Real Life

Maddy rushed down the apartment's stairs as fast as she could, and as soon as she reached the entrance, she paused and straightened herself out.

I'm good, I look great, let's do this.....I'm good

She repeated to herself before opening one of the large wooden doors that led straight out into the parking lot. Maddy looked around for David but all she saw was his white Tesla, without him in it.

The fuck?

Before she could pull out her phone to text him, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and a loud "BOO!".

She jerked her head to her left and saw the wide smiling brown-haired boy she's dreamed of the night before.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST DAVID!" She screamed, "I honestly don't get how Natalie can tolerate living with you." She said, letting out a long breath before giving him a playful punch to the chest. He laughed as the two walked towards the SUV he'd parked in the "1 Hour Maximum" parking spot.

Maddy laughed to herself and stepped into the car. It was definitely more bougie than it looked in all his videos. She couldn't help letting out a soft "damn," while looking in front, to the sides, and behind her.

"She's sexy, huh?" David joked.

"Damn straight." Maddy chuckled.

She turned back and saw that David was looking at her with a broad smile on his face.

"What?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Nothing, you just look really cute." He smiled.

Maddy blushed and looked down at the floor to hide it.

"You don't look too bad yourself Dobrik." She grinned, biting her top lip. Even through he was in his signature black shirt and matching black pants, he pulled it off. Every. Single. Time. (And that's on a secsy boy).

*10 Minutes Later*

It didn't take much time at all for the two lovebirds to reach the coffee shop that was pretty much only two blocks away from Maddy and Emma's apartment. Once they reached the coffee shop's parking lot, David parked and got out, like a gentleman, he waited for Maddy to get out of the car as well before he slowly linked his hand into hers.

At first, both of them didn't know how to respond, so they both just went with it.

Once they got in, David placed both of their orders and sat down at a table near the window.

The two started conversation like it was nothing, and the best part was how they kept it going. None of it was awkward, and that's what the two were both afraid of.

As the date was coming to an end David drove Maddy back to her apartment, but pulled her back to give her a quick kiss before she left. She bit her lip once he pulled away and didn't want to leave, so, she kissed him back, hard.

"You Made a great first impression Dave." Maddy smirked before walking back home.

David sat back in the driver's seat, thinking of the kiss over and over again. Coincidentally, that's exactly what Maddy was doing as she walked up the stairs to her and Emma's apartment.

Once she reached their home, she opened the door and sighed in pleasure, leaning against the front door.

What a fucking day