Chapter 13 - To Russia

"Is everything alright?" He asked softly.

"Yes I am fine....I am just surprised that you are on my ship when you are on the Pearl not long ago...." she replied.

"I took my sisters advice and did something dramatic like Jack would do. And I somehow ended up here" James said with a smile.

"Oh....Alright. I guess you know the way?" She asked smiling.

She chuckled. "I mean the way to Russia not the way to my cabin!"

"Oh um" he blushed bright red.

"Is Jamie boy thinking something dirty just now?" She said teasingly.

His cheeks heated up "well yes definitely " James said quietly.

She chuckled and walked to the main deck.

James followed.

She ordered her lieutenant to go and control the helm and sail to Russia.

James stayed close to her.

She is looking at the sea, enjoying the wind blowing at her face.

James held her hand.

She is wondering why he did that.

James smiled at her.

She slightly raised an eyebrow at him.

James looked at her.

She walks to the kitchen of the ship and get something to eat.

James followed her not knowing what else to do.

She is eating an apple.

James walks up to her and smiled. She smiled back at him.

James watched her.

She continues to eat her apple as she walks into her cabin to read some books. James followed her.

She takes a book and starts to read it on her bed.

James sits next to her.

"I thought you said you want to help? When you are at the helm." She said.

"Oh um yeah but I want to spend time with you too"

"Hmmm ok. So want to read with me?"

She sits near him and put half the books on his lap and her body near him.

James looked through the books and found one he liked.

She put the other books back to the shelf.

James snuggled up to her and started reading the book.

She is reading her favourite book "Pride and Prejudice".

James was reading a love story.

"Which book you are reading?" Ekaterina asked.


"I like that book. Is your sister Jasmine named  after princess Jasmine from this book actually?" She asked jokingly.

"Most likely" James said with a smile.

"Then you are named after who I wonder?" She asked.

"I think a prince named James" he answered.

"Which prince?" She asked chuckling.

"A prince from an old story book who was forced into a marriage" James said.

"I have never read that book..." she said.

"Its a story my mother made up when I was younger. She published it but it didn't get as famous as the rest of the fantasy stories." James explained.

"Oh okay." She said.

James smiled and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and continue to read her book until she's hungry.

James stayed close to her.

Ekaterina is a little hungry. She put down the book and walked to the dining room in the ship.

James followed her.

She starts to eat some Russian dishes.

James bit into a biscuit and stayed close to her.

"You don't want to try some?" She asked.

"Sure I'll try some" James said with a smile.

She gives him a bit of her food.

James took a bite and smiled.

"How is it?" She asked.

"Its good I love it" James said as he got himself a plate.

She smiled and continue to eat her plate of food.

James sat next to her and ate his food.

She finished eating. She gives her plate to the cook and she goes to washed the main deck with her crew mates.

James finished eating as well and followed her.

Ekaterina looks at the sea. She noticed they are nearly arrived to their destination.

James was looking at Ekaterina with a smile.

"We will arrived at Russia in eight hours I think." She said.

"Nice to know" James said looking at her.

"I can't wait to lie down on my comfortable bed." She said.

"I can't wait to just relax" James said.

"What do you want to work as in Russia?" She asked him curiously.

"Not sure yet" James said.

"Navy or....?" She asked.

"Yeah navy I guess" James said.

"And about your proposal earlier....." she began.

James looked at her and listened.

"I accepted but you need to ask my father for permission." She said smirking.

James nods.

She goes to the main deck and scrubbed the deck with the others.

James helped.

"What do you think about the others?" She asked.

"Haven't had a conversation with them yet" James pointed out.

"I hope Theo,Andrew and their girlfriends are alright..."

"Yeah me too"

She continues to scrub the deck.

James helped her.

~Time Skip~

They finally arrived their destination.

James was nervous about meeting her father.

"You're nervous?" She asked.

James nods.

"Don't be nervous. He don't bite." She said trying to calm him a bit.

James calmed down a little.

She got off the ship while the sailors starts to take the barrels to the dock.

James followed her.

She got on the carriage with James and it starts to go to the palace.

James stayed with her.

They arrived the palace. The got off the carriage and walked in.

James stayed close to her as he looked at the palace.

She walks into a guest room. "James. This is your room when you stayed here." She said. "My room is in the end of the corridor upstairs."

James nods "thank you" he said.

