Crack, crack, crack
The sounds of iron hitting the wet ground over and over again echoed through the long passage that saw no light. The tunnel was cold, dark and humid. The breath of the seven people who walked inside of it created a white clouds as it went in and out, warming them a bit as the degree kept decreasing the further they went. The chains kept being dragged over the hard rocks hitting the walls at times and bruising the two white legs that held them. It was pitch dark yet the small droplets of blood can be seen and scent from far away while they created a trail to be easily followed. Drop by drop, they fell as the innocent skin tasted the rough hard poisonous steel.
The chains twisted around her two legs linked like a serpent lurking through its hiding place. The rope linked them both leaving a small space to hardly walk, and it didn't stop there as it spread upward into her fragile little hands. It wrapped itself firmly through her wrist clutching them until you are able to hear the sizzling sound. It has grilled and fried the flesh that it could reach, grumbling happily as if she wanted more to taste, moving slowly asking for more freedom to roam that innocent body that bit on its lip strong enough to draw blood.
The petit figure throughout that huge cave tunnel walked non-stop under the humongous pain. She clenched her wounded hands waiting when all of this shall end. Hating herself and her retched fate, she let herself being guided into the never ending suffer. She shivered under the cold floor that she met bare footed. She breathed the moist air with heavy lungs, closing her emerald green eyes when she spotted the greenish damp. She held her tears strongly under the yells of the guards. Thinking that she really liked the color green, yet not this type of green. The green she liked was part of the forest she roamed. Yet this dark wicked green was a color that she had been forced to watch over and over until she saw nothing except that green.
Like a sheep that was led into its slaughter, her executioners pushed her into her darkest cell. Throwing the filthiest, most unhuman words and expressions, breaking her spirit or what was left of it. They pulled hard on her bridle smiling gleefully at the hissing sounds of her burning flesh. Enjoying her suffer and torture as if they were Christmas gifts. They went on and on spiting and hitting, they went on and on shoving and throwing. Like a kids' games they enjoyed it to the end. And she like dulled doll kept silence welcoming their rough hands, seeing the glimpse of it before it strikes her hard on her face. She couldn't react nor she could speak, she only was able to endure.
"You bitch you came alone where are the others" One of them asked while he pulled his legs forward between her's to throw her out of track.
She couldn't answer, not if she wanted to live, bowing her head in submission and shaking it slightly before it was also shoved back. "Useless bitch" he accused "you didn't kill them did you?" he probed further pulling at her hair yanking it back until he plugged a handful of it from their roots.
She still denied feeling her scalp being peeled. She didn't fight him or resist knowing very clearly that doing so can cause her more harm than what she thought. She just pulled herself together and went along with them. They walked around her, surrounding her from all directions observing her like hawks. They were seven rotten men that surrounded her, feeding on her innocence and eating her brightest core. Dragging their wasteful weights as they danced around her carrying along their devils on their backs. And like some fools they never saw their end nor their sinful acts. They jumped like a group of monkeys around their food, each one wanting a mouthful as well as they wanted all. They jumped and mouthed hysterically without a care or a scale, seeing their prey on sight their mind went blind hypnotized by the ghouls they raised. Each had a second and a third face they had hid. Each had hidden the wicked smile beneath those thousand layers of hypocritical disguise. Their features as well as their scents were so rotten and tainted that their smell couldn't be tolerated. Because this life can't hide their evilness, the shells they had created to stay in the dark couldn't contain all their sin. Over the years they had collected so many wonders that even the devil has stood still oblivious of his students deeds. Gazing at them not knowing whether to laugh or cry, not understanding either they outsmart him or he was an old school.