Chapter 19- The Boy Born with Everything

I exhale slowly as the match ends, grabbing my left-over coffee jelly from lunch. I quietly eat it, smiling as the amazing flavors dance on my tongue,

[This is heaven.]

While I'm enjoying the dessert, I hear the door open and a very nervous greenette walks in.

"Oh, Saiki! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… interrupt." He scratches his head, his nerves clearly getting the best of him. "Uh… aren't you fighting next?" I nod, spooning more jelly into my mouth. "Well… good luck! I'm kind of really nervous for mine." He chuckles anxiously, glancing at his feet.

"Yeah, but that's not the point. I don't know how to fight a friend, you know?"

Midoriya nods, breathing in deeply as he processes my advice.

"I guess you're right." I stand up, using telekinesis to toss the empty jelly cup into a nearby trashcan. I cross my eyes, listening to the arena.


I stretch, glancing at the slightly shorter teen before me.

He nods, staring at the floor in dismay.

I teleport, hearing his flustered voice wish me good luck as I appear in the arena.

Tokoyami stands with his arms crossed and his face fixed on the ground before him. He seems annoyed and anxious at the same time.

"It's about time you showed up."

I roll my eyes, placing my hands in my pockets.

'I can win this; I just need to stay focused. Dark Shadow can push him out if I attack with no breaks.'


"DARK SHADOW!" The creature flies from Tokoyami's chest, advancing towards me at an impressive speed. I teleport behind Tokoyami, chuckling when Dark Shadow stops in his tracks, confused.

"Maybe, maybe not." Dark Shadow lounges again, his hands reaching for my face. I smirk, raising my hand and placing a barrier around me.

"What is this?" He screams, angrily hitting the obstruction. I begin to play a lullaby in Tokoyami's mind, hoping to ease him into a peaceful slumber.

'What is this singing? Why is it making me so tired?'

Tokoyami snaps his gaze to me, narrowing his eyes.

"Get out of my head." I release his mind, stepping back as Dark Shadow attacks the barrier again.

"I'm just not putting enough OOMPH in it!" The creature replies, shouldering the barrier with all of his strength. It doesn't budge, but neither does he. I sigh, annoyed by his persistence. I put my hand up, sending him flying across the arena. While Tokoyami is distracted and Dark Shadow is discombobulated, I turn invisible, slipping out of sight.


Tokoyami whips his head around, grimacing when he sees that I'm indeed gone.


"Wait. He's there." Aizawa mutters, forcing down a yawn. I push Tokoyami back with a barrier, causing him to lose his balance and tumble to the ground.

"BUT WHERE IS HE?" Tokoyami scrambles back a few feet, frantically searching for any sign of his opponent. Dark Shadow goes to him, instinctively protecting his blind spots. I smirk, smacking the creature out of the way.

"Where are you?" Tokoyami mutters, scrambling to his feet and raising his fists. I lean into his ear, allowing myself to be seen once more.


Tokoyami spins around, sending Dark Shadow after me.

'I can beat him! His quirk doesn't involve light, so I'll be okay. I can do this. I can win!'

I smirk, creating a ball of fire between my palms. I send it towards Dark Shadow, who barely misses it.

I face my palms forward, lifting my head slightly and allowing myself to levitate off the ground. The wind pushes my hair back, adding to the intensity of the moment. The crowd leans in, their eyes widening as I surround Tokoyami and myself with a wall of fire. "How did you…?"

Tokoyami clenches his fists, returning Dark Shadow to him.

"Dark Shadow, can you fight?" The creature nods his head, determination flowing through him. I throw another ball of flames in their direction, just barely missing as he dodges. I strengthen the flames, blowing them closer to my opponents. Dark Shadow whimpers at the fire around him, ducking behind Tokoyami's back. I smile, intensifying the flames once more. Tears nearly trail down Dark Shadow's face as he retreats into Tokoyami.

"Damn you," Tokoyami growls, completely out of character thanks to his over-protectiveness towards his quirk. He rushes forward, pulling back his fist to punch me. He hits my barrier, quite possibly breaking his hand with the force. He pulls back, hissing in pain and holding onto his throbbing hand.

'I can't lose now, it's only the first fight! Why did I have to get paired with Saiki of all people?'

He punches the wall again, snarling when nothing happens.

"Why won't you fight?"

"No. You're hiding behind this stupid thing!" He kicks the barrier, growling in annoyance. "An honorable fighter wouldn't hide."

I release the barrier, smirking as Tokoyami lounges at me once more.

I dodge his attack, pushing him back. He slides back a good twenty feet, just barely missing the flames behind him. He attacks immediately, not hesitating once. I sigh, allowing electricity to flow through me. I shoot it at Tokoyami, hitting his shoulder. He stops, gritting his teeth in pain and holding his injured shoulder.

"Electricity too? How many quirks do you have?" I shrug, placing my hands in my pockets once more.

"What?" The electricity coils around Tokoyami like a snake, squeezing him tightly every time he attempts to escape. Tokoyami struggles, but not for long. Soon he stops, all hope leaving him.

"Tokoyami is immobilized. Saiki wins!" The crowd cheers excitedly, clapping for the fight they had just witnessed. Tokoyami sighs, allowing his head to hit the ground and his eyes to quietly close.