Spill the Tea

"Good afternoon miss Di Rossi." She monotones.

"...Hi Ky." I slowly say, walking into the hallway, setting down my "things".

"How was your night?" She asks.


"It was fine. How was the party?" I simply ask, making my way towards the couch. I sat across from her.

"It was fine," she started.

"Alright, enough small talk. Let's just address the elephant in the room and get this over with."

In that moment, Kylie broke out of her "serious" character and a giant smile appeared.

"Tell me EVERYTHING. And I mean EVERYTHING." She says with a cheeky grin.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"Well first, we were out on the balcony and at some point we started making our, then we went to his place which is FUCKING HUGE. Then, we did "the deed" and then did it again this morning." I rush.

Kylie's face went from smiling wide to having her jaw practically hit the floor. It took her a few seconds for her to let all of that sink in, and once it did, she shook herself out of whatever trance she was in and resumed portraying that stupid smile.

"You're so bad." Was all she said.

"Oh SHUT UP!" I yell, smacking her arm.

"Slater and Amelia, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She chanted, jumping up and down on the couch.

"Kylie I swear to Christ I'll drop kick you if you keep going." I threaten.

"Slater and Amelia si-" she started, but before she could continue, she was face-down on the couch.

"I warned you." I shrug, smiling to myself.

Kylie got up without any trouble and just began to giggle, eventually I joined in.

"I seriously can't believe YOU and HIM. Did IT." She said aloud.

"Twice, might I add." I tease.


"And were going out to dinner tonight." I say nonchalantly.

"WHAT?!" Kylie questions, jerking up from her previous position.

"He's picking me up at six." I reply, looking out the window.

"Well, we better get you ready, because it's already five." She said in an urgent tone.


"I still have time." I say.

"Amelia, sweetie, when it comes to dates, you have to get ready at LEAST an hour before you go out." Kylie explained, patronizing me throughout her wise explanation.

"Wow. Such wise words for someone who's had two boyfriends in all twenty two years of her life." I joked, making her growl.

"Let's just get you ready."

"Ugh, fine." I groan, following her into her room.

"First, we have to find you the perfect dress," Kylie started looking through her closet to find whatever the hell SHE thought suited ME.

After about ten minutes, Kylie had laid out three dresses on her bed. One was a red velvet dress, the second was a royal blue color, and the third was a leather black dress that had a slit in the middle that would end up showing off my midriff.

Oh come on, isn't it obvious

"Which one do you like the most?" Kylie asked, looking over at me.

"Which one do you think?" I say.

Kylie smirked and handed me the black dress. I headed into her bathroom and changed, once I'd dusted myself off and done a 360 in the mirror, I came to the conclusion that I looked extremely hot.

This'll drive him MAD

I walked out and gave Kylie a little twirl and posed for her.

"GODDAMN! You should wear my dresses more often!"

I gave her a smile and batted my eyelashes at her.

"Now, for your makeup." She says, pulling me back into her bathroom.

I guess I'm a rag doll again

"So, since you're already gorgeous and shit, I think we should just go for mascara and a red lipstick." She simply said.

"Uh, aren't you forgetting blush?" I ask.

"Oh right. I forgot you're obsessed with it and overuse it."

"I only overuse it because of my complexion. It's not MY fault I'm not a pale Swedish model." I snap, glaring at her through the mirror.

"Whatever you say." She muttered, leaving me to my arts and crafts session.

*20 Minutes Later*

Although I only put on mascara, lipstick, blush, and light eyeshadow it still took me TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES. As the time went on, my nerves made their presence aware.

I dashed out of the bathroom and checked the time.


I let out a sigh of relief.

Even though I only had twenty minutes left, it was better than nothing. I walked into Kylie's room to find her reading.

That's new. I guess we're ALL going out of our comfort zones now.

"Hey, can I borrow a pair of black stilettos?" I ask, toying with the right ponytail I'd pulled my hair into. Kylie was about to answer, but when she looked up, she froze.

"What? Oh god, did I stain the dress?" I ask desperately.

"No...no. You just look....AMAZING!" She squealed, walking my way and giving me a small hug.

Kylie looked in the drawers that she kept her shoes in,

Yes, she DOES have MORE than one drawer for her shoes.

And finally pulled out a pair of black stilettos that looked about four inches high.

That'll take me up to a good 5'6"

I smiled and looked at the time again.

5:50. Perfect.

Kylie and I gave each other kisses on the cheek as a goodbye and I headed out. I knew it'd get cold this evening after reading the weather report, so, I brought a white leather jacket and my favorite Prada bag that I'd had for a good four years. It was a birthday present from my sister and ever since then, I took with me almost everywhere.

On the way down, I checked my phone for any messages from Slater, but I hadn't gotten anything.

Maybe he's just being a responsible driver

As much as I wanted to text him and ask him where he was, I just told myself not to get too attached.

You never know what goes on with these popular boys

Once I'd reached the building's front door, I pushed it open and saw that his car was right there, and there he was leaning on the passenger's side.

He was wearing a suit, which somehow, made me feel underdressed or a bit slutty.

Whatever, that's my brand anyway

I waved at him and did my best to hide the ginormous smile that was trying to make itself shown.

"Good evening princess." He says, beaming at me.

"Good evening sir." I say, curtseying.

I saw him bite his lip and look me up and down.

"You look stunning tonight."

"Please, I'd look better without all this on." I tease as he opened the door for me.

He got in on the other side and chuckled.

"Is that an invite?" He asked.

"I guess we'll have to see, won't we?"

"I guess we will." He nodded, hiding a smirk.

He started the car and we headed off.

*10 Minutes Later*

We were only a few minutes into the car ride when I asked the dumbest question possible.

"So, where are we going?"

"Let's just say it's somewhere you love." He replied, not taking his eyes off the road.

Could you be more vague please?

I nodded even though that didn't give me ANY type of clue. There were so many restaurants and diners in LA that I loved, so I just gave up on the mission of finding out what the hell he was talking about.

A few minutes passed and I felt a warmth on my knee. At first, I tensed up, but then I looked down and saw that it was just Slater's hand.

Thank God, I was about to smack whatever the fuck it was

As the minutes passed, I could feel the warmth move higher and higher until he reached my inner thigh. I let out a shaky breath and swatted his hand away.

"Ow." He whined.

"Focus in the road for now. Then, MAYBE you can focus on me." I say in a low tone, knowing it'd bug him all night.

"Right." He said.