C38. Hanging Out

Matthew's POV:

     I was cut off from the world. No way to reach the outside. Where I was would be still on the same plain of existence. I could feel myself breathing. I knew I was alive. Those rogues haven't killed me. I was gaining consciousness. Around me was hard to make out. Only because of the lack from lighting. I was irritated from one lightbulb swinging above my head. The light flickered as if it had a fault in the wiring. 

     I was in a basement room. I could tell from the scent of earth, lack of windows, and the echoing of water dripping from somewhere. Possibly off a pipe. I was sitting in a room that smelled like rot and death. It was disgusting to consider this a torture chamber. I spotted dry blood on the floor. No specific scent from it. It was too old to make out anything from it.

     I don't know how I got here... 

       It must have been from the rogues.

     My hands were cuffed up above my head. There above me... A single camera with three-sixty viewing. It had a red dot examining my every move. It was alive and someone was watching me. They knew I was awake. There was nothing for me to hide. Hanging off the ceiling were chains running through a single hook. It was keeping me in place. For now- I was sitting on a chair. I flicked my head over my shoulder to see behind me. The chain ran down to the floor a few feet away. It would be simple to pull the chain and tie my hands higher in the air. For now I was thankful for the chair. 

     I thought I was a goner the moment they attacked me. If they didn't kill me then they'll have anterior motives. I couldn't remember getting here. They must have kept me unconscious up to this point. I let out a single growl. I was frustrated. I was hungry. I was in pain. My whole body ached from the attack. I was still recovering. Bruises ran down my body. I noticed someone had clothed me. 

     I had transformed back human at some point. I was in bandages. Someone had been taking care of me. The pants were a little too tight on me. They were uncomfortable at most. Tattered in multiple places from wear and tear. They were recycled werewolf clothing. My shirt had a big gash across the front as if someone had already tried to rip it apart. They smelled like ten foul caucuses. I don't know what smells worse... These clothes... Or this room. 

     I was bleeding through a bandage rapped around my chest. It was directly over my heart. I knew then that they had came close to killing me. Something had stopped them. Someone had taken care of me to make sure I would survive. I was in misery. My arms were weak. If they came in now they would have what they wanted out of me too easily. I was in no position to fight. 

     I want to live so I can see my grandchild... But, how am I going to make it out of this? It's not fair! It's not fair to tease a man like this. I'm so close and yet... so far from being alive. 

     Behind me was a sink area. I could see it out of the corner of my eye. That's where the dripping was coming from. It was rusted and covered in fuzzy mold with dry blood. Above it were a few shelves with tools on them. A drill with rusted nails. The iron scent in the room made me gag. I wasn't sure what the tools were used for. I didn't want to think they were torturing people with them. No... the real equipment would be kept outside of this room and brought in when the time comes.

     Why would it come down to this? What have I done to deserve this? No... I haven't done anything. This is just the sheer fun of a rogue's mind. Better to torture someone then to kill them outward in battle. I felt sick with the thought of what they wanted to do with me. 

     I can't give them anything they want. They will eventually kill me. I must die with my head held high. I can't give them any information about my pack. I will not see them out for a second away from the pain that will come to me. 

     Suddenly I heard footsteps outside of the door. It was the only door in and out of the room. It slid open. In walked a single man. He was in a nice three piece suite that was bizarrely not what I expected for someone that would be torturing me. I wouldn't want to get a fancy suite like that bloody. He was not dressed for this situation. I smelled the room. Letting his scent hit my nostrils. I suddenly recognized him. 

     I knew this man all too well. He was the new Beta of Deepfur. He worked for the king! What am I doing in the king's basement? This was unexpected if true. The beta- what was his name? I forgot it. It's been so long since I last met him. He took the beta position when he was but eighteen. Too young. He wasn't hard to miss. He had rare features for this region. Red hair and green eyes. Very uncommon. About as uncommon as this situation I didn't expect. 

     "Do you recognize me?" He asked gently as he shut the door behind him. I knew by scent there were people waiting for him outside of the room. I couldn't see them of course. They were waiting for his signal. Shit, this definitely isn't a rescue. What are rogues doing working with the king?

     "You're the king's beta," I muttered. "I forget your name."

     "It's Ethan," he said as he walked over. "I have a few questions for you. You're Beta Matthew from the Rabidcrest territory, correct?"

     "Yes, that's correct. What's this about?"

     "Do you recall the night of William Cromwell's death?" William... Alpha William? This is what it's about? What's going on?

     "Only the morning," I explained. "He was found murdered. I was summoned there myself by my sister. She's Luna April Rabidcrest."

     "You are aware then that your Luna has been hiding the fact of William's death from the king."

     "Only delaying the message."

     "Your Luna has been withholding an Alpha's death from her king. That's a felony that must be taken seriously. Any death of a Alpha's family must be reported to the king. Especially a murder. We have reports collected and a key witness that's come forth to report that your Luna knows who the murderer is. She has been withholding this information from the king. She could face a death penalty for her disloyalty to the king."

     Who is the witness? 

     Who is working against my pack? 

     Who would turn my sister in like this?

     "W-What?" I asked nervously. I can't admit to anything. No- No! I've already said too much.

     "Matthew," he said as he looked me in the eyes. "What do you know about William Cromwell's death?"

     "I- I-" I couldn't speak as I held my tongue. I was confused. How did they have so much information already about what's been happening in our pack? This was disturbing. 

     "Please, tell me everything you know. This is important. King Camren is entitled to any information you might have about this case." He eyed my body over. "I am authorized to get it out of you one way or another. So please be cooperative."

     "How much in trouble will I be in?" I asked softly. "I want to see my grandchild born. I can't do anything that'll prevent me from seeing it."

