overlord. First Lead to Overlord. Do you hear me? Over!"

His Wrist Terminal was only static but a few seconds later, someone answers his call.

"Overlord to First Lead. Loud and Clear!"

Commander Stewart, Elena, and Conrad were waiting at the side. They were listening to Lieutenant convo. They heard the 'You-En Overlord' voice and you can feel the tension from their sweating foreheads.

"I need immediate instruction about these natives. They want to see the Emperor"

"Sorry Lieutenant but Major Tae-Joon and Governor Steven are not here to give the command"

"Where are they?"

"They are in an important business. I am the only one in headquarters but if the natives wait for two days maybe Major Tae-Joon will return"


The communication from headquarters was cut and Lieutenant Frederico looked at the Natives as he shook his head.

The smiles on the lips of the Natives disappeared then Commander Stewart ordered his squad to leave.

"Wait I'm not done yet!" But before they left, the Lieutenant stopped them.

"What else is there to say, Lieutenant? There is no meaning staying here if we can't see the condition of the Emperor," Commander Stewart replied sadly.

"You still have a chance! If you wait here for two days, maybe you can see the Emperor."

"How?" Commander Stewart stopped walking and turned his head to the Lieutenant. His saddened expression was replaced with an expectant look.

"When Major Tae-Joon returns, there is a chance to let you in. I knew he already knew about you. "

"He's right! I'm sure Major Teyjun remembers us! We still have a chance!" Elena cheered at the news.

Everyone was enlightened by this news and had only one thing on their mind.

"We'll wait!"

Meanwhile, Veronica woke up in a white and cramped room. Her eyes widened, she finds herself tied to a chair.

"Let me go, barbarians! You will pay!"

She shouted angrily as she struggled from the chair. It was futile, the rope was heavily tied and no one could hear her screams.