"You are welcome." She said with a smile. Suddenly, footsteps can be heard outside.

James felt nervous again.

The door opened and a girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes walked in. She hugged Ekaterina. "Katie! You are back! I miss you so much." She said.

James nervousness calmed.

The girl looks up and saw James.

James smiled "hello" he said.

"Hello..." the girl said. "Who are you?" She asked James .

"I'm James Norrington. Whats your name?" James asked.

"Anna Romanov." She said with a small smile similar to her older sister Ekaterina.

James smiled back "its nice to meet you" James said.

"Nice to meet you too." Anna said to James. "Father wants to meet you the meeting room." She said to Ekaterina.

James tilted his head and then looked around the room.

Ekaterina left the room with her sister. She comes back to James's room half an hour later with a shock look on her face.

"Everything alright?" James asked.

"I....I am going to be the father said that to me just now...." she said.

"Would this mean I would rule along side you as king, or are you marrying someone else?" James asked looking at her.

" guess." She said with a smirk.

"I'm marrying you?" James asked.

"You asked my father. He's in the meeting room downstairs." She said with a small smile.

James nodded feeling his anxiety sky rocketing.

"Good luck Jamie." She said with a chuckle.

James gave her a nervous smile as he then walked down to the meeting room downstairs.

Peter Romanov, Ekaterina's father is sitting on one of the sofas, drinking tea.

James walked in quietly.

Peter looked up and saw James walking in.

"Hello" James said nervously.

"Hello good to see you Mr. Norrington." Peter said in a thick Russian accent .

James smiled a little while looking at him "good to see you as well." James said.

"My daughter Ekaterina has talked highly of you." He said.

"Really?" James asked as he felt his cheeks heat up a bit.

"Yes." He said.

"could marry Ekaterina perhaps? I want to get your permission" James asked nervously.

"Of course you have my permission. Promise me to take care of my little princess." He said.

James nodded and smiled "I promise to take good care of her." James said softly.

Peter smiled softly.

"Thank you" James said with a smile.

"You are welcome." Peter said.

James smiled and walked back to Ekaterina.

Ekaterina is in her bedroom. She is changing into a nightdress as she wants to lie on the bed.

James walked up to the door and knocked on it.

"Come in." She said as she finished dressing in her white silk nightdress.

James walked in and blushed when he saw her. He smiled.

"So how's the meeting with my father?" She asked.

"He said yes I can marry you as long as I take care of you. Which I will of course" James said.

She smiled.

James smiled back.

"I am going to lie down for a while...." she said as she walks to her bed and lie down on it.

James sat next to her and then kissed her cheek. "Love you" James said.

"Loves you too." She said and falls asleep.

James smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek.

She is sleeping soundly.

James goes back to his room. He sits on the bed.

The room is decorated nicely. It is almost like a replica of Ekaterina's.

James walked over to the book case and picked out a book. He started to read it.

A small cat is lying on the ground near the door.

James sat down on the bed then noticed the cat. He smiled.

The cat is sleeping near the door. The little cat has a collar at her neck.

James sees the cats and smiles.

The cat jumped onto his lap.

James snuggled up with the cat.

Ekaterina wakes up and try to find her cat Navy.

James cuddles with the cat.

She goes to James's room and she knocked.

James got up and opened the door. He smiled.

"Have you seen Navy?"

"The cat?"


"There's 2 cats in here."

"What?" She asked and looked in the room. "Oh Elsa is here as well." She said smiling.

James smiled a little.

She picked up both Navy and Elsa.

"They're cute" James said.

She smiled. "There are many cats and dogs here. As well as horses."

"Interesting" James said with a smile.

"I often hurt myself whenever ride a horse....when I was a child..."

"Oh...." James said.

"Not sure if I am like that now through...."

"Maybe we could go together"

"Sure...but I need to change into my casual outfits."

James nods.

She walks back to her room with the cats.

James stayed in his room.

She comes back with blue trousers and white shirt.

James was wearing the clothes he was given to by Elizabeth.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

James nods.

She walks out with him.

James smiles and holds her hand.

They walks to the shed and she gets her horses Vanity and Vanilla to ride.

James followed her.

"You can ride Vanilla." She said to James.

James nods.

She rides Vanity and wait for James to ride Vanilla.

James hopped on Vanilla.

She is riding Vanity and use her to ride around the city.

James followed.