     "You should cooperate with me then. If you answer my questions you could see yourself on probation. Your help will be gravely appreciated. Anything you can recall from the past few weeks after William's death would be much help." 

     F-Fuck. This is big. This is huge. If I don't tell him what I know I may never see my daughter again. I may never see my mate again. Then again... Can I really throw my sister under the bus? This might just be the biggest knife in someone's back that ever was. I have to give my sister up if I want to live. I have to jump off this sinking boat... NOW. He pulled out a recorder suddenly that was turned on and listening to me. 

     "I'm waiting," he said as he leaned forward. I gulped. My mouth went dry.

     "What I know? Well... That morning I was called to my sisters was when William Cromwell was discovered dead in the kitchen. We immediately figured it was my niece."

     "Which one? I understand you have two. Juliette and Josephine."


     "Records hold that she is the first born child. No records indicate she's had her first transformation. Her weight, height, and muscle records recommend it would be impossible for her to take on her father. Alone? I hardly doubt." He was prepared. He's looked over my family records already.

     "I know," I whispered. "It was the only decision we could come up with at the time."

     "Your pack was prepared to hang an innocent person, yes?"

     "Blinded by our own rage," I whispered. "It was uncalled for the way we reacted to finding her taking out the killer's weapon."

     "You said a weapon?"

     "A kitchen knife. The whole kitchen was completely torn apart when we got there. It looked like a war zone."

     "So it occurred in early hours of the morning. Surely one of them must have heard. It is surprising.... With April's room being on the same floor. How did she not hear her husband struggling and go to save him?"

     "I wouldn't know the full details. I can only tell you what I observed that morning."

     "So, how did Josephine get away? She did get away, yes. There are records of her staying in a motel in our territory."

     "I let her slip through my fingers," I admitted.

     "How? What are the exact details?"

     "She pulled a gun on us when we took her to the town center. She used me as leverage and she asked for me to go back to the house."

     "She needed money and her father's vehicle in order to escape since she's wolf less. You're a big guy. How did you not take back control of the situation?"

     "I almost had control over the situation again... She managed to outsmart me. She's her father's daughter after all. I would have truly had her- if it wasn't for that rogue."

     "Rogue?" He raised an eyebrow. "What rogue?"

    "A rogue we believe has been working with Josephine."

     "You believe that would explain the unlikely strength difference between Josephine and her father? You believe the rogue assisted her?"

     "I wouldn't doubt it if they slipped something into April's drink the night before to prevent her from waking to the sounds."

     I stopped talking. Ethan pulled away as he straightened out his back and gave an annoyed sigh. He sat the recorder in my lap as he suddenly pulled out his cell phone and showed me pictures of letters up close. They were addressed to Ezekiel Kriska, the rogue Alpha from pack BlackRidge. They were from my sister, April. I didn't know the two had been so close. I couldn't make out the words entirely. It was too unclear. The letters would have to be seen in person to confirm what they said.

     "The rogue you accused is son of Ezekiel. These are confirmation letters for Ezekiel to send his eldest son to your pack for an arranged marriage. It was requested of Alpha Ez to burn these letters but he keeps everyone he ever got from her. They were secret lovers. When Casimir went missing he came to us for help. We authorized the rogue raid. Under strict orders to bring you and your sister in for questioning. Did you know of these letters or of the arrange marriage?"

     "No," I told him as I shook my head. "These weren't made aware to me. I didn't even know she was seeing anyone outside of her husband."

     "The other letters are conformation dates for the two to meet in secret and make love to one another. Your sister was having an affair." I shook my head as I couldn't believe it. My sister was cheating on her mate? What kind of person is she?

     "I didn't know any of that," I whispered.

     "We believe your sister set up William's murder. We believe she is the culprit. Recently Ez and April had a falling out. We believe she was going to use his son to her advantage and blame the death of her mate on him. Some sort of foolish revenge. We just need a confession. The tapes we pulled at the police station clears Casimir and Josephine. None of them gave any false confessions while being held there. They'll be released from any charges. This case is under new investigations. We're taking over. Your sister is our primary suspect. We're asking you to help us out."

     So... he thinks April killed her husband and is trying to frame her own daughter? As well as Casimir- the rogue? I don't see how I can help them now. Plus with all the letters as evidence... I can't help but believe my sister really is the evil doing here. I can't let Josephine suffer anymore from this woman. 

     "What do you want me to do?"

       "Get her to confess to you."

     "What if she doesn't?" I asked nervously. 

     "Your efforts will be rewarded," he promised me as he took the recorder from his pocket. "Your cooperation has been much appreciated. I have to go report your words to the king. I will be back downstairs when we're ready to use you."

     "You're going to leave me down here?" I asked and frowned. 

     "You're still under investigation," he explained. 

     "What did I do?" I asked and frowned. I know I withheld information about Alpha William's death... But am I seriously going to be left here again?!

     "You mistreated the king's mate."

     W-What? I did what? I was baffled as I watched him leave the room. The door being dragged behind him and slamming shut. I mistreated who? The king's mate? Who the fuck is the king's mate!? I didn't mistreat anyone! This is ridiculous! I shouldn't be left here! I'm wounded! My arms hurt! What the hell is going on here!?

     I'm starting to think it might have been better if I was caught by rogues. At least the rogues wouldn't leave me down here to rot alone. This is so much more serious. I could be humiliated and trialed in front of the whole wolf- nation if I turn out to be too involved and be executed for these crimes against the king. I'm in serious trouble. Wherever I am I can't feel a connection with Carole. There must be some interference. She must think I'm dead! Poor little sheep. I wish I could comfort her. She should be so afraid by now. She could be in the mist of despair for me. Trying to stay strong for our daughter's sake.

     'Carole, I will come home. Safe to you my dear. I will do everything in my power to return to you. I will not leave you here alone.'