Summer Wars

Summer is in a full swing and what could be better in summer than going to the beach? Well, Elsword and Rena takes an view but sunbathing is too boring for them so they decided to start summer wars! It'll be an hot summer day full of funny situations and hilarious scenes!

At the beach, Elsword and Rena is walking in the beach with their swimsuits until they saw an free beach chair, then Sigmund placed it somewhere else, resulting in the two arguing for the beach chair with Elsword claiming the beach chair and Rena puts an beach towel in the sand. And now, they sunbathe in the sand.

Suddenly, Rena puts rocks on Elsword's back and he wakes up only to get Laby, ShadowRunal and Raven looking at his back and poking fun at him. After the three poked fun at him, Rena sits on his beach chair and Elsword sits on her beach towel. The sun starts to shine brightly, and Rena starts to get sweaty.

Elsword puts sand on the hat and puts it on Rena's head, with her getting mad at him and he was laughing at her. Next up, Rena wants to wash her head, but there were only half of water left and Elsword splashed water into her face much to her anger then laughed at her again.

After pranking, Elsword starts to get sweaty and Rena pours HP potion to his face much to his anger and left the beach. Rena puts sunglasses and 5 minutes later, Elsword (now wearing flip-flops on his foot) proceeded to cut her flip-flops' string and drew an replica of the flip-flops string by using sands and left.

Meanwhile, Lambyrinth came to sell ice cream in the beach and Rena loves ice creams. She tries to put on her flip-flops but she couldn't and heard Elsword laughing, with her erasing the sand off the flip flops, and went back to her towel.

Rena puts sunscreen on her left hand and on Elsword's right hand. When he wakes up, he grabs his sword but the sword was filled with oil and he threw the sword to the sea, resulting in Rena being chased by him with Ara claiming the beach chair. After she claimed the beach chair, Elsword and Rena decides to relax together on the sun with the towel.